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i scrolled through instagram liking pictures and commenting on a few posts of my friends. a notification came up for dms. i looked into my dms and saw the username that belongs to the girl who came up to me about my brothers.

i opened it and read it.

'you lied to me about ethan and grayson. wait until you come back'

i gulped, i sat up from ethan's bed and tapped his shoulder.

"ethan can i talk to you?"

"sure bup, what's up?" he asked pausing his game and placing his headphones on his lap turning around to me.

i handed him his phone and he read the message. his eyes widened.

"do you know this girl?" he said.

"kinda. i don't know her name but she came up to me before i left to come here and threatened me if i didn't tell her about you and gray" i said. "what type of relation i have towards you"

ethan shook his head and stood up with my phone in his hand. he motioned his head to follow him. i followed him to grayson's room who was currently editing a video for tuesday.

"yo what's up?" grayson smiled.

ethan handed my phone to him, grayson took his raising his eyebrow at me as he looked down looking at what was on my phone. he read it, almost choking on his spit at the end.

"what the fuck? ignore her please melody. and don't worry you won't be home for a while since we have a lot to do here" grayson smiled. "you'll be fine, you got me and ethan."

i nodded my head reaching for my phone as he held it out for me. i took it and screenshotted the message before deleting it. i sat on grayson's bed watching him edit. it's just very amusing, i dont know why.


"how do i do this?" grayson yelled in frustration.

he was currently live to let everyone know about something him and ethan have been working on for a while.

"let me help you" i said as i got off his bed and sat down on grayson's lap taking his phone out of his hand.

i helped grayson get ethan on live with him.

"here you are" i smiled handing grayson his phone.

"your a genius. thanks sugar" he smiled kissing my cheek.

i nodded slowly as grayson allowed me to stay where i was. his hand was very lightly around my waist to make sure i wouldn't fall off.

"so me and ethan want to announce something that is going to happen very soon" grayson smiled.

as ethan and grayson were telling the fans about their surprise i was reading the comments.

i read some that deep down hurt my feelings.

'incest much'
'she's sitting on gray's lap and he has his hand around her waist, incest'
'eww get off gray'
'get your ass of grayson, he's mine'

i took a deep breath and continued on with trying to focus on what ethan and grayson was talking about.

i let out a shaky sigh as i was starting to get uncomfortable and upset. i slowly stood up from grayson's lap and walked out his room. i went to the kitchen and looked through the freezer spotting a tub of ice cream.

ice cream fixes your problems.

i grabbed a spoon and slumped down onto the couch eating the ice cream as i watched some videos on youtube.


"have a great day at school!" ethan yelled out the car as he drove off.

i waved, smiling. i walked up to my locker. opening it up and putting some books from my bag into the metal compartment.

"hey. are you okay?" i heard cruise's voice say.

"yes." i said.

his eyes scanned my face immediately detecting something wrong. "no your not. i saw your brothers live yesterday. honestly i don't see what's wrong with a sister sitting on their brother's lap. my 11 year old sister does that all the time" cruise shrugged as he gripped the straps of his backpack as we walked down the hallway near my classroom.

"i really don't know." i shook my head. "but i guess it's fan girls for you"

cruise nodded in agreement and watched the people walk past us. a few girls walked past me giving me death glares. a few came up wanting a picture.

i smiled slightly as i posed with them for a picture and they walked off not saying thank you.

the bell rang, causing everyone to run to their classes.

i waved goodbye to cruise as he went to his class. i looked down at my piece of paper and saw that i had history first.

i groaned and walked to the classroom.

i opened the door, walking inside. as soon as i walked through all i could hear was people 'boo' and laugh.

i held my head low and sat in my seat at the back, away from everyone. i took out my pen and book and began to write the date.


"hey how was school today?" ethan asked as i sat in the back of his car due to the fact emma was with him and grayson.

"eh. it could of been worse." i shrugged my shoulders, not in the mood for a conversation.

"did something happen today?" grayson asked, scanning my face trying to find what's wrong.

"yes" i sighed, looking out the window.

"go. on. tell us bup." ethan nodded his head.

i explained to them about the people calling me words and yelling 'incest much' due to the fact i was sat on grayson's lap.

"what the fuck" grayson said. "it's not incest. i was gladly allowing you to sit on my lap and my hand was very lightly around your waist to make sure you wouldn't fall off" he shook his head.

"i don't see what's wrong with a sister sitting on their brother's lap" ethan shook his head as he pulled up at some parking lot. "just ignore those people. they clearly don't know the real meaning of incest."

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now