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"melody welcome back!" all of devyn's friends, that i now consider mine cheered as i sat down at their table.

"hi" i smiled, placing my food tray down with food.

"are you okay?" lewis said with concern swimming around in his eyes. talking about my dad's passing.

"yeah. i'm fine. just was hard for a bit" i sighed, picking at my food.

"omg guys. coachella is coming up soon" oceana smiled as she ate her apple, trying to change the topic.

"oh yeah! i'm so pumped to stay up the whole night and watch it live" tom chuckled.

"i'm excited to go" devyn said.

everyone's gaze shifted to devyn.

"your going?" lewis said, raising his eyebrow. "because me and oceana are"

"ethan and grayson invited me to go with melody" she said looking at me while smiling.

"we can all hang out with my brothers and their friends. i'm sure they won't mind." i smiled. "well i would have to be in their sight otherwise they both with have a heart attack. devyn exactly knows what will happen"

devyn nodded her head before placing a fry in her mouth and eating it.

"wow. all of you are so lucky. tell me all about it when you get back" saffron said. "you don't know how badly i wish i could go"

"maybe next time" i said, shrugging my shoulders.


we walked from one store to another.

devyn wanted to get ready for coachella, OVER A MONTH EARLY. i don't know why, but she did.

she invited me to her home, to meet her parents and siblings. her family is literally the most amazing people in the world, and have already considered me as their family

"omg. that's so beautiful" she held up a two piece set, it was a sequined strapless crop top and skirt that has chains to hold the skirt together on both sides.

"it suits you. even though it's not on you. i can already tell" i smiled, taking it from her and putting it in front of her body. looking up down. "i bet all girls will be jealous of how hot you'll be"

she mumbled a thanks, while trying to hide her blush. cute.

"this on you. yes" devyn smiled. picking out another two piece set, a reflective strapless crop top with buckles in the front and skirt.

i smiled as she held it against my body. "oh god, i can imagine you in is. i'll be the one drooling over you. wow sis"

in fact, i began to blush. fuck.

we arrived back at the house at boarding school with all of our clothes. yeah devyn kinda made me get it early as well, i was gonna leave it until like 2 weeks before. but no devyn insisted "you don't want leave it till last minute. otherwise your outfits will suck"

so i kinda had to take her advice.

"man this late night walk is the best" lewis said as he held hands with oceana.

"wait. are you guys dating?" i asked confused.

oceana began to blush a deep red as she nodded her head, looking up at lewis who was smiling at me.

"how long"

"coming up to a month now" he smiled kissing the top of her head.

"i swear i'm always so late to this type of stuff" i huffed as i walked infront.

everyone else just chuckled softly.


i was in the middle of class, when my phone started to go crazy. grayson was spamming my phone with calls, texts and voicemails.

i had to excuse myself to answer it.

"bailey. what the fuck do you want. i'm in the middle of class" i said through gritted teeth.

"sorry melody. but me and ethan just got a text from a modeling agency. they want you to model for them because they think you're perfect for them" grayson said.

my eyes went wide. i've always liked modeling. but i'm too afraid to go through it, because of what i've heard.

"uhh. send me a screenshot." i said.

he said an ok before hanging up. a few minutes later i got a text from grayson. i looked at the screenshot. it read:

+1 (193) 387 2817

hello! i believe you are melody dolan's older brother. ethan or grayson. this is the manager, charlie watts, of all that glitters. a modelling agency. one of my employees came across melody's instagram page and showed me. your little sister seems perfect for our company. reply to this as soon as possible if melody agrees. all thanks, charlie.

my eyes widened. i've heard of this modelling agency before. i have stumbled across the instagram account many of times. plus devyn's obsessed with the modelling agency and all the models.

almost immediately, my thumbs quickly tapped away at the keyboard of my phone replying with 'yes. a big fat yes😊 xx'

i walked back into class knowing i had a few minutes left until the bell rang. i'm finally happy, happy that i'm able to do something i've loved since i was young.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now