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i woke up to grayson next to me, his legs on top of me and my hands on top of his chest and near his face. i moved myself and got out of my bed, slipping on a pair of socks and walking to the kitchen leaving grayson to get more sleep that he needed.

i spotted james and emma talking to ethan, laughing away.

"good morning, is grayson awake?" ethan looked at me.

"nope, he's still asleep in my bed" i opened a cupboard.

"did he fall asleep in your bed again when he was with you" ethan asked.

"yep. you guessed that right." i said, grabbing a bowl and some fruit cutting it up into small pieces and placing them into the bowl.

i sat at the newly decorated table, sitting next to ethan who was finishing off his breakfast.

"what do you two mean about grayson always fall asleep when he's with you in your bed?" emma asked.

"oh, right yeah. knew one of you was gonna question me about that" i said. "i have this thing where if i wake or i am woken up from a nap or by something else. i find it twice as hard to fall asleep. so i normally go to grayson, because if i went to ethan he would be complaining" i looked at him, causing him to laugh slightly.

"sibling goals" james whispered.

i choked on my food, making everyone laugh "ehh, i would think differently. we all mostly fight. don't we ethan?"

"exactly right" he nodded.


i sat on the couch, scrolling through some comments on grayson's instagram. laughing at some but cringing at most.

"okay, sibling house meeting!" i heard grayson yell, making me jump.

"jesus gray, you scared the living daylights out of me" i laughed slightly.

ethan ran into the room, panting like crazy. "don't look at me like that, i just ran from the very front of the driveway" he sat next to me.

"what's wrong now" i sighed.

"nothing is wrong. it's just that me and ethan are thinking of something. aren't we e?" grayson raised his eyebrow at ethan, who gave grayson a confused look but making a 'o' shape with his mouth.

"oh. yeah right" ethan nodded.

"so what were you thinking about" i crossed my legs.

"we were thinking of telling the fans about you. like you being our secret little sister as you've been a secret, that has almost been spilt, since you were 9" grayson said.

"even mom and dad said you're old enough now, you deserve to be known so you don't get anymore small verbal abuse from our fans when they meet us and you're there next to us laughing along or just stand there" ethan carried on.

"wait. what. so you're think that i should be known worldwide? nope not happening" i shook my head.

"melody. if we don't say something. it's going to become worse for all 3 of us" grayson said in a serious tone.

"but gray, either way. fans were going to find out about melody" ethan said, placing a hand on my knee.

grayson nodded, "go get changed into something else, and meet us on the purple couch through there" he pointed his thumb behind him.

i nodded, walking to my room "and we're going out after!" ethan yelled. i closed the door behind me and immediately went to my closet, looking through every single piece of clothing i had.

i picked a few out and matched them together. i picked up my black high top converse and placed them on the floor next to my bed.

i put on a tube crop top that had crosses on the side and a pair of jeans that had a jean belt that i tied up (above). i slid on a pair of socks and put my converse on, tying up the lace. i quickly went to my bathroom, looking at my hair. i decided to keep it as it is. natural but brush through it a bit as it looked a bit messy. i don't always wear makeup but today i felt like it, i put some mascara, powder and concealer on. and some tinted chapstick.

i went to my jewellery and picked out some necklaces. i also added my favourite ring ethan and grayson got me for my 12th birthday. i sprayed some perfume and deodorant on. i also brushed my teeth and picked my phone up and double checked that it was on silent.

i opened my door and headed to their filming room. they must of heard my door open as i heard their voices scream 'hey what's up guys we're back!'. i entered and they started talking again.

"this week's video isn't gonna be like the other ones we make. it's gonna be a lot shorter than the others. but we have a big announcement to make today" ethan smiled.

"come on over melody" grayson looked at me, standing up and taking my hand. i sat down between them both.

"if you guys have met us. then you will, or might, recognise melody" grayson started.

"and on social media, as there are some conspiracies going around that melody is either mine or gray's girlfriend" ethan cringed, thinking of the thought.

"she's not, go ahead and introduce yourself lil' one" grayson swung an arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"don't feel pressured. just be you. i love you" making me smile.

"um. hello. i'm melody dolan. i'm 14. these two goofs are actually my older brothers who i now live with, due to getting to mom and dad give in." i smiled, looking at the both, "and. i know a lot of you are like confused on how ethan and grayson are my older brothers as they only have one sister, they actually have two. me, their younger sister. and cameron, our older sister."

"the main reason we wouldn't put melody on the media is that me, gray, cam and our mom and dad was paranoid that melody would get hate. and we didn't want our 9 year old sister, at the time, to get as much hate we were getting. right gray?" ethan poked grayson's shoulder.

"completely right. and now melody is 14, all of us has discussed if we should allow melody to be put on the media. and we thought she is old enough now so melody. welcome to the media" grayson smiled, kissing the side of my head. with ethan doing the same thing seconds after, making me smile.

they hugged me, making me laugh a little.

"thank you" i whispered.

"your very welcome bup" ethan whispered.

we headed out to starbucks before we went food shopping. we were stopped by a fan on the way. they asked me to take the photo of her and the twins.

"here you go"

"thank you" she smiled. "you're really pretty, ethan or grayson must be lucky" she walked away.

i just laughed and walked beside ethan, who wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked into starbucks.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now