Chapter Twenty-One: Rebecca's Dark Secret

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Gerard comforted Daniella as she cried into his shoulder, he didn't know what had caused her to be this upset; the vampire had made sure that as soon as Daniella had left him that he contacted one of the best doctors in Barcelona.

Gerard knew it was a long shot but he wanted to help Daniella and had pulled in a favour from the doctor, who was now treating the brunette’s father.

“Lo Siento,” Daniella said as she pulled away from him, she wiped away a couple of tears before she looked at Gerard, who was watching her concerned.

“It’s okay Dani… what happened?” the Spaniard asked as he brushed some tears from her face, he was relieved that she didn't push him away instead she cuddled into his side.

Taking a deep breath, Daniella tried to gather her thoughts about what had happened that day, she was momentarily surprised that she hadn’t broken down earlier with all the shock news that she had received.

“My Madre’s been having an affair that’s why she moved us back to Barcelona… Jonathon walked in on them when he returned home to tell her about our Padre’s attack,” Daniella said making Gerard nod as he listened; he shifted slightly so that he could bring her closer, he was thrilled when she didn't stop him.

“It turns out that Rosalyn’s only my half-sister,” Daniella said softly before the sound of movement in the hallway interrupted her, Gerard stiffened as an unfamiliar scent reached his nose before Daniella looked at him confused.

“It’s just Rosalyn… she’s staying here while Madre and her fancy man spend time together,” Daniella said bitterly with a shrug; Gerard glanced at his mate as he attempted to stop the snarl that built in his throat.

Rosalyn stepped into the living room as she licked her lips hungrily, she was staring and her throat burned for what she wanted; her brown eyes looking from her sister to the man that was sat next to her then back again.

“I’m hungry,” Rosalyn whispered as Gerard tensed as he realised that there was something not right about Daniella’s sister; Daniella nodded as she pushed herself to her feet and headed for this kitchen.

The movement had Rosalyn sniffing the air as she licked her lips, she was starving and she knew what she wanted to have.

“I’ll order pizza, is that okay?” Daniella asked before Gerard hissed at Rosalyn and moved to protect his mate; who looked at him confused as he snarled at her sister.

“Gerard what are you doing!” Daniella exclaimed as she stared at the vampire then at her sister, who didn't seemed frightened about Gerard snarling at her.

Gerard took a deep breath, he knew that she was going to be upset with him but he hoped that she would listen to his explanation.

“Dani… look at her, I mean look at her closely,” Gerard said hoping that she would notice what he needed her to, she wasn’t safe right now with her sister.

Daniella frowned as she stared at Gerard for a long moment before she sighed and stepped around him to look at her little sister; she didn't know what Gerard was playing at but she knew that she didn't like it.

Rosalyn looked like she always had, she was pretty looking for her age, she held an air of mystery about her and had always had the top grades in her class.

Daniella stopped when she realised why that description sounded familiar, she looked at Gerard dumbstruck as she wondered why she hadn’t noticed it before.

“She’s only half vampire, Dani,” Gerard murmured as he kept his blue eyes on Rosalyn, who shifted nervously at the gaze of the male vampire before her; it was clear to Gerard what Rosalyn was hungry for and it wasn’t food, but he wasn’t going to let her harm Daniella for it.


Rebecca and David had known that things weren’t going to end well when they had received a call from Daniella, who told them that she knew about Rosalyn’s secret; however nothing prepared them for what they found when they reached Daniella’s apartment.

Rebecca smiled at her eldest daughter softly as Daniella opened the front door to her apartment, the brunette didn't return it as she allowed them inside; David glared at the brunette before his eyes spotted Gerard.

“Lord Bernabeu,” David said as he bowed slightly making Rebecca look at him confused while Daniella moved back to Gerard’s side; Rosalyn tilted her head softly as she watched her sister with the male vampire, she didn't understand what was going on but she knew that Daniella was untouchable.

“Daniella… what is going on?” Rebecca asked as she looked at her eldest daughter then at the man next to her; after having an affair with a vampire for a number of years, Rebecca only had to take one look at Gerard to know what he was.

“Rosalyn’s a vampire hybrid,” Daniella said making her mother pale slightly as she stared at her daughter for a moment; she had hoped this day would never come and it had.

“I never wanted you involved in this Daniella,” Rebecca said as she stepped towards her daughter; however she stopped when she watched Daniella move closer to Gerard, who was glaring at David.

“I love your padre, Daniella… but I’m David’s mate,” Rebecca said with a small smile as she watched Gerard wrap a protective arm around her eldest daughter’s waist; a sickening feeling creeping into her stomach as she realised that Gerard had taken Daniella as his mate.

David shifted nervously, he wanted nothing more than to take Rebecca and Rosalyn and leave; however he knew that Rebecca wouldn’t want to leave Daniella here with Gerard.

“Why don’t we all go home… we can talk about this,” Rebecca said as she reached out for her daughter before Gerard growled at her; the brunette stopped and looked back at David for support.

Daniella closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she couldn't deal with her mother right now; her father was in hospital and she didn't know if she could handle her mother’s issues.

“There’s nothing to talk about… I hope you and David are happy together,” Daniella said making Rebecca stare at her eldest daughter for a moment; she wasn’t sure what was going on before David gently took her hand and attempted to lead her out of the apartment with Rosalyn.

However Rebecca refused as she stared at Daniella as Gerard comforted her, she could see that her daughter loved the vampire that held her close.

“Just go… I’ll look after padre and you can be with David,” Daniella said bitterly as she looked at her mother, Rebecca stood frozen as she realised what her daughter was doing for her.

David smiled as he realised that what he had done hadn’t been in vain that he was stilling going to get his mate and daughter; even after he had attacked Keith.

Rebecca blinked back tears as she stared at Daniella, she knew that this would probably be the last time she would see her daughter with her human eyes and she was grateful for what she was doing.

“Gracias,” Rebecca said before David gently pulled her from the room, he didn't want to test Gerard’s resolve when it came to Daniella.

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