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i rested my chin on my hand as the teacher began to talk about our homework. i fiddled with my pen trying to distract myself from the disgust stares i was earning from people.

"so this is needs to be handed in on tuesday" the teacher smiled, looking at me specifically. "so tomorrow basically"

i let out a mental groan and looked down at the small booklet. i wrote my name across the top and then stuffed the paper into my bag.

the bell rang, signaling it was break. i shot up from my seat and ran out the class to avoid everyone. i'm not in the mood for anyone to hurt me.

i took a turn into the library to start on my homework a little, because i know for definite i won't do it when i go home tonight because of going out to universal studios for their halloween theme.

i pulled a chair back and sat down. i took the paper out of my bag, along with a pen. i looked at the questions figuring them out and jotting down the answers.

as the bell rang signaling it was 3rd period i had finished my homework. i smiled and put it back in my bag, keeping hold of my pen and running to my next class.


i sat at a lunch table, watching cruise and his friends laugh at something. i looked down at my phone waiting for a response from grayson seeing if he's gonna pick me up.

i clicked his contact and pressed the call button. i brought my phone up to my ear listening to it ring. it sent me straight to voicemail.

i tried ethan's contact. it did the exact same thing.

"are you fucking kidding me" i groaned.

i scanned through my contacts, seeing who i could ring. i saw emma's contact and clicked on it.

"hello?" she answered.

"is ethan or grayson with you?" i asked, biting my lip slightly.

"yeah, would you like me to pass you on?" she asked.

"yes please" i smiled slightly.

the sound of grayson's voice flowed through the phone.

"come pick me up" i said.

"why didn't you ring me" he asked.

"check your fucking phone you dumbass" i said, annoyed.

"oh. yeah you did. sorry. i'll be there soon" grayson said before hanging up.

i sighed and stood up going outside to wait.

minutes later grayson has pulled up and i jumped in, placing my bag by my feet and clicking in my seat belt.

we pulled up into emma's apartment complex. i left my bag in the car and followed grayson out to wherever he was going in the building.

"hi we're back, now where were we when we was rudely interrupted" grayson smirks.

"hey!" i punched his arm.

he began to laugh and shake his head. "i was only being sarcastic"

"you're in the video with us, so sit there" ethan pointed to the floor in front of him.

i groaned and sat down in front of him. emma began to intro for her video and began to introduce us all.

"so today we are doing a q&a" she smiled.

they picked and question and read it out. it was for ethan and grayson about me.

"how long is melody staying with ethan and grayson for?" ethan read out.

ethan began to play with my hair slightly as he began to speak.

"for as long as she wants really" ethan

i nodded.

the recording stopped a few hours.


i pulled an outfit out that will be warm since it's like 11pm at night and its pretty cold.

i slipped on a black hoodie and then my black ripped jeans. i slipped on a jean jacket that had like safety pins all along the back and arms. i slipped my black old skool vans on and picked up my phone.

i left my hair in its messy braid and went outside to ethan's car where everyone was.

i sat in the back along with my brothers' friend bryant and grayson. emma was sitting in the front with ethan who was driving.

we pulled up into a space at universal studios and began to walk around.

we were being stopped by a few fans noticing us as we walked around.

i took pictures with some, making my day that some people appreciates me. i smiled at them as they become excited and hugged me.


"today was a long day" i sighed as i flopped down onto grayson's bed.

"i know" grayson agreed. "you got school tomorrow, go get some sleep"

"i can't go to school" i sat up shaking my head.

grayson gave me a confused look and got a bit closer to me.

"why what's wrong"

"everyone" i shook my head as i hung it low.

i felt him pull me in a hug. comforting me, "ok i'll let you off tomorrow. but you need to go into school the next day. let me know is anything else happens and i'll up the school no matter what"

"thank you" i smiled slightly.

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