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it's been a few days since ethan had been in the motorcycle accident. today he's allowed to go home. but he still has to rest.

"i actually can't believe ethan's coming home today" grayson said, turning down the music.

"me neither. and. i wonder if that reception lady will flirt with you again" i rolled my eyes.

"hey, you know i'm used to it. that's not as bad as what i go through with some women, and some men, in their 50's flirting with me" grayson said, shrugging his shoulders.

"that's even worse" i giggled. "your fault for 'being attractive', in the fangirl words"

the rest of the car ride was me and grayson, singing really badly to our favourite songs.

"hello. we've came here to pick ethan dolan up" grayson placed his forearms on the desk, looking at the same receptionist. who looked like a straight up whore, she wore a blouse that could burst right open at the second from her fake ass boobs. her whole body looked fake. she looked at grayson and started to flirt again, making me automatically roll my eyes.

grayson coughed, making her stop "umm. yes. he's just coming down from his room with a doctor to talk to you" she smiled. grayson nodded, taking us to sit down.

i took my phone out from my pocket and went to sit down but someone coughed.

"someone is sitting there" a stranger said.

"oh. sorry sir" i said, seeing a seat that was next to a girl who looked incredibly ill.

"just sit on my lap, baby sis" grayson said, adjusting himself so we would both be comfortable.

"thank you" i said.

i went on my phone, taking a snapchat. and captioning it with 'waiting for brother so we can take him home, is so boring'.

"hey no phones" the receptionist said, looking at me with full on jealousy.

"and, no flirting with people who are 3 times less your age" i smiled sassily, handing grayson my phone. who had his hand out. she let out a big huff and got back to doing whatever she was doing.

"exactly what i was thinking" i whispered, crossing my arms.

"grayson, melody" ethan said, smiling.

grayson looked at ethan with a smile that could fall off.

"how are you?" i said, getting off grayson's lap to hug ethan.

"i'm doing fine, but before we leave to go to l.a. i need to rest a few more days and take some medications to help with the headaches i've been getting a lot recently" ethan rolled his eyes when he said 'medications'.

"at least it will make you better" i hit his arm slightly.

"come one let's just get home so i can rest" ethan said.

grayson has a clipboard in his left hand, and a pen in his right. signing ethan out so he could be let home. the doctor then went to talk to grayson about ethan and his medications.

"i'm taking the car keys. don't think differently" i said, taking the car keys out of grayson's back pocket. causing grayson to nod.

i took ethan's hand and walked us out to the car. i unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat for ethan then going to the drivers seat to put the key in the ignition. i then moved to the back seat and waited for grayson to come back.

"why is grayson taking so long" ethan turned around to look at me.

"there's this receptionist that has been flirting with grayson every single time he's been here. and everytime i say something she gives me death glares. she's like in her 30s, he's 18. i don't get it." i said.

"what the fuck." all ethan could let out before laughing.

"it's funny, because she makes him so uncomfortable. she said something to me 'hey no phones' not so long ago. and i said 'and no flirting with people who are 3 times less than your age' she looked at me i could tell she wanted to kill me right there, that second" i shrugged.

"ayeee. that's my sister me, gray and cam brought up when mom and dad wasn't around" ethan held his hand up for a high five.

i smiled and gave him a high five as soon as grayson came in. "i'm not going there ever. again"

"why. what happened?" i asked.

"that freaking receptionist shoved her fake ass boobs in my face when i was putting the clipboard down. then she gave me her number and gave me to most cringest wink." grayson sighed.

all me and ethan could was laugh. grayson turned the car on and we were on our way back home.

"what are you going to do with that piece of paper?" i asked.

"burn it" grayson replied.


i picked up my backpack and walked to school. me and grayson had only just picked ethan up but i had to school as i missed 3 days of school due to me being worried about ethan.

i walked into my 3rd period class, science.

"miss melody dolan. what are you doing late" miss affleck crossed her arms.

"i had to pick my older brother up from the hospital since he got into an accident a few days ago" i said, sitting next to someone who i didn't know.

all miss affleck did was nod her head, "see me after class i want to talk to you"

i rolled my eyes, and opened my book and started to write the date and title.

"okay. class dismissed. melody, stay behind"

"melody. now tell me. why haven't you been in for 3 days, and why was you late?"

"i said i stayed home because i was worrying about both of my twin brothers. one was in the hospital due to a motorcycle accident, and my other brother's anxiety was shooting through the roof so i had to stay home and make sure he was ok all the time. if you still don't believe me. i was late because me and my other brother had to pick up my brother that was in an accident. i will personally call my brothers and they will tell you exactly what i said." i said, in annoyance.

"go to 4th period" she pointed to the door. i nodded and picked up my bag and headed to math.


"hey, bup. how was school?" ethan smiled, hanging his head out the window.

"complete crap. soooo many people were coming up to me asking me about you and gray. because of that photo he posted on twitter" i said, opening the passenger door.

all ethan was nod. he then smirked, and i instantly knew he was thinking of something. i didn't ask though.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now