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"have a good day sis!" grayson yelled, hanging his head out the window.

i laughed and ran back to the car and shoved his head back into the car. then i told him to shut up, otherwise the whole school would be able to hear him.

"ok. now i'm leaving. see you after school gray" i waved, walking into school meeting with my friends, esme and aria, who were talking to a group of populars.

"hey!" i smiled.

"oh. melody. are you okay? i heard about what happened to your brother" esme said, hugging me.

"i'm fine. he's now okay. but i have news to tell you both." i said, grabbing their arms and dragging them to a nearest locker.

"hey, before you go" a girl said, making me turn around.

"do you know ethan and grayson dolan by any chance?" she asked. "like personally."

my eyes widened, causing me to choke on my spit.

"not really, why?" i said.

"oh, because when grayson posted a picture of him and ethan and there was a girl touching his forehead that kinda looked like you" she asked confused. "and you can't be their sister as they only have one."

i stood there, thinking of a response before another girl came up to me.

"and girl. if we find out anything about you knowing them personally-" i cut her off by saying something.

"and try to become my friend, to meet them. if i did know them personally" i raised my eyebrow.

"if i did know them personally and you do this, it won't happen. end of. because i won't be here any longer" i smiled and dragged my friends to the nearest locker that was quiet.

"tell us" aria said.

"it's not happy news by the way." i paused before i started my sentence. "my brothers live in l.a, and they got the permission from my mom and dad to take care of me. and i mean by my brothers taking care of me is that i'm moving in with them."

esme and aria looked at me with upset eyes.

"well. when are you going?" aria asked.

"2 days"


"bye. tomorrow, i'll make sure to hangout with you both!" i said, leaving the lunchroom to go and see if ethan or grayson was here to pick me up.

"melody!" ethan yelled. "over here!" he waved.

"how was it having half day of school?" he said, looking at me making sure i had my seatbelt on.

"a lot better. but grayson posting that picture of all three of us in the hospital because your accident has made everyone bombard me with questions. and i'm just happy i don't get to go to that hell of a school again." i said, leaning my cheek on my hand.

"why did grayson post that anyway?" ethan asked.

"i don't know you ask him" i replied.


we pulled up in the driveway and saw grayson sitting on the porch stairs.

"got locked out again?" i said, grabbing the keys from ethan.

"yep, for the millionth time" he said getting up, making me laugh. as soon as i opened the door, i threw ethan's house key on the kitchen counter and headed up to my room to get started on packing most of my clothes, and box some stuff up mom and dad was gonna mail to me, for me to have at ethan and grayson's house.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now