Chapter Fifteen: Sierra's Evil Plan

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Daniella smiled as she tilted her head allowing Gerard to continue kissing down her neck as the Spaniard had his arms wrapped around her waist as he held her to his chest.

Ever since the brunette had woken up after she had collapsed in Gerard’s apartment the two had found it difficult to be apart from one another; it was like the world would end if they weren’t with one another.

Daniella hadn’t been home in three days since she had been staying with Gerard in his apartment; she was wearing a red sleeveless textured midi dress paired with black cut out detail stilettos for work.

“I have to work,” Daniella murmured as she tried to concentrate on what she was doing with little success, she knew that Sandro would be annoyed if she didn't get this work done; Gerard chuckled as he began to leave a love bite on her neck.

“Let someone else do it… Sandro won’t check it anyway,” Gerard said as Daniella closed her eyes and leant back into his arms, the vampire would do anything to annoy the other man further since his agreement with Pep to protect the brunette.

“I need this job Gerard… I have rent and bills to pay,” Daniella said as she finally pulled herself from his arms and put the papers into the filing cabinet making Gerard frown; he had all but told her that she no longer needed to work and that he would support her if she quit her job.

Daniella checked something before glancing at her boyfriend, she knew that he wanted to provide for her but she wasn’t that sort of person; plus it was the twenty-first century and she wouldn’t allow herself to rely on a man like that.

“I have a meeting to get to with my agent so Leo will be dropping you off at mine when you are finished,” Gerard said as he ran a hand through her hair before he kissed her lips.

Daniella nodded knowing that she had upset him, she kissed him softly before he left for his meeting; the brunette sighed as she felt a shiver crawl up her spine as Victoria walked into the room.

The older woman pursed her lips as she looked the brunette who raised an eyebrow at her, there was something about the blonde that Daniella didn't like; she gave off the same feeling that Sandro had been giving her recently.

“Is there something you wanted Victoria?” Daniella asked softly as she moved back to her computer to complete her report and then she could head downstairs to meet Lionel to go home.

The blonde vampiress watched her for a moment, she couldn't understand what Gerard saw in the human female; she certainly wasn’t as attractive as Sierra, who was a close friend of hers.

“Is Gerard taking you home tonight?” Victoria asked curiously making Daniella look at her carefully before she shook her head, the brunette didn't know why the other woman was so interested in her relationship with the Spaniard.

“Not tonight, he has a meeting to attend so Leo will be driving me home,” Daniella said making the vampiress nod stiffly before she walked out of the office leaving the brunette confused on why she wanted to know.

Victoria stalked back into her office were Sierra was sat waiting for her, the red head smirked at her close friend as she waited for answers.


By the time that Daniella and Lionel left the Camp Nou, it was pouring down with rain and the brunette was a little nervous about traveling home; Lionel smiled at her reassuringly as they made their way to his Audi Q7.

"Are you sure that you’re okay with driving me to Gerard’s? I could call a taxi or something,” Daniella said as she clambered into the passenger side of the white Audi making Lionel roll his eyes as he pulled on his seatbelt as she set her black snake print panelled bag at her feet.

Lionel had known Gerard for years and had been let in on his secret after Gerard had saved his life against two vampires that he had accidently stumbled across when he was sixteen.

Lionel knew how much Daniella meant to Gerard and it made him happy that his friend was finally moving on from his first human love; he hoped that soon the brunette would be allowed in on the secret before some crazed vampire tried to harm her.

“So what do you two have planned tonight?” Lionel asked as he pulled out of the Camp Nou staff and player car park and started to head towards Gerard’s house which was by the marina.

Daniella glanced at him as they drove; she didn't know how Lionel could be so calm about driving in these conditions, it was nearly impossible to see anything in front of them.

“Not much… dinner and maybe watch a movie or two,” the brunette said as they started to reach Bac de Roda Felipe II Bridge; Daniella felt the sudden urge to tell Lionel to stop driving, she didn't know what it was but something bad was going to happen.

Visibility suddenly got worse and Lionel felt the tires slip causing him to slam his foot into the break when he realised something that made him swallow; his breaks weren’t working.

The Argentinian didn't have a chance to speak as he lost control of his car before it ploughed through the railings of the bridge and plummeted into the river below.


Gerard sighed as he sat in his meeting with his agent, he couldn't wait to head home to his apartment so that he could spend the night with Daniella; even the thought of the brunette that he wanted as his mate made him smile.

Glancing out of the window, Gerard looked at the rain that poured down; he hoped that she and Lionel were okay driving to his apartment.

Just as that thought passed through his mind, a sudden chilling feeling over took the vampire; he didn't know what it was but it made him feel sick, he didn't know what it was but he suddenly had the urge to go to Daniella’s side as if she was in some sort of trouble.

“I have to go,” Gerard said as he walked out of conference room without another word, he pulled out his phone as he called Daniella’s mobile phone; only to receive no response.

The vampire frowned as he tried Lionel’s but he received the same response; Gerard quickly made his way to his car, sending a quick message to Cesc and David about not being able to get hold of Lionel or Daniella before he spend out of the car park.

"Por favor be okay,” Gerard begged he didn't know what it was but he had a terrible feeling that something had gone horribly wrong; the vampire licked his lips as he tried to think about where his mate could be.

David and Cesc had quickly gone to Daniella’s office and around the stadium in case Daniella and Lionel were still at the stadium, however Gerard couldn't shake the feeling that they weren’t and that something bad had happened to them.

“Por favor be okay,” Gerard prayed, he didn't know what he would do if he lost Daniella like he had lost Catharine; he loved her and he didn't know what he would ever do if he had lost her, she meant the world to him plus he wasn’t sure that he would be able to cope if she died.

“I’ll find you amor,” Gerard said as he looked at the stars, he knew that he couldn't lose her and whoever was behind this was in a lot of trouble. 

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