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this entire week went very slowly. i've made sure to spend every second with dad, because i know i would regret it if i didn't.

i walked into his bedroom downstairs as he was so weak to walk up the stairs. i had a bottle of water in my hand and his medication in the other.

i twisted the handle and opened the door, knocking on it to let him know i was walking in.

normally he would say, "i'm up and alive" or "welcome" and say some dad jokes. but nothing was heard. i opened it wider and the sheets were still over him. he must of fell asleep again.

i placed the bottle and medicine on the bedside table next to his bed and opened the curtains as it was light outside.

"dad. good morning" i shook him slightly, telling him to wake up.

my eyes widened.

"dad?" i shook him a little harder.

i moved the covers frantically away from his chest and pressed my ear against where his heart is. he felt cold. cold like ice.

not a single beat. not one. my hand flew over my mouth, catching the sobs that left my mouth. tears rolled down my face. dripping on the floor.

i ran out the room and into the kitchen where everyone was eating lunch, slipping up on the hard wood floor but catching myself on the counter before i feel completely on the floor. hair flew in my face as i looked at my family who had worried looks on their face.

"is dad- melody. what's wrong?" grayson looked at me concerned while running over to me pulling me closer to him.

i couldn't speak. i was lost for words.

"melody. what's. wrong" ethan said a little more sternly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"dad" i managed to get out.

"he's not alive anymore" i said, and fell to the floor.

those words was the words that was enough to set everyone off. mum stood up and ran to dad's room.

grayson sat on the floor next to me with his head in his hands and putting his head on my lap for comfort. i saw ethan stand up and grab the keys off there key hook.

"no ethan. don't you dare" i pushed grayson away and stood up immediately, going to ethan to snatch the keys away.

"what? i'm going on a drive" he looked at me with a blank expression.

"i don't want another person from my family dead. i can just about survive through dad. but losing you, along with dad, will feel like my whole world is crashing down infront of me. i can't lose you, neither can grayson. that boy loves you. and your fans, they'll literally kill them selves over your death" i said, holding onto his arms.

he handed me the keys and ran upstairs. somewhere. probably my room as that's where he normally goes when he's upset.

i placed the keys back on the hook and sat next to grayson who was crying uncontrollably.

he stood up and took my hand. dragging me somewhere. he took me to his and ethan's shared bedroom. no one was in there but it was cold. freezing cold. even though the heating was on.

i sat on the bed and he laid down, putting his head on my chest.

"you're ok. dad's now in a peaceful place" i laid my cheek on the top of his head, playing with his hair softly.

"melody. you don't understand. he was literally my best friend" grayson sobbed.

my heart broke.

both ethan and grayson were a lot closer to my dad than both me and cameron was. i'm more close to my mom. but i know how they feel. losing someone so close to you, and your heart, sucks.

i lost one of my best friends to suicide. 2 years ago. he was like my other half. we were literally 2 halves of one whole idiot.

he struggled with bullying because of him being gay. people would bully him in the halls and call him the most disgusting names i've never heard of. he was the only one who knew about my relation with ethan and grayson, he didn't make fun of me for it.

i just hope he's happy. happy that he's not suffering anymore.

i love you aris.


"are you okay? i wish i could hug you, and your family" devyn said.

we were currently facetiming on my laptop. grayson fell asleep. ethan later on came in fell asleep. wanting to forget the day. then cameron came in and got into bed with ethan. basically siblings having a sleepover. but not the good kind.

"i'm ok. for now. but i'm worried for everyone else." i said, looking over at my siblings making sure they were okay.

"i've talked to the headmaster. he said i can go home for a while. to make sure you're ok." she smiled softly.

"no devyn. don't." i shook my head. "get your education. i'll catch up when i get back"

"i've talked to your mom. she said i'm welcome" she said.

i sighed. "ok." i smiled slightly, not wanting to argue.

we said our goodbyes and ended the skype call. i turned my laptop off and placed it on the floor before turning around and placed my head on grayson's chest.

his calm breathing began to quicken. his arm began to move.

"i'm sorry gray. did i wake you up?" i whispered.

he shook his head before replying. "no. i can't sleep because of dad"

he closed his eyes again and took a deep breath before putting his hand on my shoulder and leaning his head on top of mine before falling asleep.

i was mad at devyn. i was fine as long as i could spend time with family. then i would eventually get better. she needs her education. if she wants a good job. not like me who will probably end up living with my brothers when they are as famous as kim kardashian.

i worry and care for her all the time. i want her to be able to have a good life. mines already fucked up because wherever i go i get dirty looks from fan girls and hate comments from ethan and grayson's fans.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now