8 (pt.1)

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i packed the last things i needed in my carry on. i looked around my half empty room, making sure i had everything i needed before i left for l.a.

i brushed my hair and threw it up into a messy bun. i changed into a white cropped hoodie and put some black adidas pants on. i then slipped a pair of sliders on and grabbed my carry on along with my last suitcase. as i came down the stairs, ethan and grayson was putting out luggage into the trunk of an uber. i placed my stuff outside and grabbed a granola bar along with an apple.

i ripped the packaging open and ate the granola bar, waiting for ethan and grayson to be finished putting the luggage into the back. i threw the rubbish away and sat on the middle seat in the back of the uber. knowing i was gonna be squished between ethan and grayson for the next hour.


we arrived. ethan payed the uber and took some of my luggage as i had more than him and grayson. grayson went to grab the trolley thing to put out luggage on so we didn't have to carry it. as we was walking through the airport, a lot of people squealed as ethan and grayson walked through with me sitting on the luggage trolley with our luggage while ethan was pushing it.

"oh my god. ethan. grayson can we get a picture!"

"ethan grayson! take a picture with us!"

every single place in the airport had at least one person screaming my brothers names.



"it's the dolan twins!"

ethan and grayson put me near the seats and went to take some pictures with fans. i just sat there and watched them take pictures with their fans, laugh and smile along with them. hug them. all the stuff they do when they meet fans.

i let out a sigh and went on my phone. i played a few games while waiting for ethan and grayson to be done with pictures. i soon enough got bored playing the games on my phone so i turned it off and watched my brothers taking pictures with fans one after another.

ethan and grayson, ethan mainly, kept on looking over to make sure i was fine.

"are you ok?" he mouthed.

i shook my head, he motioned to me to text him. i nodded and got his contact up and text he why.

i've been sat here for 30 minutes. my ass is starting to hurt.

we won't be long. be patient melody please.

fine. just to please you😊🙄

why are you being like this all of a sudden.

being a secret from everyone isn't the funnest thing. especially when your brothers are an internet sensation. being a secret sibling causes you to be left out all the time, not have the best relationship with your famous siblings. try to be in my shoes for a day and see what i have to go through.

i clicked out of ethan's contact and stood up. i began walking in circles, probably looking like an idiot. but i couldn't careless. i stopped as soon as i was getting dizzy and stood there for a little while more, watching ethan and grayson taking pictures and earning a few death glares from them both every now and again.

as we entered the uber, grayson put our bags in the back with some help of the uber driver. after everything was in the car we were on our way to their house.

"just a question, why did you have that attitude when we were talking to our fans?" grayson turned to me.

i sighed and started talking "okay. i was sat there by myself for i don't know almost an hour. almost every person there who was meeting you and ethan was giving me death glares due to you both staring at me. i got fed up and texted ethan" i shrugged, taking my phone out from the back of my sweats.

as the uber driver drove up their driveway my jaw dropped. i didn't know they had a fucking mansion. it just shows i live under a rock.

"thanks dude" ethan said, getting out the car.

"no problem" the uber driver responded, opening the trunk to get our bags out. grayson was already at the front door, with one of my suitcases. ethan took some of mine while i took the rest. as soon as i had everything out the car. the driver drove off.

"you didn't tell ME you had a fucking mansion" i said, going through the door and closing it behind me.

"sis. you live under a rock" ethan smiled, patting my head.

"as if i didn't know" i laughed lightly.

"let me take you to your room then me and e will give you a GRAND tour of our house" grayson smiled. leading me through a hallway to a door.

he opened the door and let me walk in. my eyes widened. it looked exactly like my old room in jersey.

"wow. you really went all out" i smiled.

"well, you can thank mr.kate for that" grayson said, awkwardly.

"but thank you for actually knowing i wouldn't want nothing else than my old room" i said, hugging him.

"your welcome. ethan hasn't seen it yet as i didn't want him to ruin anything" he chuckled, causing me to laugh knowing how clumsy ethan is.

i smiled, liking the small comfort from grayson.

"hey, i'm sorry for me and ethan getting slightly angry at you" grayson put his chin on my head.

"it's ok" i sighed. grayson let go and went to my suitcases.

"come on let me help you unpack all this stuff. we're going out tonight with some of our friends" grayson grabbed a suitcase and unzipped it and grabbed a load of hangers to put the clothing pieces on.

i nodded and started working like a team.

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