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the snow began to hit pretty hard. there was a snow blizzard here in new york, so we were able to go home a few days before it got any worse and we are able to go back after the snow has died down again. which i don't think will be in a few days, more like next month.

i slipped on my ugg boots and grabbed my coat and hat. i had to walk to the shop right near our house due to the fact our car is currently stuck in the snow and my mom and dad are trying to shovel it out.

"ok. i'll be back soon" i yelled before leaving the front yard.

i earned a 'yes' from my parents as i tucked my hands in my coat pockets. fuck this weather, take me back to california please.

i entered the store, a sudden source of heat slapped me in the face taking me off guard. i took my phone out and looked at the small list i was given by my parents.

'milk, butter, crisps, bread, fruit'

i picked up a basket and began to scan the place for me to take home so we had food.

after i collected everything. i headed back home. the snow must of gotten worse because it was starting to come down hard.

as soon as i opened the door, the heat hit caught me off guard. i took off my coat, hat and boots before heading to the kitchen with the bag of stuff.

"i'm home!" i yelled as i placed the bag on the counter.

i heard shuffling from the living room. i wasn't sure if there was anyone else in the house so i walked straight in there.

i stopped in my tracks when i looked up. my mouth fell wide open, like sebastian when he saw ariel singing to eric after she rescued him in the little mermaid.

my hand flew right up to my mouth, light sobs escaping my lips. i was crying from happiness. they decided to come home for christmas.

i moved from my position and ran up to ethan first. almost knocking him over. i hugged him tight as possible, happy to be around him again. a huge smile was plastered across my face.

i let go and looked towards grayson. he had a huge smile on his face. i tackled him into a hug. also glad to be around him again.

i never get to see my brothers as much as i used to. even if it's been a week since they left and they come back the week after. i'm still as excited when i saw them. like when they went on their american tour before it was a world tour properly.

i let go and stood back.

"wow. oh my god. my brain still can't process this" i shook my head smiling. "how long have you been in jersey?"

"we got here yesterday. we stayed at grandma's house and came home when mom and dad said when you went to the shop" ethan shrugged, as if it was not a hug deal.

we sat down and talked forever. i began to talk to them about school and how i'm loving it. and how i may have or may not made more friends than i expected.

they watched me talking about what's happened since they gone. i explained about devyn. they smiled softly at the thought of her.

we carried on catching up with each other until i was forced to go to bed by my mom. that night we all somehow fitted in my bed and fell asleep together.

this is the best early christmas present anyone could have.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now