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this whole week has destroyed me. i feel like i'm slowly coming round. but instagram and twitter has become a small problem.

some people have been taking pictures of me when i go out with my brothers. they have all noticed i don't look like the happy, hectic person i am.

so i've taken a break from social media. i also have taken a break from everyone, except from my family. i don't wanna talk to anyone. including devyn, i love her with my whole heart but i'm too broken to even say a word.

before i left, i wrote a letter to devyn.


i ripped a piece of paper from my note book and began to write a letter to devyn.

i couldn't text, or talk to her physically, to tell her that i'll be gone for a while because of my health.

i took a deep breath before my pen touched the paper. and i began to write, pouring my heart out onto the paper.

dear devyn,
i am so sorry i couldn't come and say all of this to you physically. some things escalated in my art class. causing me having to take a long break from school for a while. again.
i need to make sure my health is back in control before i can make everyone around me as happy as i am.
hopefully, you understand that i'm gonna be taking a break from everyone and everything, except family, until i feel ok. and i'll also be taking a break from social media.
i just need a full break from everything because it's hit me after what those stupid popular pricks said to me about my dad, that he's gone and there is no turning back. after 2 months of not really taking notice of it, but it hit me. hard.

once again. i'm extremely sorry, i love you. like a lot. see you soon

m x ♡

i folded the piece of paper in half and wrote devyn's name on the front. i picked up my backpack and suitcases from my bedroom and headed downstairs to where my mom was waiting.

*end of flashback*

she did text me, letting me know that she understood and will respect my choice. and said she'll see me soon also as well as saying 'i love too, like a lot also'.

"i'm just gonna take a shower, so do whatever you want" grayson spoke up as he stood outside the bathroom doorway.

"ok" i said, as i shook myself out of my day dreaming state.

he closed the door and the sound of the shower turning on was all i could hear. the sound of loud footsteps came closer to grayson's bedroom door.

ethan strolled through looking at me confused.

"what you doing in here by yourself?" he asked, sitting in grayson's desk chair.

"gray's showering and he let me stay in here" i said, adjusting grayson's comforter over my legs.

i haven't even slept in my own bed, i've been either sleeping with grayson or ethan. because i know i over think at night too much sometimes to the point where i would either have nightmares during the night while sleeping, or have anxiety attacks.

plus they have some sort of magic, because whenever i'm with them they always find a way to make me calm and fall asleep. it's weird but i'm thankful for that.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now