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"goodbye! have a safe flight!" i yelled as i waved to emma and bryant who was going back home to california.

they both smiled before heading to their terminal.

"come on let's go. mom's doing a game night with all of us" ethan said, patting my shoulder as i turned around.

"oooo. yay. i love family game nights" i smiled while clapping my hands.

ethan grinned while grayson's empty eyes looked down at the ground as he walked in front of us.

grayson took dad's passing a lot worse than most of us. he hasn't slept at all, meaning there are big dark bags underneath his eyes. his eyes are looking dark and empty. not like when they would glisten while he was happy.

i missed that but i understand how he's feeling.

i placed the cans of fizzy on the table along with the bowls full of chips, peanuts, chocolate covered pretzels and some donuts both something that ethan cannot eat. haha

devyn placed the board games on the table with a deck of cards then plopped herself in the chair next to me.

"ok! let's get this game night started" mom clapped her hands as she walked into the dining room.

ethan followed in after her, rolling his eyes playfully before sitting himself next to me also.

"where's grayson. he was with you a second ago" i asked ethan.

"he's gone back upstairs. probably to take a nap" ethan replied as he reached over for a can of cola.

i looked down at my newly painted nails, picking at them slightly. i'm slowly getting worried for gray. he shuts everyone out and sits in the small room connected to my closet. that i decorated and called the 'panic room'

it's basically a room where you go to, to calm down when you're in the middle of a anxiety or panic attack.

and grayson's been having a lot of them recently, so that's where he goes.

"are you okay?" devyn tapped my thigh. "lisa's just started the game"

"oh. yeah. sorry i just zoned out" i snapped out my day dream and looked at her eyes. we caught gaze for a what felt like a few minutes but was only a few seconds.

her pupils dilated, which only happens when someone sees something they love. my mind was racing while my heart was going crazy at how close she was with me.

i really do love her. i think i'm going to get some advice from ethan tonight.

"ha! i win" mom's arms shot up in victory.

a huge smile tugged at my lips glad she was finally enjoying herself and being happy.

"ethan" i said. he turned his head to me quickly and smiled softly.

"you okay?" he asked tilting his head slightly.

"yeah but i need to talk to you tonight" i said. he looked at me confused. i gestured my head backwards, he made an 'o' shape with his mouth when he understood what i meant.

"of course. come to my room and we'll talk." he smiled before turning around and eating some chips.


i climbed into bed, devyn followed shortly after. i grabbed the remote control and turned on the tv.

"what should we watch on netflix?" i asked as i went into netflix.

"cuckoo. it's a british comedy and has taylor launter in. it's amazing" she giggled.

a small smile painted across my lips. "i know that show. i'm on season 2 now"

i clicked on it and turned the volume up a bit. devyn got into bed a little bit more and placed her head on my shoulder as she got comfortable. i placed my cheek on the top of her head and got comfortable.

soon enough she fell asleep. i shifted from my spot a bit and stood up. looking at devyn to make sure i didn't accidentally wake her up. she didn't budge.

i walked up to my brothers bedroom and knocked on the door. i heard ethan say "come in". i opened the door and saw grayson's bed still neatly made.

"once again where is bubba?" i frowned as i shifted my feet over to ethan's bed, talking about grayson.

"he told me he was going on a drive to dad's grave" he looked down as he lifted up the covers for me to sit down.

"did you stop him?" i asked, scared at what could happen.

"no mel, it's his dad" he exclaimed quietly.

"i'm not talking about that. i'm saying he's not thinking straight, he hasn't been since dad's passing ethan. for all we know he could be in a car crash right now" i said, glaring at him.

that cause him to shut up. i smirked slightly and crossed my arms, proud i had won an argument for the first time with him.

"anyway what's happening between you devyn?" he pulled my towards him, making me lay my head on his chest. " i can see you both like each other"

"how do you know" i asked looking up at him.

"because i do" he smiled looking down at me. "brotherly instincts"

we stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence as we hadn't really hung out like this for a while since devyn came.

"i do. i have a crush on her" i sighed.

"ha. knew it" ethan laughed.

soft giggles escaped my lips at his foolishness.

"what do you feel when you're around her" he asked, playing with my hair a little.

"it feels like my heart is beating 100mph" i smiled lightly as i looked down at ethan's fingers that was sat softly on his stomach, and played around with them lightly.

out the corner of my eye, i saw ethan smiled so widely. my heart smiled as it was a genuine smile.

we spent the rest of the night talking about my feelings for devyn. he told me i should be comfortable to tell her, and if she didn't feel the same way then at least she was aware i liked her.

i didn't like the idea of telling her. but i guess things like that sometimes turns out good.

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