9 (pt.2)

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i thanked grayson as he walked out my room to go get ready. i looked through my newly organised closet and figured out what outfit i'm gonna wear for the night. i took some clothes out and saw that they worked together so i grabbed them and picked up my black doc martens.

i slipped on an oversized red and white 90s vintage long sleeved t-shirt and pulled on some mom jeans and put my doc martens on that i got from cameron as a christmas gift. i looked through my necklaces and picked up a small choker i normally wear.

i put my hair up into a half up half down

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i put my hair up into a half up half down.

i grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket of my jeans and went to the kitchen to wait for ethan and grayson to finish getting ready

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i grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket of my jeans and went to the kitchen to wait for ethan and grayson to finish getting ready. grayson came through with an outfit that was kinda vintage like mine while ethan came through with a sort of trendy outfit but still managed to look a little vintage.

"shall we get going?" ethan said, picking up grayson's car keys and handing him them

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"shall we get going?" ethan said, picking up grayson's car keys and handing him them.

"i call shotgun!" i yelled, making ethan jump slightly. i laughed and followed grayson out the door.

i got in the front of grayson's car with him while ethan had to sit in the back. "are we picking emma and james up still?" ethan asked, looking up from his phone.

"yeah. i think so" grayson said, backing out the drive way and onto the main road. we went and picked one of their friends first, emma, then james. they sat in back and we headed to a restaurant.

"so um" james started


"..melody. i hear your related to ethan grayson, i didn't think they had another sister until grayson said something to ethan" james said.

"yeah i know. they like to keep me as their 'secret'" i said. i could basically see the confusion on his and emma's face. "let me explain. they're worried i'm gonna get hate and they don't want me to deserve that" i said.

"ohhh" both emma and james said.

grayson pulled up into an empty space. we got out and headed into a sushi place, that both my brothers love due to fact how many times they've posted sushi of their snaps and messaged me about this place.

we sat down and ordered our food, ethan and grayson got what why normally have. but sharing it with me as i was that hungry.

"can i share that with you guys, i'm just not that hungry" i asked grayson, who was sat next to me.

"sure" he smiled.

i smiled and pulled my phone out to message my friends.

hey, esme

hey melody. how's l.a with your brothers?

it's actually really fun, i've gotten to meet their friends. and their friends are really sweet.

"does esme and your other friend know about you and us?" ethan looked over my shoulder.

"no, no one does except our family," i shrugged, looking at him. he nodded, turning his gaze to emma who started a conversation with him.

"and obviously aris" i whispered.

well tell them i've said hi

of course.

our food arrived, making me drool at the sight. they placed the food in front of me as i was sat between ethan and grayson.

"this food is good" grayson mumbled.

"hey, no talking with your mouth full" i said, sounding like our mom.

"yes ma" grayson groaned in a sarcastic way, making me laugh.


i woke up in someone's arms, noticing it was grayson by his very famous laugh.

"hmm. where am i?" i rubbed my eye.

"we're home, i'm just putting you into bed as you fell asleep in the car" grayson softly spoke, making me wanting to fall asleep again. "emma and james are sleeping over tonight, so if you are confused on why they are here when you wake up. that's why"

all i did was nod my head and let my head fall near his chest. grayson lent his cheek on the top of my head knowing how tired i was. he reached my room, opening the door and closing it lightly behind me.

"go ahead and get changed, i'll get you back to sleep after" grayson said sitting on my bed. i nodded and grabbed my pyjamas from my bed and walking into my closet half asleep. i changed into one of ethan's old t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

i opened the door and turned off the light, almost falling over a suitcase. i'm super clumsy when i'm this tired. i opened my eyes a little to see grayson sat in my bed underneath my covers waiting for me.

"come on, get comfy and we'll watch a film" grayson smiled.

i smiled back and climbed into my bed. i'm glad that grayson actually bothered. he knows when it's late at night and i've been woken up from a nap or by something i find it really hard to get back to sleep and i usually go sleep with grayson as, ethan would complain. he's been doing this ever since i remember, and i'm actually thankful for it.

he moved my head so it was laying on his chest, making myself comfortable. grayson looked through netflix on my laptop, seeing my all time favourite film. the little mermaid. i smiled.

"thank you for having to put up with this and losing your own sleep to just make sure i'm asleep" i said.

"if it was ethan, i wouldn't do it. but as you've been like this for a while, i really don't mind doing it" he said "it just means i get to spend time with you a little more as ethan gets to spend the most time with you"

i nodded.

i felt grayson shifting slightly, and kissing the top of my head. "goodnight, i love you a lot"

i snuggled into him more and fell asleep at almost immediately after.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now