Chapter Seven: Being Recognised

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Daniella sighed as she sat down next to Sandro in the meeting room as the players entered the room after training, she could hear them chatting excitedly about the upcoming match.

The brunette didn't miss the worried look that Pep shot at her as he entered the room and stood at the front, she could see that something about her presence worried him and she didn't know what it was.

Sandro chuckled as one of the players took a seat next to Daniella, the brunette glanced at the footballer who had taken the seat next to her; she shivered as she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

Cesc Fàbregas stared at the woman that he had sat next to, he didn't know what he was staring at but he knew that there was no way that it was Catharine; he had seen his broken his best friend had been when she had been executed; even if his human memories were fuzzy about that time.

“Hola I’m Daniella,” the brunette said introducing herself awkwardly as she looked at the Spaniard; who continued to stare at her, which made her feel a little self-conscious about her appearance, she didn't understand why people looked at her like that.

Daniella looked at him oddly as he began to sniff her, she wondered briefly if there was some sort of joke that she wasn’t getting as another footballer joined them.

“Damn Cesc calm down,” David Villa muttered amused as he placed a hand on his coven-mate’s shoulder to stop him from attracting their team-mates attention; they didn't need more questions being asked about their odd behaviour especially with the summer season over.

David choked as his eyes caught on Daniella, he didn't believe what he was seeing and he knew that there was no way that the brunette could be sitting before him; she had been executed and Gerard had spent two hundred years grieving for her.

David and Cesc might not have met Catherine but Gerard did have several beautiful portraits of his lost lover and they were shocked that she was somehow sat before them.

“It’s not possible,” David whispered in awe making Pep swallow knowing that the two vampires were making a scene which would get worse when Gerard spotted the brunette; he knew that they needed to have a meeting to discuss what they were going to do now.

“Siento everyone but the team meeting is postponed until tomorrow, you can all go home,” Pep said panicking as his eyes stayed focused on his two coven-mates who looked ready to kill Sandro before quickly climbing down from the stage; he had a feeling that this was about to become a difficult situation.

Once everyone had left the room looking confused about what was going on and the strange behaviour of their coach and team-mates; Pep approached the two vampires, who continued to stare at Daniella, who started to get nervous about them staring at her.

Daniella shifted nervously as she wondered why she was being stared at, she didn’t know either of these two men but they looked at her as if they knew her.

“Not here boys,” Pep said as he tried to keep the peace, he knew that if they kicked off, then people were going to notice and he doubted that he could hide their secret if a fight broke out.

Sandro chuckled amused making Cesc to snarl at him as the older vampire crossed his arms and watched the three other vampires struggle at what to do here; it was clear that this woman was Catharine, they just didn't know how she was alive.

Daniella swallowed nervously as she spotted Lionel Messi hovering by the door watching the group confused, wondering what was going on; she was glad that she wasn’t the only one that didn’t know what was going on.

“What the hell have you done?” Cesc growled at Sandro, he knew that the moment that Gerard discovered the brunette and then all hell would break lose; especially if he discovered that Sandro was behind this.

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