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"what terminal are they at again?" grayson said as he looked up from his phone as we kept on walking around the airport waiting for my friends to arrive.

"i think it's terminal 6" i said, looking at the texts from oceana saying where they were gonna be. "yeah it is, listen"

a women's voice began to interrupt the soft playing music in the background, with her very professional voice. "virgin airlines have just landed at terminal 6"

and like they normally do, repeated it again. i watched as people began to pile out of the plane through the small tunnel thing to where security is.

out came first was lewis, he went through security and waited at the baggage area. probably waiting for the others.

"yo! phoenix! over here!" i yelled, waving my hands. yeah phoenix is his middle name, i do normally use it as i like the name phoenix and it's something different.

he turned his head towards mine, a very huge smile spread across his lips while his eyes glistened softly from the big lights above.

he dropped his bags and held his arms open, i began running towards him. as soon as i got close enough i latched onto his shoulders with my arms and buried my head into his shoulder.

we were just rocking side to side before i saw devyn walking off the plane with oceana and tom, laughing at some stupid joke of tom's probably.

as her head turned towards mine, it felt like slow motion. we both began running towards each other, with a huge smiles painted across our lips with our arms wide open.

we landed, hard, into eachother's arms. knocking both of us over into the floor. we stayed there for what felt for half an hour but was in reality a few minutes.

i pulled away and looked into her bright green eyes i've learned to love over time. a huge beautiful smile broke out onto her lips as she began laughing.

she stood up and held her hand out to help me out. i gladly took it and she pulled me up. we both hugged again.

"my heart is happy you're ok" she whispered, sending chills throughout my body.

"thank you" i softly laughed as we pulled away.

we looked into each other's eyes, butterflies swarmed around in my stomach, as we both pulled away.

"melody. what about me?" oceana whined sarcastically, interrupting our special moment.

i still held my gaze as i looked over to oceana stood behind me, i looked at her last second.

"i didn't forget about you, don't you worry child" i smiled as i held my arms open, wrapping my arms around her small frame.

"how could anybody forget me?" she asked.

"nobody can, you're too fucking loud and annoying. but i wouldn't change it for the world" i smiled brightly.

we pulled away and i spotted lewis, tom and devyn over with ethan and grayson. it looked like tom and lewis was introducing themselves to my brothers while devyn was just standing there ready to speak to them.

i ran up to tom and tapped his shoulder lightly. he sharply turned his head to my direction, causing his long hair to fall softly on his forehead as he looked at me with his blue eyes.

"hi melody" he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up from the floor.

"hi tom" i managed to get out between laughs as i wrapped my arms around his shoulders so i wouldn't fall.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now