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today is the day i'm surprising all of my friends to come to la with me, as i know it's always been a dream for them. i've told ethan and grayson about the plan, and of course, they offered to pay for all the flights.

it's almost half term, so we're off for 2 weeks anyway. i haven't told anyone, i just need to add them to a groupchat and then eventually give them the surprise.

i sat myself down and lent against to window pane as ethan and grayson recorded their youtube video intro.

i pressed the home button of my phone and punched in my passcode before going to my messages. i went to 'new message' and typed in all of my friend's contact names.

melody: hey guys, i'm sorry for not talking for a while. i'm ok, slowly getting there. but i was wondering how you all are, i want to catch up with you.

i turned off my phone and watched my brothers argue. my phone was on silent, but it flashed meaning a notification popped up. i, almost immediately, picked up my phone and looked at the notification.

'new message from 'devyn💓' in 'friends🥰''

i clicked on it and read the message.

devyn💓: glad you're doing ok.

melody: i'm fine, i've done nothing. hasn't been the same without you here.

saffron✨: dev's not wrong. it feels so weird. but really glad you're ok.
saffron✨: my anxiety levels have been so high recently because i've been worrying about you.

lewis☁️: melody. omg. i've missed you. like a lot.
lewis☁️: really happy now that you're on the road to recovery💛

tom🌙: fuck, melody, you've had me worried. so grateful nothing has happened.

oceana🧚‍♀️: omg. melody, baby. you're alive. thank god for that.
oceana🧚‍♀️: devyn never told us that you weren't gonna talk to anyone, so everyone's been worried sick about you, but except devyn as she knew.

melody: i'm fine guys, my brothers have kept me grounded and haven't left me alone.
melody: anyway i have a surprise for you all.

devyn💓: what is it. tell us.

lewis☁️: ugh. melody? you know i HATE surprises.

melody: too bad dickhead, deal with it.

lewis☁️: 🖕

tom🌙: go on.

saffron✨: i wanna know.

melody: well, i've been deciding something recently. as i know your guys' dream is to come to la one day. as you know my brothers live here and i sometimes stay with them.

lewis☁️: WAIT. DONT TELL ME.
lewis☁️: NO TELL ME.
lewis☁️: i'm a dumbass, sorry😐

melody: lewis😂

melody: i talked to them and they said they don't mind you guys being around. plus you'll be able to meet them both.


melody: i
melody: got
melody: you
melody: all


saffron✨: STOP. DOING. THIS. TO. ME. SAY IT.

melody: ok
melody: to come to la.

a smile crept onto my face as their their replies came through, oceana said she was crying. lewis said he was have breathing problems. devyn, dont know she never replied. tom, also was having breathing problems and screaming very loudly while running around the boarding house.

i was just laughing the whole time watching their replies come all through at once.

melody: so can anyone come?

lewis☁️: i can

oceana🧚‍♀️: me too

tom🌙: 🙋‍♂️

saffron✨: i'm so sorry melody. i really can't make it. mom wants me home and we're busy the whole 2 weeks.

melody: don't apologise, there's always another time💛

devyn💓: you know. it's always a yes.

melody: FUCK YES.
melody: sorry, i apologise for my actions😐

tom🌙: 😂
tom🌙: no it's ok.

i looked up from my phone and saw grayson holding ethan by the neck as they were fighting. i scrambled to my feet and stood between them.

"woah, woah, woah" i said, grabbing grayson's arm and attempted to pull his hand of ethan. "what crawled up your ass and died up there this morning, to be so mad at ethan?"

ethan just chuckled, but stopped quickly as grayson glared at him.

"his scrawny ass is going to be the death of me" grayson said as he pulled his arm away from my hand aggressively.

i moved my head to ethan with my eyebrow raised as i looked around his face waiting for a response.

"fine. apparently i ruined something that gray's been working on and he's gotten mad at me for no reason" he rolled his eyes.

"you did-" before grayson finished his sentence, i interrupted him.

"it's all about positivity guys. here's one positive thing. everyone can come here except saffron, she's too busy this half term." i said, looking at their faces as i waited for a response.

"that's great melody, can't wait to meet them" grayson smiled, his mood completely changed. i swear that boy has a thing for changing his moods or something.

i just smiled and began texted back everyone, catching up on all the gossip in school that has happened over the time i haven't been in school.

apparently a lot of people, like half of the school, had stuck up for me and literally DESTROYED avery and her boyfriend to the point where the house master got sick of it and spoke with a few people who witnessed what happened that day.

both avery and her boyfriend, chad, had a very stern chat with the house master and ended up kicking them both out. by what i've heard, their parents weren't happy. like very unhappy that they actually assaulted the house master pretty bad.

i need to remember to thank him when i come back for getting rid of them, but also hope he's ok.

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