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"omg melody" ethan's voice mumbled as i walked up to him. "i'm. so. sorry"

his arms wrapped around my shoulders as i dropped my bags to hug him back. i lent my head again his chest, taking in his presence. coming at ease.

i pulled away, sniffing, as i looked towards grayson. who looked so sad, it made me guilty to put this on top of them both, and their happiness.

he didn't say anything but do the exact same thing ethan did. my arms automatically wrapped around his waist, after a while i pulled away and picked up my bags.

they noticed that i wasn't in the mood so they walked in front of me and lead me through the airport to ethan's car.

grayson put all my stuff into the trunk of ethan's car before we went home. to ethan and grayson's home, in la.

mom rang ethan as soon as she picked me up from boarding school. telling them everything that i told her. they said they wouldn't mind having me around, because they knew i needed them at this point.

i love my mom and cameron, but i feel more comfort from my older brothers as they have looked after me most of the time. and we are all closer than anything, but ethan and grayson are a lot more closer than all of us.

ethan pulled up in their front yard, turning the car off and climbing out his jeep and closed his door and opened mine straight after.

i looked up at him, smiling slightly. he replied with a 'no problem' knowing i mentally said thank you but didn't have the strength to say it physically.

ethan opened the front door, i walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. i looked around the room, spotting a few differences, the new table that grayson built not so long ago. ethan went back out to help grayson with my suitcases as i was gonna stay here until i got my health back on track.

i watched as grayson struggled to lift up my luggage and move it to the living room.

i stood up and ran after him. "i'll do it grayson" i grabbed his forearm.

"no melody. go rest, your exhausted" he looked at me. it must be really obvious that i haven't slept since that day.

i sighed, knowing i would have to give up either way because he wouldn't let me struggle anymore. i sat down on the couch, falling back causing my back to lay against the soft cushion. i closed my eyes, and exhaled a deep breath.

the sound of footsteps became louder causing my eyes to shoot open. ethan sat down next to me and held his head in his hands. grayson then came through with a glass of water and set it down on the wooden coffee table in front of me.

i spoke up, breaking the silence. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have come here. you don't need my sadness" i shook my head.

"no. it's ok mel." grayson said, "there was no way both me and ethan was gonna let you stay there and have your health be destroyed completely" he shook his head.

i just held my head low. i think it's only just hit me that my dad is gone, 2 months later. life isn't fair sometimes. i've ignored that for so long.

ethan lent back, his back landing softly on the cushions on the sofa. tears began to form in my eyes again as i over thought. again. i slowly lent into his chest.

ethan lightly pushed my head to his chest, his hand rested on the side of my head as his cheek rested on the top of my head. his fingers began to play with a small piece of my hair.

"i'll be in my room if you need me" grayson spoke up.

i felt ethan's head slowly move up and down.

ethan's pov;

"talk to me, melody" i whispered, loud enough for her to hear. "tell me what's wrong"

there was nothing but the sound of her sobs every now and again. she took a deep breath and began talking weakly.

"they told me he deserved to die. they told me it was karma for grayson because of that stupid joke he made when you guys were turning emma in an la girl. and then they told me it was my fault he died also."

every word that left her mouth hit my heart, it felt like bullets were going through my body. i held her tighter, trying to let her know she is ok.

"i think it's just hit me he's truly gone" she whispered before burying her head more into my chest and cried a little louder.

my hand rubbed softly up and down her back, while whispering. "let it all out. it's ok to cry every now and again"


"melody. dinner!" i yelled, melody has shut herself in her room all day. she hasn't left it once, and i'm slightly worried.

she weakly walked through which high her eyes stuck to the floor. i noticed her body was slumped, her eyes looked, i don't know how to explain it, completely broken. like shattered glass. and blank, like a plain canvas with nothing on it.

she slumped in her chair, looking at the food grayson prepared for her. me and grayson picked up our forks and began to eat. grayson took a glance at melody, who wasn't eating anything.

grayson kicked me under the table and glared at me to do something.

"i don't know what to do. you say something" i mouthed to him.

he looked at melody again. he carefully chose his words and looked at melody.

"melody. you really need to eat something" grayson said.

she looked up weakly, looking at grayson. she looked back down at her plate of food, stood up and walked out of the kitchen

"bro, fuck. did i mess up?" grayson looked at me.

"no. don't judge yourself. she's just mentally and emotionally not ok at the moment." i said as i looked through the doorway.

i really do hope she gets better soon. she deserves to be happy. i miss the happy melody i once knew.

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