Chapter Eleven: Secretly Claiming

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“So I’ll have the Japanese Burger and my date will have the Meat Gyoza,” Gerard said as he ordered their meals, Daniella didn't know what it was but she felt like everyone in the restaurant was watching them.

The waiter nodded before he walked away leaving them alone, Gerard gently took the brunette’s hand making her look at him; she felt completely safe with him when his attention was on her.

“Don’t look so worried,” Gerard murmured as he brushed his lips against her hand, Daniella swallowed hard as she looked at him as she started to blush.

Gerard chuckled softly as he felt her heart speed up slightly as he pressed another kiss to the inside of her wrist; he ignored the urgent whispers of the vampires that were watching he couldn't bring himself to care about what they thought.

“I’m not worried,” Daniella said after a moment as she tried to calm herself, Gerard looked at her amused as she gently took her hand back from him; he could see so much of Catharine in her, yet it was like being with someone entirely new.

“Did I tell you that you look absolutely hermonsa tonight?” Gerard asked making Daniella’s cheeks heat up as she looked down, she couldn't believe that she was blushing in front of him, the Spaniard stopped her as he cupped her chin making her look at him.

“I mean it… you look hermonsa,” Gerard said as he leaned in closer to kiss her, unfortunately before he could the waiter returned with their meals, making the male vampire glare at him; he had wanted to feel her lips against his.

It was coming to the end of their meal, when Gerard received a phone call which he answered in Catalan; Daniella watched as he suddenly came concerned offering her a glance as he spoke with Pep.

"Is everything okay?” Daniella asked once he had ended the call, Gerard nodded annoyed as he looked at her; he didn't want to end their evening together but he had no other choice.

Clearing his throat, Gerard forced a smile as he looked at Daniella knowing he would have to cut their date short.

“I’m afraid that something has come up… would you mind terribly if we called it a night? I promise to make it up to you tomorrow,” Gerard said making Daniella nod, she wondered what had been said over the phone; however she didn't question as Gerard quickly paid the bill and stood, he offered his hand to the brunette to help her stand.

It was at that moment that almost everyone in the restaurant turned their attention to the couple, Daniella looked confused however she quickly dismissed it as her being on a date with a footballer.

Gerard hissed softly under his breath, it was low enough that it didn't register for human ears but loud enough that it gave every vampire in the room a warning that Daniella was claimed.

The vampires in the room stared in shock that Gerard was claiming a human; they had never expected him to do it again especially after what had happened last time.


“Gracias for tonight,” Daniella said as they stood outside of her apartment Gerard chuckled and nodded as he gently started to suck on his tongue allowing his venom to full his mouth.

“It was my pleasure… I’m sorry we had to cut it short,” Gerard said as he licked his lips allowing the venom to coat them; he watched Daniella for a moment, he was aware that if he didn't do this then she could become a target for another vampire.

“It’s okay,” Daniella said as she watched him closely; she didn't know what to expect with a man like Gerard, shifting nervously the brunette watched him closely.

“Would you mind if I kissed you?” Gerard asked softly, his voice so seductive that Daniella couldn't find it in her to say no, she couldn't find it in her to speak at all so she just nodded.

Clearing his throat, Gerard carefully stepped towards her as his blue eyes met with her brown eyes making her breathing hitch; he had to momentarily remind himself that she wasn’t his prey and he wasn’t going to drink from her or at least not yet.

Slowly Gerard brushed his lips against hers making sure that he cupped her face as he did so, Daniella closed her eyes as she felt herself being drawn close to Gerard’s frame.

Daniella moaned softly at the addictive feeling of having Gerard kiss her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her as if she couldn't get enough of him.

Gerard made sure that his venom coated her lips before he moved to softly kiss down her neck; he smirked as he found the point that was closest to the artery in her neck which pulsed loudly as he nibbled at it.

Daniella didn't know what was happening, nor could she bring herself to care as she gasped softly as Gerard brushed first his lips and then his sharp canines against her neck.

“Gerard,” Daniella panted softly making the vampire stop before he snap out of the sensual trance that he had been in, he smirked as he picked up on his scent that now covered her.

The brunette’s chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing as Gerard pressed one last tender kiss to her lips.

“Dream of me tonight corazón,” Gerard murmured softly before he walked away leaving Daniella leaving against the wall breathless as she watched him leave.

Daniella waited a moment to make sure that she could calm herself down before she entered her apartment, however she knew that it was pointless; her friends would take one look at her and know what had happened.


Gerard frowned as he entered Pep’s home, he sighed knowing that his coven would be here together; the coven consisted of Pep, who was the coven leader and his mate Cristina.

Then there was David, who had been turned by Pep after he had turned Gerard and his mate Patricia; and finally there was Cesc, who had been turned by Gerard and his mate Carla, who was still adjusting to the vampire life.

It didn't really surprise Gerard that the rest of his coven were already here, he flashed them a smile as he moved to sit down; David and Cesc picked up on that Gerard smelt of Daniella, they smirked at him while Pep sighed as he looked over his coven.

“So why are we here?” Carla asked she tilted her head as she rested it on Cesc’s shoulder making him grin at her; Pep glanced at Gerard, who rolled his eyes.

“We all know about Daniella Franca… the woman who bears a remarkable to Catharine Bishop,” Pep said making the coven nod as they all looked at Gerard, the vampire glared at his creator who took a deep breath as his own mate comforted him.

“Sandro as offered us a warning… unless we do as he says he’ll kill her,” Pep said making Gerard snarl under his breath, Carla jumped at the sound making Cesc quickly comfort her as he shot Gerard a glare.

Patricia licked her lips, she hadn’t met the brunette, but from what she had heard from David; Catharine had been the love of Gerard’s immortality.

They all knew that the vampire wouldn’t cope if something happened to Daniella, she needed to be protected.

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