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i woke up to someone shaking me slightly.

"morning bup, breakfast is downstairs. and don't worry gray didn't make it it's some left overs from when we went out" i heard ethan speak, causing me to laugh slightly.

"hmm" i mumbled, nodding.

i heard footsteps travel to the door, then the door slammed. making me jump slightly. i sighed and sat up rubbing my eyes. throwing the covers off my body and walked to my full length mirror. i looked at my myself not giving a flying fuck at how i looked. i shrugged at the sight of my huge oversized jumper and ankle socks. my hand turned the doorknob and walked downstairs tiredly.

"oh good morning happy" i heard grayson sarcastically comment. i flipped him off and sat at the table where my breakfast was.

when i finished my pancakes i put the dirty plate and cup into the sink and walked back upstairs before grayson spoke up.

"just to let you know. we're going out to the river with some old school friends of mine and ethan's in about half an hour so get ready" i could see grayson practically smiling.

"ok" i replied while going into my room to pick out a bikini. i walked into my small walk-in closet and looked through the bikini's hanging up. i decided on something that wasn't too 'revealing' as both my brothers think that all of my bikini's are too revealing. i picked out a matching black set that had white outlining. i took my pyjamas off and slipped on the bikini, putting a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top on.

i headed to my dresser and fixed my hair. i took it out of its messy bun and let it hang loosely around my lower back, just touching the top of my butt. i brushed through my brown chocolate waves and remembered to put a couple of hair bands on my wrist just in case. i made sure to put some deodorant on and brushed my teeth before grabbing my phone from it's charger and skipping down stairs to see ethan sitting on the couch.

"still waiting for grayson?" i asked, plopping down next to ethan.

"yeah" ethan shrugged, locking his phone and dropping it in his lap.

"that kid takes forever" i rolled my eyes. "i know tell me about it. he's even worse in la" ethan said throwing his hands in the air being extra. i chuckled at ethan's complaining, shaking my head.


we walked to the river. ethan and grayson were gonna meet some friends that i haven't seen in forever either. we arrived, walking barefoot the whole way.

"melody!" i heard a male voice shout across from the bridge.

my eyes traveled to who called my name. i looked up at him and smiled instantly knowing who it was. i climbed up to the top of the bridge.

"hello mikey" i smiled tackling him into a hug.

i heard him chuckle and hug me back.

"it's been a while" mikey said.

"i know, i haven't seen you since my brothers went to la." i said looking at him.  "where have you been?"

"eh, busy." he shrugged then flipping off the bridge.

i took my shorts and crop top off and positioned myself of the edge to flip off the bridge along with ethan and grayson on either side. i looked at them both and smiled

"1" ethan said

"2" i smiled

"3" grayson smiled and we all flipped off the bridge landing in the water safely. i came back up and smiled. ethan and grayson were having a small talk with mikey laughing every now and again.

it made me happy knowing that my brothers are happy and that they came home for my birthday present. AND saying that i can live with them. honestly life could not get any better.

i sat near the edge, recording ethan doing a backflip into the lake for his instagram story. after he was done he asked me to edit it slightly and post it on his instagram story.

"hey bup, mind editing that video a little then post it on my instagram story?" ethan asked, giving me a big toothy grin.

"sure" i smiled. he threw his hands up in the hair and mouthing yes. "thank you" he smiled, kissing the top of my head while getting out to do another round of flips off the bridge.

i did what ethan had asked and put it back in his bag. i then went up to the bridge and flipped off it. landing in the water safely.


"should we get pizza at our favourite place?" grayson asked, looking up from his phone.

"YES, i don't wanna eat your shit" ethan said, making me laugh.

"yeah, of course" i smiled heading upstairs to change out of my outfit. i put on my black cropped champion jumper, sweatpants and some converse. i grabbed my phone and skipped down the stairs. i grabbed the car keys off the counter in the kitchen and unlocked the car so i could sit in it and wait. i put the key in the ignition and sat in my normal position on the back seat. ethan and grayson began to walk outside and lock the front door before grayson got into the driver's seat while ethan got into the passenger seat.

"thanks for giving me a heart attack thinking i lost the car keys" grayson sarcastically said, turning around.

"your very much welcome" i replied with sarcasm, then looking outside seeing all the lights.

grayson then turned the key in the ignition and we were on our way to the traditional pizza place all 3 of us go, and of course cameron when she's here.

grayson pulled up into an empty space and turned off the car as i was getting out. i waited for ethan and grayson on the sidewalk, on my phone scrolling through my personal instagram that not a single fan knew about.

"come on. let's get some pizza" ethan gave me a big smile before wrapping his hand over on my shoulder and walking us into the small restaurant.

some fans instantly noticed the twins and ran up to them for pictures. i saw some of them giving me looks that could probably kill me.

"melody, do you want to find a table real quick so you won't get caught up in this and get asked millions of questions?" ethan grabbed my arm and dragged me into a silent spot a whispered.

"sure" i nodded. "thank you" ethan smiled slightly. i looked down a little. "hey lil sis. i know you don't like this but. we will tell the fans soon enough. but right now is not the time to tell them. and if this makes you feel better, i'll get you more pizza than me and grayson?" ethan places his finger underneath my chin softly to tilt my head up. i smiled at the thought "deal" i smiled. ethan let out a sigh and kissed the top of my head before giving me a hug.

as i was walking to find a table, i looked at some of the fans. a lot of them wanted to kill me because of the comfort ethan just gave me. some of them were a little confused but shrugged it off. before i could even step foot. grayson grabbed my arm and did the exact same thing as what ethan did, but almost making me fall over.

"melody, i know this is the worst thing to happen. but thank you for putting up for us and our fans" he smiled, giving me a hug again making me a smile into this chest.

"no problem. your still the same person, and i love and support everything both my older brothers do" i smiled, walking to the table that i saw. i could feel grayson smiling.

as i sat down, fans started to rush over to me and ask questions.

"why they fuck was ethan and grayson kissing your head and hugging you?" one fan asked, a little angry.

i shrugged and pulled my phone out to text the groupchat i'm in with ethan & grayson.

melody: brothers. save. me. now. thank you :)

i shut my phone off and smiled at them when i saw ethan looking at me to say something. i nodded and spoke up.

"i guess that question is gonna be unanswered until the time is ready" i said in a tone that wasn't too rude.

they all crossed their arms and huffed while running to their tables. i rolled my eyes and slumped in my chair and waited for ethan and grayson to come over so we could order.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now