745 11 2

(warning/: some touching subjects are in this chapter.)

it's been about 2 weeks since i've seen charlie. nothing has been sent to ethan or grayson. but i've asked both of them for the past 2 weeks, if i have the place. but it's been the same crap;

"no melody. not yet. be patient"


"so what's on the agenda today?" devyn asked as she slipped on her converse to finish off her mom jeans, a turtle neck and a puffer jacket.

"umm. i mainly have art all day. but then i have photography also" i said, looking at my time table. "what about you?"

"uhh. music. we're writing our own song. i've got most of the lyrics down." she picked up a piece of paper, skimming over the words

"what is it about?" i asked.

she looked down, blushing a little.

"about a certain someone i like" she mumbled.

"and who is that?" i smirked, raising my eyebrow.

"i'm not that comfortable telling anyone that yet" she looked at me.

there was something in her eyes as she looked up into my eyes. i felt the connection. i shook off the butterflies in my stomach and picked up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. leading devyn out to the minibus.

we sat on the bus. i sat in the front with tom, i grabbed the aux cord and connected it to my phone. playing an old school classic, shut up and dance from victorious.

the bus driver arrived at our school campus. i jumped out along with tom, who was telling me jokes the whole ride.

"see ya later" i smiled, hugging tom as we went to our separate classes.

i sat down at my table, waiting for everyone to pile into the classroom. some of the populars came in, sitting on the tables chatting.

i began to get out my artwork. something that i have been working on for months, a drawing of me, my siblings and my parents.

i wanted to draw something special for my parents, as their anniversary is coming up. even if my dad isn't around anymore, i wanted to do something for both of them. my mom promised she would celebrate with all of us together. so i decided to use my creativity and drawing abilities to draw this for my family.

as i was adding last few finishing touches, someone snatched my pencil out of my hand. and took my drawing from me.

i looked up and saw the most popular girl, and her douchbag of a boyfriend sitting on my table.

"why. hello melody" she smiled, sickly innocent.

"what do you want avery" i glared at her intensely.

she smacked her gum loudly. knowing it would get on my nerves as everyone knows that.

"oh you know just to let you know about your dad" she started.

air got stuck in my throat, scared what she was gonna say, knowing she has a way of getting inside people's heads.

"he deserved to die, you know when your older brother grayson made a sick joke about kpop members fainting?" she looked at me. "well that was karma. for. him" she whispered loudly. "it's also your fault. i don't think he could survive around you anymore"

i looked at her. my eyebrows furrowed angrily.

"how can you say that about a deceased man? who you don't even have a clue about?" i looked at her, snatching my drawing away from her as i stood up.

she looked at me, her smiled fading a bit.

"you're so sick. disgusting. don't. you. dare. talk about my dad, who was such a kind hearted person who died from cancer. not karma for grayson, nor was it my fault. he won his battle finally" i yelled at her, tears of rage forming in my eyes slowly. "you don't know the trauma i go through everyday wishing it was me dead, not him because i was the first to see him dead in his bed in the morning when i had to give him his medication" i said as tears fell down my cheeks.

her smiled went into a thin black line across her mouth, as well as her boyfriends smirk turned upside down.

"wait until it happens to you, maybe you won't be so judgemental to the most innocent people" i whispered, packing up my things and walking out. "and make sure to get your facts right next time"

i wiped the tears away that were running down my cheek. i quickly turned into the girl's toilets, i pulled out my phone. my finger hovered over my mom's name. i didn't know if she was at work or anything.

i called her, i raised my phone to my ear. it took a few rings until she answered.

"melody? what's wrong. aren't you supposed to be in lesson?" she asked, concern laced in her voice.

"i can't be in this school for a while, until i'm truly ok." i said, trying hard not to let a sob leave my mouth.

"what happened melody?!" my mom asked frantically.

"some popular people approached my table. they snatched away my drawing, that i am working on for you, ethan, grayson, cameron and dad. and they began to say such disgusting things about dad" i said, slapping my hand over my mouth trying to catch the sobs coming uncontrollably from my mouth.

"what did they say?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"that he deserved-" before i could say anything my mom interrupted me.

"i can't hear what they said. i think you might have to spend a little time from school. maybe spend it with ethan and grayson if they don't mind" my mom sighed.

i nodded my head, and replied with a weak 'ok' before hanging up.

life truly sucks.

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