day: one

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"wake up bitches!" oceana yelled loudly as she walked into mine and devyn's room that we were sharing for the weekend.

"shut up ocean, it's like" devyn said, looking at the clock beside the bed. "8am. let me sleep as much as i can"

"no, we gotta get so much done this morning" she smiled, running off into tom's room with lewis.

there was only 3 bedrooms so me and devyn shared one, same as lewis and oceana. while tom got one for himself.

"i guess we're gonna have to get up, otherwise ocean is gonna drag us out of bed with the others help" i groaned, sitting up.

i pushed the covers down my legs as i got up. devyn stayed laying down as she stretched. her pyjama top came up halfway her stomach, leaving it there until she stood up. my eyes dragged up and down her body, but immediately stopped when i realised what i was doing.

we both headed to the kitchen where everyone was chatting and blasting tame impala very loudly. tom was stood at the stove cooking scrambled eggs and bacon with some toast.

"good morning melody" he smiled as he placed the plate in front of me.

"morning tom" i said as i practically drooled over tom's breakfast. he does know how to cook. "thanks for the breakfast"

"well, i would have no other choice" he chuckled as he placed his plate next to me. "ya'll would of beat my ass if i said no. or one of you would food poison us as none of you know how to cook"

"hey i do know how to cook" i fired back.

"sorry not sorry" he sad as he turned around to grabbed another plate.

i rolled my eyes and shoved some of the scrambled eggs into my mouth. everyone began tucking into their food, making sure to eat every single bit as tom's food is too good to waste.

"ok now i'm stuffed, we girls need to get ready. and you boys are NOT allowed to see" oceana smirked as she stood up.

"what about me babe?" lewis pouted.

"no, you've gotta wait too" she said, kissing lewis' pouted lips.

he huffed loudly as she walked away. but all oceana did was turn her head around and wink at him. cute.


"i love all of your outfits" devyn said as she turned around, her eyes landed on me lastly. her eyes slowly dragging up and down my body with her lips departed slightly, and she then smiled softly before looking back at oceana who grabbed her hair so she could do it.

oceana was the hair stylist out of all of us girls. devyn was the makeup artist, and i was the clothes and jewellery stylist. i helped with most of the outfits worn by us. but oceana did all of lewis', don't ask i don't know why. but let me tell you she did do a good job by what i've heard from her.

"we need to meet everyone at ethan and grayson's hotel/apartment place" i said, looking up from my phone from the text messages i received from bryant.

both oceana and devyn nodded their heads, oceana finished the last curl on devyn's head. she placed the curling iron down and began to mess up devyn's hair a little to make the curls less tight.

"there" she smiled, patting devyn's shoulders.

before i sat down, i picked up my yellow bandana and tied it around my calve for like an extra accessory. devyn decided to tie a black one around her arm.

"come here melody" oceana, dragged my arm towards her. "stop staring, it's starting to get obvious" she whispered as she sat down.

i began to blush. fuck i didn't realise it was that noticeable. oceana began to work her magic, making my hair perfect for coachella was like a must. if your hair looked good, then your whole outfit would look good.

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