Chapter Forty-Two: Mother and Daughter

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“What is it you want?” Gerard asked as he eyed Amelia and Caius, they wouldn’t have come if there wasn’t reason for them to do so; they had been busy recently and things had started to stir.

Daniella sat down beside Gerard, she knew he was on edge and she didn’t blame him; this was the first time in weeks that her parents had bothered to come and see her.

“We came to see our grandson and we have news to impart,” Amelia said as she looked at her newly turned daughter, she was in awe that Daniella was handling it so well and she knew from experience that it wasn’t easy.

Gerard nodded shortly as he eyed the two vampires, he was still territorial and it didn’t matter that they were his mate’s parents.

“How are you Daniella?” Caius asked as he looked between Daniella and Gerard, he didn’t want to push either of them since he could tell that the last week had been an adjustment for them.

Daniella nodded her head as she took Gerard’s hand, her engagement ring catching both of her parents’ attention as they looked at it; they hoped that a wedding would be sooner rather than later.

“I’m well,” Daniella said as she smiled at her mate, she loved him and she didn’t know what she would have done without him; Gerard had been wonderful to her and she was happy.

Amelia smiled as she watched her daughter, she was so happy for her but there were things that they needed to discuss; namely what would happen now.

“There are things that we need to discuss…” Caius said as he watched the couple before them, Daniella had duties now that she had been revealed and she couldn’t avoid them.

Gerard stiffened as he tightened his hold on Daniella’s hand, he could see where this was going and he wished that they would just leave things for a while longer.


“He’s beautiful,” Amelia said softly as she watched Daniella with Henri, she smiled as she crossed her arms wishing she had been able to raise her daughter as her own.

There was nothing that she wouldn’t give to have those moments that she had missed when her daughter had been growing up.

Daniella nodded as she cuddled the little boy in her arms, she peeked at her mother as an awkward silence settled in the air between the two of them.

“Did you ever regret giving me away?” Daniella asked as she looked at her mother, she knew why they had been forced to give her away both times; it just hadn’t been safe enough for them to raise her but she was curious especially now that she had Henri.

Amelia looked at her daughter before she sighed and nodded her head, she moved to sit down in a chair that was in the nursery as she watched her daughter and grandson for a moment.

“Every day,” Amelia whispered as she looked down at her hands, she wished she could have seen every first in her life but it just wasn’t meant to be; she hated that this was all that she had now.

Daniella looked at her, she couldn’t hate her parents for trying to protect her, Afron had shown that there were dangers out there for her and it wasn’t easy.

“I want us to get along Daniella… I can’t bare this anymore,” Amelia said as she looked at her daughter hopefully, she had lost her child twice and now to have her back; she just wanted a chance.

Amelia had been inconsolable when Caius had taken Catherine and given her to Afron to look after, even worse when she heard learnt the fate that had befallen her first daughter.

Then she had fallen pregnant with Daniella and been forced to give her away to a human family, it had broken her heart and she had refused to speak to her mate for months afterwards.

This time she had placed a special gift upon her daughter, Amelia was a teleporter and when she had given Daniella away as a child; she had put in a safety plan into her daughter’s mind.

It was only the only thing that she could do to protect her child for a second time, when endangered the ability would activate only once and bring Daniella home to her.

“I’d like that,” Daniella said as she smiled a little, she wanted to know her parents better and the time that she had spent with them had slowly made her warm to them.

Amelia smiled a little she was pleased that Daniella was okay with her spending more time with her; she wasn’t promising much but it was a start.

“You can teleport?” Daniella asked as she moved to settle Henri on her lap, she looked at her mother curious; she knew little of the talents that vampires formed once they were turned, mainly the ones that all vampires had.

Amelia nodded as she looked at her daughter, she watched her as Daniella chewed on her lip; she didn’t feel able to ask Gerard since he didn’t have a talent.

“A few vampires in the coven have talents… happiness induction, tracking sense and lie detection, is there a chance I’ll have one?” Daniella asked as she sat down, she wanted to know if there was anything that she should look out for especially now that she had Henri on her hands.

Carla, David and Patricia all had gifts and there was a chance that Lionel and Katie could develop their own when they had been vampires longer.

“It’s likely… it’ll develop within your first year,” Amelia said as she smiled, her husband was talking to Gerard about protection for Daniella and Henri and more so about the impending wedding of the couple.

Daniella looked at Henri, she had been doing a lot of reading about vampires now that she was one; she wanted to be prepared for whatever life threw her way.

“Is there any way that I could know now what it might be?” Daniella asked as she looked back at her mother, there was a high chance that she would have one since it tended to pass from parent to child; she wanted to be prepared.

Amelia shook her head, talents were hard to pick up on and they usually made themselves known when the time was right; it didn’t even have to be connected to the parents’ talent in anyway.

“It’ll be okay…” Amelia said as she got to her feet and gingerly walked over to her daughter to comfort her, none of this was simple but Daniella was doing so well in handling what was happening to her.

Amelia gave her an awkward hug as she tried to comfort her, this was never easy and it was going to get harder as Daniella was thrust into their world’s politics.

“What if I’m not cut out for any of this?” Daniella asked as she looked at her mother, she had duties even if Gerard was sure that she could ignore them; they still needed doing.

“You’ll do perfectly,” Amelia reassured her gently, she couldn’t help but be thrilled that her daughter was asking her for help; she didn’t want to intrude on her relationship with Gerard but she wanted one of her own.

Daniella smiled up at her for a moment before they heard Caius call for Amelia, while the two of them had been getting along but it was clear that Gerard and Caius hadn’t been.

Amelia sighed as she pulled back from her daughter, she wished things were simpler but they weren’t and there was nothing that she could do about that.

Daniella looked down at Henri, she didn’t have all the answers that she wanted but it was close enough for now. 


Author's Note:

Should Daniella develop a talent? If is what do you think it should be?

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