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i've been thinking about my feelings towards devyn for the past few days.

i've noticed how i don't have interest in boys as i used to. i've been figuring myself out and i've may have or may not learned slowly that i'm not straight that i would think myself as.

i've spoken to cameron and she said she will support me no matter what. she told me that she'll make dinner tonight and she's going to help me come out to everyone.

i sat down at the table nervously. i really don't know how my mom, dad, ethan and grayson are going to think of me after i tell them something important to me.

you just never know how people will react.

"are you okay" grayson tapped my arm, noticing i was tense and nervous.

"yeah" i faked smiled.

i knew he didn't buy it but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

cameron slid into the seat next to me and smiled. she mouthed towards me to tell them now before the dinner was fully ready.

"um. mom, dad, ethan, grayson." i nervously licked my lips after i spoke. " i have something to tell you"

mom gave a worried look towards dad, he held her hand. basically saying everything will be fine. while ethan and grayson looked at each other before turning back to me.

"i've kinda been figuring myself out recently, thanks to the help of cam" i smiled towards her, earning a smile from herself. "and i just wanted to tell you guys. you know"

i paused before taking a deep breath. "because keeping it quiet sometimes ruins people mentally. and i'm sure no one wants to deal with that"

"so. i guess i'll just go for it" i looked down fiddling with my fingers. "please don't hate me"

"we won't hate you" my dad said almost immediately after i spoke.

"ok. i'm lesbian/gay" that's when my chest began to tighten and the air in my throat began to get stuck. i couldn't breathe or think. my vision was going blurry and everything was going dizzy.

"melody are you okay?" grayson grabbed my wrist, his voice was muffled. i couldn't hear anything.

i felt being pulled into someone's presence. a hug is all i needed. i didn't care who it was but i hugged them back and my breathing began to steady.

after a few moments, i let go and look at everyone's expression. they all had a smile spread across their lips. a supportive type of smile.

"oh. honey. i don't hate you. i love you even more" mom stood up from her seat and opened her arms wide, motioning me to come hug her.

ethan, grayson, mom and dad all began to tell me how they will support me through everything no matter what the situation. i knew i had cameron by my side as she literally promised me she would stop anything she's doing, even if it was during sex (in her words), she would stop that just to make sure i was okay.

cameron served the dinner and ethan and grayson kept on telling me the exact same thing cam told me earlier. i had to try to keep my laughter in but failed extremely. i told them that cameron had told me the exact same thing earlier. we all began in laughing fits. including my parents.

that's when i knew i will have these amazing people by my side forever.

i fell asleep that night happy, and to mention listening to grayson's loud snoring, watching old films me and my siblings would always watch together when we was younger.

going back to the old times before vine happened, and basically the fame, is fun and relieving. because since now ethan and grayson are so fucking busy in la. they don't really come home anymore. and i do understand that. but i go crazy when i go a certain amount of time away from my siblings.

it's been a thing that's stuck to us since forever. but ethan and grayson do have it a lot more as they have never left each other's side for at least a day.

we shared memories with each other with my parents. laughing along to funny moments. and me knowing where i was made. i wanted to dig a hole right there and just die. it was so embarrassing and made me uncomfortable.

i hope my parents and my older siblings realize i do love and appreciate them more than anything in life.

thank you for 4k reads💓 i love you. and happy new year💛

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