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kyle, ethan and grayson's camera man, was setting up the camera in the recording room.

"ready?" ethan said. kyle nodded his head and pressed record.

i was sat behind the camera with my back up against the glass window that over looks the pool. it looked terrible out there, as it's been raining for so long. which is confusing because it never rains in la.

ethan and grayson yelled their signature 'we're back' and began to ramble on about random stuff. like how they forgot to youtube, which definitely cracked me up. making them laugh because i was laughing.

after they did their intro they moved the couch into the living room. they then started to do the rest of their video standing.

they introduced jeffree star and his friends. today ethan and grayson was going to have only body paint on, and underwear obviously, for a day and walk around hollywood with it on.

its funny because ethan and grayson has just met jeffree and his friends for 10 minutes and they are already in their underwear.

i was out the room the whole time, in my bedroom sorting out my clothes and getting changed into some appropriate clothes for when we go out later.

my ringtone, 'teenage dirtbag' cover by one direction, rung throughout the room as my music was playing on a bluetooth speaker. i checked the caller id, 'devyn💓' popped up.

a small smile tugged at my lips as i drop everything i was holding and ran to my phone and answered it.

i said my signature hello, she replied with hers.

"so how's la going?" she asked.

"i got into an argument with ethan just before we left. we're cool now but he really did annoy me for the first time in a while." i said, as i sat down on my bed. "how's boarding school?"

"it's boring without you. i miss you already."

it felt like my heart had grew wings and fluttered. a blush crept up onto my cheeks.

"and i miss you too already" i smiled, trying to contain my happiness at a few words from her.

"anyways, what was the argument about" she asked, i could see a clear vision in my head of raising her eyebrow.

"about boarding school. i'm scared of being kicked out, and i also really don't want mom to pay the fine. she's already under a lot of stress about dad and i cannot have her stressed anymore" i shook my head.

"i would of stayed with YOU IN la, but i had to get back to school otherwise i would of been kicked out too." she said through the phone. "i'm guessing you've been kicked out before"

"yeah" i nodded my head. "because when i was on tour once with ethan and grayson, i missed about 4 months of school" i shrugged.

"4 fucking months?!" she yelled, making me giggle a little.

"yeah. but i was happy when i got kicked. i hated that school."

"what school was it?" she asked.

"one of ethan and grayson's old schools. where they got bullied. i eventually got bullied because i looked a lot like them. that was when the speculations of them having another sibling that they haven't told their fans about started coming in."

"anyway i need to go. i suppose e and gray are almost done" i said.

we said our goodbyes and made sure to say 'i love you' before we both hung up. i don't know. it's just become a thing for us to do now.

i hung up the last bits of my clothing and looked for some to get changed into. i really don't wanna go around la, in the pouring rain, in booty shorts and one of devyn's hoodies that she accidentally left in my closet when she stayed round for a few weeks.

it still smells like her, a sweet vanilla scent that makes me miss her a lot. her smile, her bubbly personality, her laugh. just everything about her.

i looked through some clothes and picked out an oversized baby blue knitted sweater and some black and white houndstooth pants.

i went to the bathroom to sort my hair out. i decided on leaving my long brown, now that had an ombré look with rose gold thanks to my mom, hair flow behind my back with its natural waves.

i added some simple makeup, basically what i wore everyday, like mascara, concealer, powder, highlighter and a bit of contour with some chapstick.

i then tied some vans onto my feet and picked up my phone and wallet. i sprayed my favorite perfume on my body and headed straight out into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

i opened the pantry and grabbed some gluten free chips as grayson replaced everything with gluten free and sugar free as he is trying to go back healthy. as well as dairy free for ethan.

i opened the packet and headed to the recording room where everyone was. i walked round the other way where there was some space.

i walked through the doorway and saw ethan and grayson standing there very still as they had the body paint applied to them.

"oh melody. you're here" ethan's eyes lit up as i entered.

"yeah i'm here in a weird room. i can feel how awkward it is in here" i chuckled softly as i brung a chip up to my mouth and ate it.

"hi people behind the screen" i smiled as i waved to the camera that pointed to me.

the camera went back to ethan and grayson, who were currently having the finish touches of the art on their bodies done.

"ok, you can look in... 3... 2... 1..."

jeffree's hands moved from my eyes. i blinked my eyes a few time to adjust to the brightness. my eyes moved to my brothers, who were smiling like little kids at a candy store.

"oh my god. wow" i covered my mouth in shock. it looked amazing, better than what i could do.

"it looks great doesn't it?" ethan smiled as he looked back into the mirror.

i nodded my head still smiling. "i'm speechless over how amazing it is"

we waved goodbye to jeffree and his team as grayson closed the front door. i ran to grayson's car and sat in the back, waiting for the others, ethan, grayson and kyle, to get in.

we were halfway through to target and kyle began to record again.

after a long time, what it felt like, of filming and them all chattering about how good the body art is, we arrived at target to get the umbrellas they needed.

i was the second person to get out , so i stood behind kyle as he recorded.

they both had to pull down/up their underwear as it showed the skin that wasn't to be shown.

this day is going to be amazing.


it's now late at night and ethan is currently showering, trying to get the paint off.

the sound of grunts and moans of pain rang throughout the house. it took me everything inside of me to not record it while dying of laughter.

i just wonder what grayson will be like as he has a lower pain tolerance than ethan. it's probably gonna be worse.

"omg. grayson!" i laughed as he sat down on the purple couch.

"melody. don't you dare judge me." he looked at me as he looked down at his arms.

"whatever but it's funny" i shrugged my shoulders.

a smile broke out on his lips as he looked at me then to the camera. they said their outro and turned off the camera.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now