Chapter Twenty-Three: The Funeral of Keith Franca

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Gerard wrapped his arm around Daniella as the brunette prepared for her father’s funeral; she was dressed in a black midi skater dress with polo neck and cutaway arm paired with black pointed high heels.

“Nena, it’s time,” Gerard murmured as he pressed a kiss her head; she nodded numbly as she turned to face him, she offered him a weak smile as she heard Cesc enter the room.

The Barcelona coven had taken her in after her family had fallen apart; she was a part of their coven even if she was still human.

“The car’s here,” Cesc said making Gerard nod as he gently took Daniella’s hand, they could all see how hard this was for her and wanted to make today as easy as possible for her.

Unfortunately, Daniella’s mother had insisted on attending the funeral along with David; who had tried to talk her out of it since he knew that Gerard would want to hurt him for what he had done.

“I’m okay,” Daniella said making her vampire mate nod at her as he took her hand in comfort; he knew that she would need him today, even if she wouldn’t say it.

Cesc slipped back out of the room as he headed back downstairs to his own mate, the coven would be attending the funeral to support Daniella since she needed them.

“It’ll be okay nena,” Gerard murmured, he could see that she was struggling and he wanted to do what he could to make this easier for her; Jonathon had apologised for how he had reacted, but it didn't mean it would be easy for her today.

Rebecca had tried to contact Daniella once the news had broken that Keith had died of his injuries but the brunette had refused to speak with her mother; as far as Daniella was concerned, Rebecca was to blame for Keith’s death.

“Don’t leave me,” the brunette whimpered softly making Gerard nod as he kissed her softly before he led her downstairs, he had no intention of ever leaving her alone again.


Daniella leant against Gerard as she listened to close friends’ of her father give a speech as they stood around his grave site; the brunette couldn't hold back the tears as she stared at her father’s coffin.

Katie offered her a small smile as she handed the brunette a tissue to wipe away her tears, she knew how hard it was for Daniella and the fact that people were whispering didn't help.

Rebecca was stood away from her two eldest children with David and Rosalyn, it was clear that her presence wasn’t welcomed at the funeral and that people were disgusted that she had brought the man that she had cheated on Keith with to his funeral.

“How can she just stand there… and with him?” a woman hissed as she stared at Rebecca, who wiped away her own tears; she was still very much human since David hadn’t turned her yet.

Daniella tried to block it all out, she couldn't bring herself to care about what her mother was doing; her thoughts were focused on her father.

She hoped that he was with her Abuelo and she hoped that he was happy now that he didn't have to suffer because of her mother; Gerard pressed a kiss to Daniella’s head, he could see that she was trying to be strong.

The vampire wished that there was something that he could have done to save Keith, he hated that he hadn't been able to save the man that had raised his mate and he hoped that he’d have a chance to make David pay for what he had done.

“Is she okay?” Lionel asked Katie as he watched Gerard hold Daniella closer as more tears fell, he felt for her and wanted to ensure that the brunette was okay. Katie nodded softly before she turned her attention to Lionel who stared at her, shocked as their eyes met.

Lionel sniffed the air for a moment around Katie, who started to blush as she realised what had happened; Cesc had done the same thing when he had met Carla, the brunette brushed some hair from her face as she turned her attention back to the funeral.

This had been the first time that she had been close to Lionel since he had been turned into a vampire; however just looking at him now made her heart flutter.

“Focus Leo not here,” Katie said as she glanced at Daniella who was now wrapped in Gerard’s arms; it was clear that the rest of the Barcelona Coven had noticed what had happened between them.

Lionel licked his lips as he nodded, he knew that he would have to wait until the funeral was over and they were alone before he could make Katie as his mate.

However that didn't mean that he couldn't show her off, the Argentine wrapped his arm around her and brought her close in a comforting manner making Katie blush harder at his actions.


Daniella smiled sadly as people passed her by as they offered her their condolence after the service, a few glared at Rebecca who watched her eldest children from a far while David shifted nervously.

Gerard watched him for a moment before he pressed a kiss to his mate’s head and smiled at her gently.

“I’ll be right back,” Gerard said as he gently removed Daniella’s grasp on him, she chewed on her lip nervously as she stared at him confused before Pep and Cristina stole her attention, they were slowly taken over the role of the brunette’s parents since she didn't have any now.

“Do you need anything?” Cristina asked motherly making Daniella shake her head as she wiped her nose, her eyes ached from all the crying that she had done.

Katie and Lionel had disappeared after the service had ended, Gerard had informed Daniella what had happened and the brunette was happy for her friend.

“I’m fine Gracias,” Daniella said making Cristina nod as she ignored the jealous glare of Rebecca, who was watching from a far with Rosalyn; she didn't like how the other woman was treating her eldest daughter.

However before Cristina could ask something else, a man with dark brown hair approached Daniella and wrapped his arms around her; Pep stared at him worried, he knew Gerard wouldn’t take this kindly given his current mood. 

“Hola Dani, it’s so good to see you again,” the man said making Daniella smile as she pulled away from him lightly, she hadn’t expected him to make it since he had been in Australia when she had last spoken to him.

“Hola uncle Rob… what are you doing here?” Daniella asked making Pep sigh relieved, he knew that Gerard had become very protective of his mate since her father died.

Robert La Rosa smiled at his niece before he glared at his sister, who was stood away from her family; he couldn't believe that she had walked out on Keith when she had.

“I came as soon as I could… your Padre was an amazing man that deserved better than my sister,” Robert said making Daniella nod as she offered him a weak smile; she loved her uncle Rob and she knew that he always looked out for the people he cared about.

Daniella knew that she was going to have to stand on her own two feet from now on, she didn't have a father to look after her anymore and she would never forgive her mother for that.

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