Chapter Ten: The First Date

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Daniella held back a groan as Victoria sorted through her wardrobe for something nice for the brunette to wear on her date with Gerard; she knew that her friends were trying to be helpful.

Daniella couldn’t believe that she had been so stupid that she had managed to ask Gerard Piqué out on a date; the brunette still didn't know what had come over her but she knew that it had led her to do so.

Having already showered, the brunette watched her friends as they prepared her for her date; Zoey was styling Daniella’s long chocolate brown hair by adding soft curls and had done her make-up for her.

“What about that red dress?” Zoey said as she continued to curl Daniella’s hair, nodding at the dress that she could see but Victoria shook her head at it knowing it wasn’t right for a first date.

“It’s more of a work dress, than something she could date a footballer in,” the dark haired woman noted, as she glanced at Daniella who was dressed in her pastel blue star print dressing gown as she waited for them to choose a dress.

“Isn’t this all a little too much?” Daniella asked making her friends look at her as if she had said something stupid, the brunette sighed as she looked at Midnight; who purred as she watched her owner prepare for her night out.

“Nothing is too much especially when you’re going out with Gerard Piqué,” Victoria told her as she fished out another dress before shaking her head and throwing it onto the ever growing pile of clothes that weren’t right for the date.

“Honestly I didn't think he dated… I mean, he’s been seen with women but he’s always stating they’re family friends,” Zoey said innocently making Victoria glance at her; of course, they had warned Daniella that he might be using her.

Daniella sighed bored as Victoria pulled out another item and throwing it on the ever growing pile before she smiled and pulled something out of the wardrobe.

“This is it,” Victoria declared making her two friends look at her and then the outfit, it was the black tapered leg jumpsuit that Daniella had been given by her mother for her last birthday.

“He won’t be able to keep his hands off you,” Zoey said patting Daniella’s shoulder as she glared at her two friends; they were always like this when the brunette had a date, though she insisted that she wanted to wait until she found the right man before she lost her virginity.


Gerard licked his lips, allowing his tongue to brush against his sharp fangs, nervously as he stood outside Daniella’s apartment door, he had made sure that he feed before the date so that he wouldn’t harm her; he didn't want to lose her after just getting her back.

The vampire didn't have to wait long until Daniella opened the door holding her black textured clutch bag, she flashed him a nervously smile as she stepped out of her apartment and closed the door after her.

“Hola Daniella, you look simply Hermosa,” Gerard greeted her making her blush slight as she looked at him; the Spaniard was wearing a black suit and a white shirt.

The brunette spluttered a thank you, before Gerard carefully took her hand; he was relieved that she didn't run off when he touched her.

“Shall we go?” Gerard said making Daniella nod as she stepped towards him, she didn't know what it was but she felt a pull towards the man before her.

“So where are we going?” Daniella asked as she tried to calm her heart which was beating fast, Gerard tried to hide his amusement that he had this effect on her; he couldn’t believe that after so little time that he had this effect on her.

“Dos Palillos, I’ve been there a few times and it’s a good place,” Gerard said as they headed to his car, Daniella nodded as she spotted the sleek black Audi A5 as they stepped out of her building.

Gerard chuckled as he opened the passenger door for Daniella, she stared at him for a moment before shaking her head, and she carefully got into the car.


The drive to Dos Palillos was filled with small talk, Gerard was eager to learn more about the woman that resembled his Catharine; he didn't know how it had happened but it felt like this was his second chance.

“So how long have you lived here in Barcelona?” Gerard asked as they entered the restaurant, Daniella bit her lip nervously at the look that the hostess gave her when she realised that Gerard wasn’t alone.

The two were led to their privately stationed table near the back of the room; it didn't escape Daniella’s notice that there were a lot of beautiful people at the restaurant; who seemed to whisper about Gerard when they spotted him.

“I was born here… I moved to Valencia when I was fifteen and my family recently moved back to look after my Abuela while I got a job working for Sandro,” Daniella said as Gerard pulled out her chair for her, the brunette looked at him oddly making the vampire chuckle before he signalled for her to sit down.

After Daniella had sat down, Gerard moved to sit in his own seat; he ignored the curious glances of the other vampires around them that were in the restaurant, it had been a long time since Gerard Piqué had been seen on a date.

“So you speak Catalan then?” Gerard asked, he knew that he would have to be careful while he ordered if she did; while he did eat human food, he preferred a glass of blood instead of wine.

Dos Palillos was run by a dear friend of his who catered for his vampire clients as well as the human ones; Gerard had brought Daniella here for that reason, he just hoped that she wouldn’t notice.

“I don’t unfortunately… my Madre was born here while my Padre is from Seville,” Daniella explained making Gerard sighed a little relieved that when it came to ordering he didn't have to speak Latin to throw her off what he was ordering.

It wasn’t long before their waiter arrived to talk his order, he glanced at Daniella as he looked at Gerard confused; the Spaniard held back a snarl that built in his throat.

“Tindrem un got de Priorat i un got de sang A positiu?” Gerard said ordering them both two drinks, Daniella looked at him confused as he flashed her, a smile. Daniella had noticed the look that the waiter shot her before Gerard claimed her attention again,

“Tell me more about yourself?” Gerard asked her as the waiter left them alone after offering Daniella one final glance.

Gerard licked his lips, he couldn’t believe that he might finally have a second chance; he hoped that she would soon allow him into her life, like she had done before.

“Haven’t you heard enough about me?” Daniella asked him making Gerard chuckle and shake his head, he wanted to know everything about her; he figured that he had missed too much of her human life this time, he didn't want to miss anymore.

“I love listening to you talk,” Gerard mused as the waiter brought them their drinks, Daniella gently furrowed her brow wondering what Gerard had ordered himself; it didn't look like any wine that she had ever seen before.

Daniella swallowed as she felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck, she knew that there was something different about Gerard but she didn't know what it was.


Author's Note:

Translation to what Gerard said by Google Translate.

Tindrem un got de Priorat i un got de sang A positiu - We'll have a glass of Priorat and a glass of A positive blood

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