i swiped across on my phone, putting my phone on the bathroom counter while i brushed my hair out carefully.

"hey lil sis! happy birthday!" ethan jumped into the screen along with grayson, falling over the couch. causing me to burst into laughter.

"h-hey. thank you!" i smiled, picking up my phone and making my way downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was.

"happy birthday honey" my mom and dad smiled widely as i came into view. "happy birthday lil sis" cameron pulled me into a tight hug. "thank you" i smiled, putting my phone at a angle against a cup.

"ethan. grayson! hello" everyone waved to them.

"mom. dad. cameron! we miss you so much. we promise we will be over soon. especially to give melody her present" grayson smiled so big, i'm pretty sure it could fall off his face. i looked at everyone else, they had the exact same facial expression as gray. i swear my family is so confusing sometimes.


"how is the birthday girl" esme hugged me, along with aria.

"you know the normal" i shrugged.

"so. i was thinking as it is your birthday we will go do anything you want. build a fort outside in your back garden and jump into the pool in our pjs?" aria raised her eyebrow.

"yes of course. nothing can beat that" i laughed, esme and aria soon joining in. "come on let's get the blankets, pillows, and my dad's tent he uses when we go on a family camping trip" i smiled, basically dragging them into my house and upstairs.

after we found everything. we built the fort with a little help of my dad to put up the tent. after the finishing touch i knew something was missing.

"something is terribly missing" aria pointed it out.

"fairy lights" esme said.

"you both just read my mind" we all laughed. "well let's get them set up"

after they were set up we made our beds and got into a real deep conversation about the sea and what's underneath it and also sharing some awesome facts like dolphins commit suicide when they are troubled by either refusing food or smashing their head against a wall. we all then calmed down until esme insisted that we should jump into the pool, but aria was already asleep so me and esme made up a plan to throw her in early in the morning.


i wake up by a drenching wet aria. she comes in and waving her wet body around making it wake me up.

"what the fuck?" i said squinting at the sunlight coming through. "esme threw me in the pool at like 4 in the morning then i pulled her in and we've been having a water fight for about 4 hours."

"so it's 8am?" i questioned


i jumped up and realised that today is a birthday party for me with all my family.

"shit. you and esme need to get ready by 10am because i've got a party at 11" i said

aria groaned but grabbed her stuff and esme's and headed to my room. after they left i folded up the blankets and placed them outside in a pile along with the pillows. i had to call cameron out to quickly help me take the tent down as dad was still asleep.

soon after esme and aria left. i quickly took a warm relaxing shower and put my outfit on. i put on: (without the jean jacket or bag)

i put my hair up into a low bun along with pulling strands of hair out that hung loosely around my face

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i put my hair up into a low bun along with pulling strands of hair out that hung loosely around my face. after that i clipped my little star chain choker around my neck and sprayed some perfume.

i walked down the stairs and opened the door as soon as the doorbell rung through the house.

"hello! come in. everything is out the back" i smiled widely, happy to see family. the whole time i hugged and said thank you to those who gave me my presents and cards.

after everyone was outside, i grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter along with a bottle of water and headed outside to the back with everyone.


"ok. melody, it's time to open your presents!" mom said, placing a chair down and people dropping their presents off next to me. i gave everyone a huge smile and began to open them all. i opened all the small ones first, saying thank yous to who got me them, i then opened the medium and large presents. placing them carefully on the ground.

as soon as i opened the last present, i was told to stay where i was and put a blindfold on,

"melody, you still have one present left. cover your eyes while we just get it" mom and dad said, giving me the same facial expression from yesterday.

i held my hands over my eyes and waited. something was placed on my lap. "can i open my eyes?" i asked. "yes mel, go ahead a look" i heard cameron say. i uncovered my eyes and looked carefully down at the card. it was written so careful and neat, but a bit messy at the same time. i instantly knew who it was. ethan and grayson.

i ripped open the envelope, smiling so big, i looked at the card and opened it. i read:

hey lil sis,

happy 14th birthday. i hope it treats you right. me and grayson promise to fly out soon once we are finished with meetings, to see you. we miss you so badly it's starting to slowly affect us but don't worry like i said we will be flying out as soon as possible.

talk to you soon. miss and love you.


tears began to form in my eyes a little, knowing i'm able to see them soon. i looked around but my eyes caught onto everyone parting away to form a space. i looked around confuse, my eyes then saw a camera. my eyes widened.

before i knew it, two pairs of hands held on my shoulders. it made me jump, i turned around and stood there was...

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now