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"where are you going?" devyn asked as i began to pack my backpack.

"i'm having an interview today with the manager of all that glitters today" i smiled as i threw on some jeans.

her mouth gaped open. she was speechless. i chuckled softly at her reaction. on her side on the room she has posters of the models from all that glitters. she has been a big fan of them since i can remember her telling me.

"omg melody. why didn't you tell me sooner? tell me all about it afterwards" she squealed.

"i only knew about it yesterday. grayson blew up my phone with calls and texts, because he knows i love modelling. i used to always steal cameron's clothes and heals as a kid and i would make a fake walkways in the house and do fashion shows." i smiled.

she just smiled widely and ran over to me. hugging me tightly. she then kissed my cheek and pressed her cheek against mine. i'm pretty sure she could feel the heat of my cheeks. they were raw red, and burning hot.

she then buried her head into the crook of my neck and mumbled a 'i'm so proud of you' into my neck, sending vibrations all around my body.

i hugged her a little more tightly and smiled, comfortable with her presence.


"omg. mom hi. how are you" i looked at her, watching her walk up to me smiling widely and her arms wide open.

she embraced me into a hug, a tight one. the type of one when you haven't seen anyone from your family for a very long time. well that's what it feels like.

"how are you honey. how was la? sorry i didn't catch up with you work has been so stressful" she said pulling away, her sorrowful eyes looked around my face waiting for an answer.

"it's fine mom. i know how it can be for you sometimes" i reassured her.

she smiled and lead me to the car.

she pulled up into the parking lot. my anxiety hit me hard. mom must of noticed it because she began to comfort me telling me how amazing i will be. i wasn't so sure of it, but i knew i had to prepare myself to be able to get into modelling.

we walked through the sliding doors and stood near the reception. looking at the people around, they all looked so beautiful. both men and women. i looked at myself. i could of chosen something a bit more fashionable than my mom jeans, converse and a jumper tucked into the jeans.

"hello. how may i help you today?" the receptionist smiled as she saw us.

"uh, charlie watts has made an appointment with my daughter, melody. basically to interview her" my mom smiled, resting her elbows on the counter top.

"uhh. last name?" the receptionist asked as she tapped away at the keyboard connected to her computer.


"charlie will be with you shortly. just sit right over there while you wait" the receptionist smiled once again.

me and my mom made our way to the very, very fancy seating area. the seats were big cushions basically. they must be really expensive. i sat down carefully, as i was scared i was gonna ruin the furniture.

15 minutes passed, a man, i'm assuming who is charlie, walked through the doors in a tight suit looking around the room. his eyes met mine. a bright smile formed on his face as he gracefully made his way towards me.

"melody. darling" he smiled, kissing both of my cheeks. "how are you?"

"i doing quite fine thank you"

"good. good. you're with your mom right?" he said, as i followed after him.

"yes. i am. call me lisa by the way" my mom said.

charlie opened the door, letting me and my mom through first. he directed us to some chairs in front of his desk.

his office was beautiful. it was huge and overlooked the city of new york.

i sat down on one of the cushioned chairs, my mom doing the same next to me. charlie then sat himself down in his expensive office chair.

he placed both forearms in the surface of the table and crossed his hands together.

"so melody. you're here today to be interviewed by me, i hope you get the job for us. you're perfect for the teenager department" he smiled, looking at me then my mom.

i nodded my head, letting him know i understood.

he asked me questions. basically asking about school, my address, family life, my health, why i have loved modelling for so long, etc. i made sure to answer as best as i could. as i really want this. i cannot loose this chance.

"thank you very much melody. i'll get in touch with one of your brothers. i don't know who, can't tell which is which." he waved his hand as he looked at his laptop.

"you'll know who is who once you get to know them" i laughed softly.

"hopefully" charlie smiled. "but i'll tell them if you do get the place, or not. but i hope you do."

"and it's not me who chooses its actually the manager of the teenager department, so i hope she chooses the right decision" he smiled.

"thank you" both me and my mom said.

"thank you for taking the time out of your day to come" charlie smiled.

he lead us to the office door, and opened it.

"hopefully. i'll see you soon. bye for now" he smiled, waving. then patted my shoulder as i walked out.

"bye for now, fingers crossed" i smiled, crossing my fingers.

i really do hope i get this.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now