Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting Married

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Daniella took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror, she smiled softly as she admired herself and tried to keep calm; today was her wedding day and it was going to be a happy day.

Daniella couldn’t resist running her hands down the white material of her V-neck short sleeves appliques trumpet court train wedding dress which had been paired with nude heeled sandals.

“You look beautiful,” Amelia whispered as she looked at her daughter, she couldn’t believe that Daniella was getting married; it made her so emotional and happy for her.

Daniella smiled as she turned around, she was also wearing the silver blue topaz earrings and pendant set that Gerard had gotten her for Christmas.

“I have something for you,” Amelia said as she peeked at the jewellery that her daughter wore, the earrings and pendant where beautiful and it matched the diamond and white topaz silver ring that Gerard had also given her.

Daniella looked at her mother curious about what it could be, she slowly walked over to her mother wondering what it was.

“I wore it on my wedding day… and I hope you’ll wear it today,” Amelia said softly as she carefully opened the box that she had brought with her to reveal the crystal and pearl bride hair comb that she had brought.

Daniella swallowed as she admired the hair comb, she wasn’t sure what to say to the beautiful gift; she had never thought that Amelia would do anything like this.


“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” the priest asked as he looked over the gathering, it was a small wedding but the couple before him looked so happy; even with the impending war that was coming.

“Her madre and I do,” Caius said as he smiled, his daughter looked beautiful and he was still in awe that she had asked him to give her away to Gerard on her wedding day.

Amelia smiled as she sat down with her husband, it seemed so unreal but she felt blessed that she got to spend this day with her daughter watching her marry.

“Gerard Piqué i Bernabeu do you understand and accept this responsibility, and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?” the priest asked as he looked at Gerard, his eyes burning into the male vampire as he spoke.

Gerard looked handsome in his suit and Daniella was in awe how relaxed he seemed; she couldn’t believe that they were finally getting married even if it was one more step to him leaving for war.

“I do,” Gerard said as he smiled, he couldn’t believe he was getting married and he was sure that a hundred years ago he never thought that this could happen to him.

“Daniella Franca La Rosa, do you understand and accept this responsibility, and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving, healthy, and happy marriage?” the priest asked as he turned to look at Daniella, she smiled softly as she tried to keep calm, she really didn’t want to cry during the ceremony.

“I do,” Daniella said as she peeked at Gerard, he was the man that she wanted and she hoped that no matter what happened that he would come back to her in one piece.

The priest spoke softly as he talked about how important marriage was before he asked the couple to recite their vows; he held onto his bible as he watched them turn to face one another.

“I love you Daniella as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my wife through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever,” Gerard said as he took her hands, she was the most beautiful woman in the world and he was still in awe that she was his.

Henri babbled in the background as he sat with Pep and Cristina, they had insisted on having the baby while his parents got married.

“I love you Gerard as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever,” Daniella said as she watched him; they weren’t going to exchange rings but she was happy that in a few moments she would officially be his wife.

Gerard bore her mark and that was all that mattered in vampire society, she was his mate and no one could ever take him away from her.

“Now that Gerard and Daniella have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen,” the priest said as the wedding came to a close, he closed held his bible close as he watched the couple closely as they prepared to start their new lives together as husband and wife.


“Congratulations,” Pep said as he nodded at Gerard as he stood before him, he still couldn’t believe what he had witnessed and he was happy for his eldest fledging was finally settling down.

Gerard nodded his head as he sipped on his drink, his blue eyes watching Daniella with Henri; he would do anything for them and he was going to come back from this war alive.

“Van Sciver is here,” Pepe mused as he spotted the blonde vampire across the room, he was watching Daniella and had certainly not been invited to the reception or the wedding.

Gerard frowned as he stared at his rival, he wasn’t going to let him anywhere near Daniella or Henri; he hated that he was even at the wedding.

“Are you going to ever tell Dani about what happened between the two of you?” Pep asked as he sipped on his drink, he worried for Gerard and this secret wasn’t going to be a secret for long.

Marc had made it clear that he wasn’t going anywhere and his attraction to Daniella was far from discreet; he was a problem that needed dealing with and soon.

“I’ll tell her soon…” Gerard said as he tried to keep calm, he wasn’t going to ruin his own wedding day over a vampire that didn’t know when to back off; he had a feeling that Daniella was going to be a little upset by what he would tell her.

“I’m proud of you,” Pep said patting Gerard on the shoulder, he had fought hard to get where he was today and even during his dark period when Catherine had been dead there was nothing he could be faulted for.

Gerard offered Pep a small smile, he nodded his head as he looked over at Daniella; she was worth everything that he had been through and he hoped that his future was a bright one with her by his side.

“I better go and join Dani,” Gerard said as he spotted Marc making a move, he didn’t want the other male anywhere near his wife alone.

Pep nodded his head as Gerard walked away, he couldn’t help but worry for his friend especially with Marc’s interest in Daniella; once she knew the truth it would be easier to protect her.

Pep sighed as he ran a hand over his face, he couldn’t shake the bad feeling that he had and he feared for his coven; he didn’t know what this war would do but he had things to organise before he was deployed alongside Gerard, Cesc, David and Lionel.

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