Chapter Three: The Execution

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Liliana stood with her parents and brother as she watched Catharine being led to the execution block to face her punishment.

Tears filled the vampire princess’s blue eyes as she looked down at her pale hands; she had begged her father to allow her not to watch but he had demanded her presence.

“You’ll find yourself a better handmaid,” Viktor said amused as he looked at his sister, she glared at him before turning her attention back to Catharine.

It was clear that the brunette was crying; her shoulders shook as she tried to be brave but it was hopeless.

Afron pursed his lips as he watched the human female, he honestly didn’t see what his nephew saw in her but it didn’t matter now in a few short moments, she would be dead.

Gabriella looked at her daughter, they had moved the execution up at her suggestion and Liliana had been grateful for her mother’s insistence.

Wasn’t it punishment enough that Gerard would spend the rest of eternality with the guilt that he couldn’t save the woman that he loved.

“Catharine Bishop… you are charged with the count of having relations with a vampire of this royal family, your punishment is death,” Afron said is voice booming over the crowd that had gathered; all coming to watch the young woman be killed because she loved the wrong person.

“Do you have any final words?” Gabriella said her voice calm as she watched the young woman, who didn’t speak; the Queen felt her heart go out for the brunette before her husband signalled for the executioner to continue.

Gabriella moved to stand next to her daughter in an attempt to comfort her, this wasn’t going to be pretty.

“Look away,” she whispered to Liliana as the hang-man’s noose was wrapped around Catharine’s neck.

Liliana looked down wishing she could help her friend, she closed her eyes as she heard the floor being pulled from under Catharine’s feet and within moments, she was gone.


Gerard paced his cell as he tried to think of ways to save Catharine, he didn’t have much time to save her; she would be executed tomorrow and he wasn’t going to let that happen.

His ears pricked at the sound of his cell door being unlocked before his cousin Liliana stepped inside; she had asked her father if she could break the news to Gerard, however now she wished she hadn’t.

“Liliana, you have to help me,” the male vampire pleaded not noticing his cousin’s fragile state, brushing her dark ebony hair from her eyes; she watched him sadly wondering how to tell him that it was too late.

“I cannot let them execute Catharine… por favor,” Gerard begged still unaware of what had taken place that night; the sun now rising into the sky.

Liliana shook her head making Gerard stare at her, he had thought that if anyone would help him it would be her; Catharine was a friend to her.

“I thought you cared about her, she was your friend,” Gerard hissed as he stared at his cousin, he couldn’t believe this was happening; he wouldn’t believe it, not without a fight. Liliana blinked back tears as she watched her cousin.

“I’m so sorry Gerard,” she said making him stare at her; a horrible feeling started to creep up on him as he watched his cousin.

Shaking his head, Gerard didn’t want to believe the thoughts that entered his mind; he didn’t want to believe that Catharine was dead.

“She’s gone Gerard… they hung her but not an hour ago,” Liliana informed him, Gerard backed away from her as his legs gave way, he stared at her horrified as he realised what had happened; his Catharine was gone, she was dead.

Collapsing back against the wall, Gerard sank to the floor as he realised what this meant, he would spend the rest of his immortal life alone.

“She can’t be,” Gerard said in denial as he looked at her, begging for Liliana to tell him that she had made a mistake that Catharine was still alive.

Liliana swallowed hard as a dark look appeared on Gerard’s face, she didn’t have time to react before she found herself pinned the wall by her throat. Staring at Gerard terrified, she knew that there was nothing that she could say that would calm him down.

“Por favor Gerard, I came to help,” Liliana gasped in fear, she had never seen him like this before; he snarled as he gave himself over to the creature within, allowing it to take control of him so he didn't have to suffer any longer.

“How can you help me now… she’s dead,” Gerard hissed before allowing Liliana to drop to the floor, the vampiress stared at her cousin as he moved like a wounded animal.

“I’ve hidden her body… Padre wanted to destroy it, but I knew you would want the chance to bury her yourself,” Liliana said as she watched Gerard as he stopped walking away from her; she knew that deep down he was grateful for this, even if it didn’t bring her back.

However before he could comment, a blonde vampiress stepped into the room nervously, her eyes watching Gerard as if he was going to attack.

“What is it Isabel?” Liliana asked as Gerard moved to rest his head against the wall in grief at his lost love, he couldn’t believe that Afron had done this.

“His Highness, the King has decided that due to recent events… Lord Gerard is to be released at Her Highness’s decision,” Isabel said making the male vampire turn to look at her, he recognised her as the vampiress from earlier before the trial.

Liliana nodded as she dismissed Isabel who looked at her warily before she complied as soon as she was out the door, Gerard moved towards his cousin desperately.

“Take me to her,” Gerard said with little emotion in his voice, it was clear that he wanted nothing more than too grieve for Catharine alone. Liliana nodded before she moved towards the door, the two guards outside saluted her as she passed them, followed by Gerard.

They moved quickly through the shadowy corridors before they reached the far end of the castle which was now unused, Liliana stopped when they reached a room and looked at Gerard before she unlocked the door.

“I’ll give you some time with her,” Liliana whispered as she allowed him to step into the room alone, his eyes already set on the white sheet that lay on a table that was in the centre of the room.

Liliana closed the door after him, allowing Gerard to move freely as he approached Catharine’s sheet covered body; he paused as he stood next to the table as if waiting for her to sit up and tell him that she was okay and this was all a joke.

Taking a deep breath, tears filled his blue eyes as he pulled back the sheet to reveal her body; her once warm lightly tanned skin now cold and white.

“Catharine…” Gerard breathed as moved to cradle her body in his arms; he had never got the chance to tell her that he loved her, that no matter what it took, he would make things right.

“I’m sorry mi amor, I’m so sorry,” Gerard cried as he rested his head against hers, cradling her body as he rocked it back and forth; he would give anything to hear her heartbeat again.

“I love you Catharine… whatever it takes, I will see you again,” Gerard promised her, he didn’t care if it meant taking on God himself, he would keep his promise to her until she was back safely in his arms one way or another. Gerard just had to find a way to reverse death itself.

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