Chapter Thirty-Seven: Not Over Yet

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Cristina glanced over at the couple as she made sure that the newborn was okay, she knew that they were going to have to keep an eye on the brunette; she wasn’t out of the woods yet and she could see that they were going to have to change her soon.

“Gerard,” the vampiress called softly as she looked at the vampire, he was completely wrapped up in making sure that Daniella was okay; the brunette didn’t look well and she needed to talk to him now.

Gerard’s eyes moved away from Daniella and he looked at Cristina curiously, however before he could see what she wanted Daniella spoke.

“Can I see him?” the brunette asked making the two vampires look at her.

Cristina swallowed as she nodded her head, she was a little surprised that Daniella hadn’t asked about being turned; most women wanted to ensure that they survived but the brunette seemed more interested in her child.

Gerard smiled as he watched Cristina carefully handed the newborn over to his mother, he stared down at his son as he looked up at him with blue eyes; he watched as Daniella ran her fingers through their son’s brown hair.

“He’s beautiful,” the brunette whispered as she stared down at the little boy, she felt a horrible that she might not be here to see him grow up; Gerard cleared his throat knowing that there were things that still needed to be done.

“What should we call him?” the vampire asked softly as he settled down next to her, he swallowed the venom that was pooling in his mouth as he tried to keep his head clear about what was going to happen next.

“Henri,” Daniella breathed gently as she tried to ignore the headache that was starting to form, she knew that she would have to hand him over now so that he could be looked over.


Once Henri had been removed from the room by Cristina, Gerard swallowed as he turned his full attention to Daniella; his blue eyes looked over her concerned as she started to grow weaker and it became clear that they couldn’t wait any longer.

“How will this work?” Daniella asked softly, she had been changed into a cream floral jumpsuit since her other set had been covered in blood from the birth; her brown eyes focused on her vampire as he moved to sit in front of her; his blues eyes watched her intently for a moment.

Daniella watched weakly as Gerard focused on her for a moment, she knew that he was listening to her human heart beat that was slowly starting to get weaker, she knew that he was worried about her.

“It’s different between mates than when we create fledglings, for a fledgling change we have to force our venom into their system. Whereas with mates it’s an ex-changing of blood between us,” Gerard said softly as he moved to sit directly in front of Daniella, who nodded as she took in what they would be doing; he knew how delicate she was after the birth and he wished that he didn’t have to force her to do it.

“Once we start there is no going back,” Gerard reminded her as he gently brushed her hair away from her neck, Daniella nodded as she watched him knowing that this was it; this was going to hurt and he wished that there was another way.

Gerard kissed her softly as she wrapped her hands weakly around his neck and pulled him close, she allowed him closer to her as he moved on top of her; he was going to have to be gentle with her.

Pulling back slightly Gerard brought his left wrist to his lips and pierced it with his sharp canines, his tongue lapped slightly at his blood before he brought the wrist to Daniella’s lips knowing that they didn’t have a lot of time.

Daniella hesitated for a moment before taking the wrist between her lips, Gerard moaned softly before he moved to start kissing his mark on her neck; he did this a couple of times, until his instincts took over and he bit down so that his venom could enter her system

. Holding Daniella in place Gerard started to drink blood from her neck, he knew that it would take a while before the effects started to show.

Gerard hoped that Daniella would be okay as the changes started to take place; he didn’t want to take too much blood since she had lost a lot of it during the birth.

Gerard could already feel the change that drinking his blood was having on Daniella as well as his venom now making its way through her system; the two would slowly change her into a vampire and make her a lot more durable than she was now and hopefully correct any damage that Henri had made.

Cupping the back of her neck, Gerard made sure that she didn't break the hold that she had on his wrist as he felt her heartbeat start to pick up, the first sign that the change was truly underway and that he had taken enough of her blood.

Daniella moaned softly as her brown eyes shut, she felt something inside of her that she didn't like and wanted nothing more than to try and ignore it; she felt weak and she wasn’t sure if she could make it through the change.


Cesc carefully stepped into the room as he looked around knowing that he had to be carefully, he remembered how he had been when he had changed Carla and he knew that Gerard would be the same.

“How is she?” Cesc asked as he spotted Gerard, he was sat next to Daniella’s still form and his eyes closed as he listened to her heartbeat; he took a deep breath before he looked at his best friend. Gerard swallowed as he looked at Cesc knowing that he wasn’t a threat to Daniella.

“She’s okay… heartbeats getting stronger,” Gerard said softly as he carefully moved away from her side; he looked at his friend worried, he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy.

Cesc licked his lips as he glanced at the brunette, he knew that this wasn’t easy for any vampire; he knew that his friend was suffering but there was someone that needed him

. “Henri? Is he okay?” Gerard asked as his thoughts turned to his son, he was glad that it hadn’t been a brutal birth and that he hadn’t lost either his mate or his child.

“He’s doing well… Cristina’s still got him,” Cesc said with a soft smile as he watched his friend; he still had several weeks before his own child was born but he didn’t have the danger that Gerard and Daniella had faced.

Gerard sighed in relief as he turned back to Daniella, he was glad that at least everything had worked out for them and that this was the start of something new.

“Will you be coming to see him soon?” Cesc asked as he prepared to leave the room, he knew that Gerard wouldn’t want anyone around the brunette while she was in this venerable state; he had a feeling that as the days passed that Gerard would get more protective.

“Soon,” Gerard said knowing that Daniella wouldn’t forgive him if he didn’t look after their son while she was changing, it would take about three and a half days before it was complete since Daniella was already half a vampire.

Gerard sighed as he heard Cesc leave knowing that in a couple of days, he would have his mate back and she would be less breakable.

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