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"devyn! hi!" i smiled as she ran up to me. hugging the death out of me. butterflies swarming around in my stomach.

"hi melody! it's only been two weeks but it's felt like 10 years" she chuckled before picking her bags up.

"i know. tell me about it" i rolled my eyes playfully.

me and devyn have been getting a lot more close lately, obviously as we are roommates and kinda have to be stuck with each other for the rest of the year.

but we've been coming very close. like the close type where you don't know what your friendship is like.

i haven't told her my sexuality yet. i'm scared. very scared. i've been messaging a groupchat i have with ethan, grayson and cameron about it. they have been telling me. "if she doesn't like it, just tell her 'it's who i am, what i am and how i am. if you don't like it, deal with it' it's wrong if she disrespects you for that"

i must admit that made me feel better about the situation. but i'll tell her before that lights have to be turned off.

we dragged out suitcases up the stairs. 2 flights.

"who's opening the door then?" devyn breathed heavily.

"i guess i will. i have the keys in my back pocket"

i grabbed the keys and slide it into the lock. turning it and the sound of a door clicking was heard. i opened the door and made devyn go through first.

i walked in after her and placed my bag on my bed. i began to unzip it and take out clothes that has been washed by my mom before i left, hanging them up on my side of the wardrobe we shared.

"how was your christmas?" devyn spoke up.

"it was amazing. my brothers surprised me by coming home. and they surprised me again with coachella for the second year in a row, saying when the tickets are out i'm coming with them and i'm allowed to bring a friend" i smiled, looking her way. she had a small smile painted across her lips.

"how was yours?" i asked.

"i finally got a new phone" she said, showing me it. it was the iphone 7 plus. "and a fucking puppy"

my eyes widened. i rarely see animals. thank grayson for being allergic. but at least we have gizmo still.

"let me see" i smiled widely.

she unlocked her phone and went to her camera roll. she tapped on a picture and showed me.

this is what she showed me:

"you got a samoyed?" i slapped my hands over my mouth in awe

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"you got a samoyed?" i slapped my hands over my mouth in awe.

she nodded "her name is angel. i don't know she just looks like an angel".

"i wish i could have this dog. but fuck grayson, he's allergic to almost every single animal that exists on this planet"

devyn just chuckled and got on with sorting out her clothes.

"so who are you taking? like for coachella" devyn nervously spoke up.

i thought about it for a second. i have my old friends from home or i have my best friend devyn.

"you, if it's ok. if not don't worry i'll-" before i could finish my sentence.

her two small arms wrapped around my neck. i placed my hands around her small figure and hugged her back.

"of course i'll go dumbass. chella is like one thing in a lifetime. i ain't missing that shit" i heard her squeal in excitement.

butterflies swarmed around my stomach. a smile automatically spread across my lips in happiness.

gosh this girl has so many effects on me.


"gray fucking son. and ethan, are you listening?" i yelled down the phone.

i was currently facetiming ethan and grayson while devyn was downstairs getting some food as it was 9:00pm.

they stopped arguing and looked at me.

"devyn said yes to go to coachella. but she feels bad because she's not paying for the tickets." i smiled.

they both smiled. obviously knowing i have a small crush on her.

"and i'm struggling on whether to tell her or not. give me advice. please" i pleaded.

they both looked at each other and began. but before anything. the door opened causing me to immediately hang up.

devyn walked through the door with a bag of crisps.

"i apologize. this is all that was down there" she lifted up the bag of doritos.

i shook my head. "it's fine. i like them anyway".

we sat down on the floor. listening to harry styles. i love him to death. he's literally the one person i will forever look up to. including my siblings and parents.

"you've been looking nervous and tense today. is anything bothering you?" devyn spoke up. turning down the music.

fuck. i knew that was noticeable.


she raised her eyebrow in disbelief.

"ugh. ok. no. i actually have something to tell you" i looked down. instantly finding the air in my chest getting tighter and tighter.

i felt her nod her head. telling me to go and tell her. she's told me multiple times that i can tell her anything and she won't judge me for it. i just hope she stuck to her words.

"lately. with the help of my older sister cameron. i've been figuring myself out a lot lately. i've noticed that i don't have the same feelings towards boys anymore. it's more less towards girls" i looked down. fiddling with the crisp that was in my hand.

her breath hitched for a second before breathing normally. she nodded.

"thanks to cameron. i've came to the conclusion that i am lesbian. or gay. however you say i am." i shrugged. focusing on my breathing.

thank you for 5k reads. never thought this would happen. still thankful every time💓

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