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i ended up telling devyn about cruise later that night. her reaction was what i expected, disgusted. absolutely disgusted.

anyway devyn's gone back to our boarding school as me, ethan and grayson are just packing our stuff up to leave for our flight tomorrow.

me and ethan ended up getting into an argument about how me going back to boarding school but both him and grayson said that i couldn't. i've missed the about almost a month of school.

i'm afraid i'm going to get kicked out because of my attendance being low. as that has happened before.


"melody. mom put us in charge so we can do whatever we want and you're coming to la with us. simple as that" ethan shrugged. "as we need to record something for tuesday next week"

"oh so my education isn't important?" i question, with widened eyes.

"melody that's not what i'm taking about"

"oh ethan, i know exactly what you're talking about. i'm going to be fucking kicked out of that school if i stay away a lot more because of my attendance going down."

"we'll ju-"

"no." i held my hand up, shutting him up.

"mom will have to pay that fine if my attendance goes down. and boarding school ain't cheap, grant." i said.

when i call my siblings by their middle names, they know it's about to get serious.

"she's already under a lot of stress from dad" i said.

"well, me and grayson will pay for it" ethan said quietly.

"what everything? the transport, me to stay there every month, school trips that are so expensive. it's worth more than my life" i said. "and it's a lot more money than that amount of money you've paid for your cars over the years. boarding school gets fucking more expensive every month"

"i know you have money. but it's really expensive for you to pay for."

ethan looked at me, then to the floor. knowing i got through him. "still, i don't care. you're coming with us no matter what. we'll try to set up a tutor for you"

i looked at him and walked off to my room. knowing i had to pack otherwise grayson would come up into my room and pack everything in my closet.


"wake up lazy" grayson said, shaking me.

"mmmm. go away" i mumbled, turning over.

"are you still mad with ethan?" he said lowly.

i nodded my head and lifted the covers off me. i went straight to my bathroom and turned on the light.

"you know. we are only looking out for you melody." grayson sighed as he leant against the counter.

i nodded as i brushed my teeth, understanding.

"it's just, we don't want you to get stressed out and go downhill. let me tell you being stressed is not pleasing" he said as he turned around to face the mirror.

"well i appreciate your way trying to look out for me. but i'm just scared to get kicked out, again, because that school is the best thing that ever happened to me" i sighed as i spat out the toothpaste and rinsed the toothbrush under the running water. "look who i've met. a girl who has literally helped me, devyn doesn't have no clue how much she helped me to actually find myself out and to become a better person today."

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now