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"melody!" i heard grayson's boom through the whole house.

"what?!" i yelled back while i tried to fix my hair a bit.

"come to my room!" he replied.

i sighed, walking out of the bathroom and strolling into grayson's room.

"yes?" i sat on his bed, next to ethan who was laying down.

"school" ethan looked up from his phone, "what do you want to do with school?"

"go to public school, but if it doesn't work out. can i please do online school?" i asked.

"sure" grayson shrugged his shoulders. pulling up google and typing up closet schools to where we live.

"oh. there's one like 30 minutes away from here. me and ethan will have duties. basically like when i would drop you off in the morning and ethan would pick you up in jersey" grayson explained.

"sure. i'll go there and try it out" i smiled.

"perfect, because we're going soon" grayson smiled.

i nodded my head going to my to change out of my oversized hoodie into an oversized long sleeved cropped sweater with some yellow jean shorts and high top white converse. with some necklaces.

i sprayed some perfume, grabbed my phone off my bed and slid it into the back pocket of my shorts. heading straight to the living room.

i saw the front door open and went through it. i closed the front door and headed straight over to grayson's car. i opened the passenger seat door and sat in it.

"what's the name of this school?" i asked, looking up from my phone.

"springfield high school" grayson replied as he pulled out of the driveway. (a/n: i just made it up. i don't think it really is a school. i know it's a school in my area but it's a primary school)

i nodded my head looking out the window, watching everything go by fast.


we pulled into the school's parking lot, i noticed a lot of cars.

it's like 10am on a tuesday, of course the parking lot would be full of cars melody.

we walked into the reception, the lady immediately noticing grayson and smiled.

"um. can we see the principle?" grayson lent against the counter.

"sure" the lady replied, tapping away at her computer. "name for the child?"

"melody dolan" grayson simply replied.

"she'll be out shortly" the lady smiled.

we sat down on the chairs waiting for the principal to come through.

"melody dolan?" a lady came out, heels clicking against the hard floor. "mrs. goldwing" she smiled shaking grayson's hand. "follow me"

we followed her to her office. she began to ask me questions that she needed to know like my health, birthday etc.

"ok melody and grayson, i'm going to get some students to give you a tour of the school" mrs goldwing smiled, leading us out to the small seating area.

grayson nodded nervously, looking at me.

"hey, don't worry. the video will be out in under 2 hours so everyone will know" i smiled reassuring him, so he wouldn't have an anxiety attack.

"i know. but i'm scared" he looked down at me, with a terrified face.

"gray, ethan will get the video out. when the fans get out of school then they will watch the video. you're not going to get murdered because of keeping a secret." i hugged him sideways.

all grayson did was sigh, and pull me around so he could hug me better. "it's just terrifying that me and e have kept a secret like this for years, basically since we started. i just feel like everyone is going to turn down on us and hate us"

"gray fucking bailey dolan, if there are people who don't understand and who doesn't like it, obviously they aren't the right fans for you. but if there are people who accept it, they are the fans you need" i smiled.

he nodded "thank you for helping me when ethan isn't around to"

"you're my brother, obviously i'm gonna listen to you when no one else is around to" i let go from his embrace. "don't worry gray"

he nodded, rubbing his eyes slightly.

a few minutes passed, grayson still being nervous, a few students came into the reception area with their bags. placing them behind the counter.

"hello, are you the people we're showing around today?" a girl smiled.

"yeah" grayson nodded.

"i'm luna" the girl smiled again.

"and i'm cruise" the boys smiled.

"that's an unusual name, i love it" i smiled at the boy, he looked cute in a way. he smiled back, giving me a toothy grin.

'melody, stop crushing. last time you did you got into a relationship with your crush who broke you.' i thought.

"i'm melody and this is my older brother grayson" i smiled, pointing to him.

"nice name melody, love it" cruise smiled, causing me to blush slightly.

"well. uh. should we get this tour going?" cruise asked.

"sure" grayson smiled.

we walked around the school, like seeing the lunch hall, more parts of the reception, the hall, the gym and sports hall. getting to know the outside area a lot better before going inside to look inside the classrooms.

"so, as you know normal schools around in america have lockers. we don't, what we have are a lot better than those lockers" luna said.

"this is cruise's that mine is like all the way up there" she explained.

she showed us a bunch of cupboards with locks.

"once you have one, that's yours till you leave this school" cruise explained, standing closer to me than he was just now.

grayson nodded his head, understanding. i copied his actions. cruise and luna showed us around, letting us into classrooms that had people being taught in there. everytime grayson would stand in a classroom full of people with me, at least one fan would scream and jump up to give him a hug.

"why does people keep on fan girling over grayson" luna and cruise whispered in my ear.

i stood there thinking if i should tell them, but the secret would be out by now anyway.

"he's my famous older brother. him and his twin, my brothers, are an internet sensation. they've won like 2 awards, they've been on tv like trl" i shrugged.

"what? no" cruise shook his head, shocked.

"yeah" i said, pulling my phone out of my shorts pocket and pulling up safari. typing in 'dolan twins'.

"here" i gave him my phone so he could look.

"wow" he smiled slightly.

he looked at them both, "ok, so that is grayson and who's that?" he pointed to ethan.

"ethan" i smiled. "do you know them?" i asked.

"now i do" he laughed softly, making me laugh slightly.

we waited for grayson to come out of the classroom and move onto more classrooms.


it was about 1pm when me and grayson got out of the school and head home. we met ethan in the kitchen speaking to someone on the phone.

i went to the pantry and scanned it for something to eat. i spotted some doritos and immediately grabbed them. i saw ethan getting up to go to grayson's room who was looking through the comments on their recent video. i sat down at the table and thought about today.

but damn, cruise he's hot, cute, he's got a beautiful smile, great personality. he's basically the guy every girl wants. i smiled at the thought and began to eat the rest of the open bag of chips in peace, only to hear ethan or grayson's yells every now and again.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now