Chapter Six: The First Day at Work

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Daniella groaned as she turned over and knocked off her alarm clock, she ran a hand through her messed up brown hair as she remembered the dream that she had, had the night before.

Licking her lips, Daniella shook her head as she climbed out of bed and moved towards her wardrobe where she selected a nude V-neck pencil dress with black lace waist paired with black heeled sandals for her first day at work as Sandro Rosell’s personal assistant.

Daniella quickly ran a brush through her hair before she stepped into her bathroom to get ready for her first day.

The brunette shivered as she stepped into the warm shower, it slowly started to warm her up as she prepared for her day; she knew that Sandro Rosell had hired her from their first meeting without looking at her CV and she wanted to make a good impression.

Daniella hummed along to a song that was in her head, she closed her eyes as she ducked her head under the falling water and started to wash her hair with her mandarin and pearl shampoo.

It wasn’t long before she was stepping out of her warm shower into the cold bathroom, she quickly wrapped a white towel around her and started to dry her hair.

Daniella looked at herself in the mirror as she tried to decided what to do with her hair as she dried it with a hairdryer; she bit her lip as she brushed it through before she decided to leave her hair out.

The brunette quickly dressed herself and gave herself a quick check in the mirror to make sure that she looked okay for her first day of work.

Taking a deep breath, Daniella smiled at herself as she collected her white colour-block zip detail satchel before leaving her bedroom and heading into the kitchen; she grinned at Victoria who was making some coffee to put into her flask.

“Buenos Dias,” Daniella said making her friend raise an eyebrow at her, the brunette grinned as she popped some toast into the toaster then she turned to look at her best friend.

“Mañana… now who are you? And what have you done with Daniella,” Victoria teased making the brunette laugh softly as she got the butter from the fridge and waited for the toast to pop out. Daniella quickly buttered her toast and grinned as she took a bit out of it.

“Can I not be cheerful in the morning?” Daniella said making Victoria laugh as Zoey entered the room. The brunette mumbled as she moved to sit at the breakfast bar and laid her head making her two friends laugh before Daniella collected her car keys so that she could get going.


Daniella swallowed as she pulled up outside the Camp Nou in her red Audi A5 that she had been given by the club when she had signed her contract, she licked her lips as she sat in her car for a moment.

Taking several deep breathes, the brunette closed her eyes before she climbed out of her car; Daniella as she locked her car and looked at the stadium wondering how she had gotten so luckily to get a job working there.

Daniella walked towards the doors to the office part of the stadium, she tried to not seem overwhelmed by the idea that she was working for her favourite club.

“Excuse me… I’m Daniella Franca, Mr Rosell’s new personal assistant,” the brunette said making the receptionist look at her; she smiled at the young woman and nodded as she typed something into her computer.

“Welcome to the Camp Nou… I’ll let Mr Rosell know you are here,” the receptionist said before she signalled for Daniella to take a seat. Daniella sighed as she moved to sit in one of the many chairs in the reception before she accidentally bumped into Pep Guardiola, knocking his stuff to the floor.

Ignoring the receptionist’s snort of amusement, Daniella quickly moved to help him pick his things up off the floor; she couldn’t believe she had managed to do that.  

“I am so sorry,” Daniella apologised as she handed the paperwork over to Pep, who smiled until he got a proper look at the brunette; who shifted nervously under his watchful eyes.

Before Pep could speak Sandro Rosell walked into the room, Sandro smirked at the look on his friend’s face as he approached the two; he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy and he hoped that this would be his leverage.

“Pep… I see you have met my new personal assistant Daniella,” Sandro said making the brunette smile at the coach who looked shocked to see her, he knew that this would work perfectly to get him what he wanted.

Clearing his throat, Sandro smiled at Daniella as he wondered how much the brunette knew about Catharine Bishop; the two could have been twins if they had been born at the same time.

“Tiffany… why don’t you take Daniella here up to my office, I have something to discuss with Pep,” Sandro said making the receptionist nod as she pursed her lips and stood before showing a confused Daniella up to Sandro’s office.

Once the two men where sure that the two humans couldn’t hear them, Sandro turned to look at Pep who was still staring at Daniella confused.

“She looks just like her doesn’t she… what do you think?” Sandro said with a smug smile, Pep frowned wondering what the hell his friend had done, he knew that the moment that Gerard laid eyes on the brunette then there would be trouble.


Daniella sat in Sandro’s office as she waited for him to come and met her after Tiffany had left her alone, she didn't know what it was but she had a feeling that Pep hadn’t liked her.

“Sorry about that Daniella… I had to talk to Pep about the team for this weekend’s game,” Sandro said as he entered his office, he smiled at the brunette; he wondered what he would do when Gerard was finally introduced to the woman who bore an unmistakeable resemblance to his human lover.

“It’s not a problem Mr Rosell,” Daniella said politely as she looked around his office, pictures of the team were up on the walls as well as a couple of signed jerseys’ that made the brunette stare at them in awe.

“Call me Sandro, Daniella por favor… now I have a couple of things for you to sign then I will show you to your office,” he said making her smile softly at him as he produced the paperwork that she needed to sign and some other bits that she would need.

The next half hour, Sandro talked Daniella through what she would be doing and things that she needed to know about the club before he walked her to her office which was across from his.

“I have a meeting with the players in half an hour… so until then,” Sandro said leaving her alone, the brunette licked her lips as she looked around her office and sat down behind her new desk.

Brushing a hand through her hair, she sat quietly wondering what the hell she was going to do for the next half an hour; Daniella knew that she would have to stop herself from acting like a crazed fan-girl when she was in the meeting.

Bouncing her knee nervously, Daniella wondered what her life would be like now that she worked for Barcelona Football Club.

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