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as we got out the car, everyone's mouths hung wide open.

"better close them, you don't wanna eat flies for dinner instead." i chuckled along with my brothers.

ethan and grayson decided to be EXTRA and get us dinner in a very expensive restaurant in la. even i was shook when they told me and got into an argument with them but they didn't listen. so look where they are now. i will ruin their ass if they decide to blame me when they become bankrupt.

devyn grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together as we walked into the building. a heavy red blush travelled across my cheeks. luckily the room was dark, so nobody could see how dark my cheeks were.

i saw in the corner of my eye ethan nudging grayson while smiling. grayson turned around and looked at him confused before his eyes traveled to me and devyn. a small smile broke out onto his lips as he looked back at the waiter who was checking us in.

i just shook my head lightly and saw devyn looking at the side of my face while smiling widely. she turned her head around to the waiter who said "follow me". she let go of my hand as we walked to our table, it was huge and round with 8 seats against it.

we all arranged our own seats as we got there. i was sat next to devyn on my left with ethan on my right. grayson was sat next to devyn, tom was sat next to grayson and lewis was next to tom while oceana was sat between ethan and lewis.

"here's your menus" the waiter smiled, catching my eye and smirked as he walked away. i rolled my eyes and looked at devyn, who he was also looking at before he fully turned around.

everyone began opening them up and looking at the food options.

"oh guys guess what. i haven't told anyone yet" tom said, interrupting the silence.

everyone nodded their head, telling him to go on.

"my mom and dad surprised me with coachella tickets just before i left for la. they said it was an early birthday present"

my eyes widened as i choked on my own saliva. "what"

"i said-"

"no i heard you. but omg" i smiled.

"that's amazing" oceana smiled brightly.

"i knew your parents had something up their sleeves for you" devyn smirked, her eyes twinkling in the low dim lights above us.

"you guys can come hang around with me and gray" ethan smiled quickly. "we would love to hang around with you guys as you seem like cool people."

my head shot towards ethan smiling, glad he likes everyone, and grayson of course. he looked at me smiling and kissed my cheek whispering "keep them. they seem like amazing people to have"

"thank you" i whispered back, while smiling widely.

i looked at grayson who was smiling also, nodding his head like he knew what ethan had just said.

i turned my head around to the table where everyone was on their phones. so unsociable, wow i really love my friends.

the same waiter, who i learned his name was walt, came with a notepad and pen to take our orders.

"has everyone chosen their orders?" he said, looking at me and devyn smirking softly.

it made me uncomfortable but also sorry for him as well. i ain't into guys like i thought i was. sorry pretty boy.

after we all ordered, tom, lewis and oceana began a conversation with my two brothers. getting to know each other better. while devyn was talking to me.

"that fucking waiter is pissing me off that it's actually funny" she said, looking at her newly manicured nails for coachella this weekend.

"i've learnt his name is walt. i feel sorry for him to be honest. not all pretty girls he sees are straight" i sighed, watching devyn looking at me intensively.

she shook herself out of her gaze and nodded her head, agreeing.

really can't wait to spend this weekend with all of my best friends.


"i'm gonna go to the toilet real quick" i said, getting up from my chair. everyone nodded their heads as i walked off.

as i walked to the toilets, i pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. i began to look and delete notifications that i had on my phone that i had missed.

before i could even step foot into the women's bathroom, my wrist was grabbed tightly and was yanked backwards causing me to stumble backwards into someone's chest.

"wow, you're even prettier closer up" his voice whispered, making me shiver, but not the good kind of shiver.

a knot of nerves tightened in my stomach as my adrenaline was pumping through my body from my anxiety building up.

"what do you want" i said sternly.


my eyes widened as he laid his dirty hands on my waist. i took around the hallway, trying to remember what all my dad, ethan and grayson have told me about boys and what to do when i was younger. a small smirked played on my lips as i swiftly grabbed his wrist, and turned around causing his wrist to turn the other way.

"wow, feisty. i like it" nervousness quivered in his voice as he spoke.

while i still had his wrist his my hand, i turned him around pinning his front body against the wall with his neck in my right hand.

"don't try me pretty boy" i said.

"i bet your boyfriend would love this" he said.

"what boyfriend" i said laughing at the end.

"the guy with that safety pin necklace, who kissed your cheek" he said, looking at me confused.

"he's my older brother." i said. trying not to make it sound weird. "and before you laugh, he was only telling me that he's glad i'm happy again and that i have some good friends that should keep"

"and oh. before i go. i'm gay" i whispered in his ear. "so is my best friend, next to me. and the other girl on my table? she has a boyfriend, and he will ruin your ass if you try to hit on her"

"either way, just don't mess with any of my friends as they would pretty much ruin you"

he looked at me wide eyed.

"don't assume girl's sexuality. you'll just look like a total idiot" i whispered, letting go of his wrist and picking up my phone from the floor.

i walked away, and took a small glance at him before i left. he looked dumbfounded and so confused. i waved innocently and began walking back to my table.

"what took you so long?" devyn asked.

"walt" i sighed.

her eyes widened, showing fear instantly.

"are you okay? what happened?" she asked frantically as she grabbed my thigh.

"don't worry. i took good care of him, hopefully he'll leave girls alone" i smirked, looking at her face.

her face softened and as always a smile broke out on her lips as she kissed my cheek and whispered. "hmm. bad girl melody. i kinda like that"

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now