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i pinned up the last of the fairy lights and dusted my hands off.

"you do know how to decorate a room" devyn said out of no where.

"uh yeah. i kinda got it from my brothers. they decorated my room with me during the summer last year" i shrugged, scratching the back of my neck.

"my curiosity is eating me alive. every time you pass someone they start whispering. or people coming up to you asking questions about 'ethan and grayson' or taking pictures with you." she paused for a second looking me in the eyes. dang, i can get lost in them. i think i'm crushing on her, what? "why's that?"

i shook my head slightly, moving my eyes away from her and looking down at my hands nervously. "because i'm kinda related to social media stars. the dolan twins"

that's when i could feel her eyes widen, "what those hot twins who got famous off vine. oh yes i know them. never knew they had a little sister" i looked up and saw her face full of confusion.

"watch their video" i stood up and began to re-arrange some things on my desk that didn't look right.


"girls you up?!" the house master yelled.

"yep!" we both yelled. i was in the middle of braiding my wet hair, don't braid your hair while it's wet it's torture.

devyn was at the other mirror applying her makeup that she seems to master every day. music was softly playing from my speaker that i had gotten from cameron before i left.

my phone began to ring, pausing the music. i answered it, not caring if devyn could hear the convo.

"hey! melody. how's boarding school?" their voices flowing through making my heart ache at not being around them.

"it's actually a lot better than i thought. not everyone is as snobby as i thought" i chuckled slightly as i replied.

my conversation carried on with ethan and grayson until i had to leave to get on the bus to head to school.

i packed the last bit of my backpack and slipped on my wrecked converse and slid on my coat. i grabbed my phone and quickly put it into my back pocket of my jeans.

devyn walked out first and held the door open for me. i mumbled a small thanks and closed it behind us.


it was finally lunch. i picked up my tray of food and headed to a random table. soon enough devyn came and sat next to me, including some other people that i didn't know.

i nervously shuffled up towards the wall and ate my food.

"melody. these are some of my friends." devyn smiled, nudging my shoulder. "that's lewis"

she pointed to a boy with dark brown hair and beautiful icy blue eyes.


she pointed to a girl with shoulder length light brown hair and soft hazel eyes.


she pointed to a boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"and oceana"

she pointed to a beautiful girl with super long blonde hair and gray eyes.

i smiled and waved to them all.

"i'm melody" i smiled.

"we all know your name. your pretty well known round here because of your brothers" lewis smiled softly, picking up a fry and eating it.

all i did was nod and carried on eating my food. it was so awkward the whole lunch. devyn kept on giving me small sweet side eye looks to make sure i was okay as i'm so nervous when it comes to meeting new people.

i picked up my tray and headed to the big bowl where dirty dishes and cutlery go. i placed the dirty things that was on my tray into the bowl. i picked up the rubbish and threw it into the bin, placing the tray on top of it.

i've been here for 2 days, it's almost the weekend and i'm ready to go home.

the bell rang signaling it was last period of the day. i smiled and picked up my backpack heading my next class, photography.

i waved goodbye to devyn's friends and walked to the lesson with her as we both had it together in the same class.

devyn opened the door and walked through, holding it open for me so i could walk into the room. we sat down at our assigned seats, next to each other and pulled our laptops out.

everyone began to walk through the door in groups laughing loudly or smacking their gum in their mouths as they went to their seats.

as on cue, 15 minutes late, the teacher walked through the door with her looking into a mirror applying heavy amounts of lipstick.

kids took hardly any notice and still remained seated on the tables talking to each other.

"okay. guys!" she yelled, clapping her hands after she placed the lipstick on the table. "do whatever you want. make out, sleep, walk around the halls. anything, i don't care"

everyone shrugged and began to head out the classroom with their bags, properly heading to some of the music rooms.

me and devyn remained seated in our seats in the middle of a empty classroom with a teacher that can't be bothered to teach anything.

she pulled out her phone and began to take petty pictures. me and devyn tried our hardest i not burst out in laughter as she was sitting there posing for selfies.

me and devyn just turned around and began to chat away.


it was now 8:00 at night. i had just finished showering and was in my room wrapped up in my towel drying my hair.

we had a few hours to finish off homework and other stuff until the lights go out at 10:30pm.

i finished blow drying my hair and brushed through it, listening to the hums of devyn singing to a song that was playing through her earphones.

she was amazing at singing. i picked up my bad singing from my siblings, we all can't sing. and i'm being serious, but it's fun because we don't care if our singing voices are bad.

i finished everything and turned off the lights, just so we won't get shouted at again for keeping our lights on too late by accident. as we did that the first night.

i wrapped up in my 700 different blankets and laid down in bed, scrolling through instagram. following some fan accounts for me or my older brothers, replying to some dms and comments.

time began run away quickly, soon enough it was 10:30pm. devyn was knocked out. i placed my phone on the wood surface next to my bed and cuddled up into my duvet.

a big sigh escaped my mouth and i began to relax into my sleep.

their secret little sister (completed) Where stories live. Discover now