Chapter Twenty-Four: Can't Fight This Feeling

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Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Daniella lay quietly in bed as she slowly awoke; the brunette didn't have to look to know that Gerard was watching her concerned about the little sleep that she’d had.

“Mañana,” Gerard said gently as he moved to kiss his mate as she stretched her aching limbs, it had been two weeks since her father’s funeral and it was clear that Daniella was slowly recovering from what had happened.

“Mañana… did you go and hunt last night?” Daniella asked knowing that the vampire hadn’t hunted since before her father’s death; it worried her that he was suffering because he was looking after her.

The couple had been together for just over two months now and Daniella was slowly growing used to things between them again.

Gerard sighed as he tried to avoid the subject, he knew that Daniella didn't approve on him skipping out on his hunting so that he could care for her; it would only cause more harm in the long run.

“Gerard… we’ve talked about this,” Daniella said softly as she pushed herself into the sitting position and looked at Gerard who wasn’t happy that they were again talking about this.

“I’ve just lost my padre… I can’t lose you as well,” Daniella said as tears filled her eyes, Gerard stared at her heartbreakingly as he nodded; he knew that she was in a delicate place at that moment and it was the reason that he hadn’t been hunting, he wanted to be there for her.

“I promise… I’ll go tonight,” Gerard said gently as he pressed a kiss to her lips before he stepped away from her and headed for his kitchen, so that he could prepare breakfast for them.

Daniella watched him leave, she was wearing a blue Palm Beach top and white shorts for bed; the brunette had opted for a more comfortable option while she was a sleep, even if her friends had begged her to try lingerie now that she was living with Gerard.

Carefully climbing out of bed, Daniella headed for the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash before she joined Gerard in the kitchen; ever since she had moved in with Gerard, Daniella couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering him.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Daniella ignored the thoughts that filled her head about why someone like Gerard would love her; she knew that she was being silly but it made her wonder why a vampire like him was interested in her.

Brushing a hand through her brown locks, Daniella sighed as she wiped away the sleep from her eyes knowing that Gerard would be waiting for her in the kitchen.

Since it was nearly the middle of November, the brunette couldn't help but curiously wonder what she should get Gerard for Christmas; she knew that there was no denying that he was here to stay.


“Maybe you should get him some sexy lingerie,” Carla said making Daniella roll her eyes at the vampiress, she regretted asking Katie for advice knowing that the other human would have mentioned it to the others.

Carla had been sent to keep an eye on the brunette while Gerard went hunting with Lionel; he hadn't wanted to leave her alone and had no choice but to agree when the brunette had refused to speak with him until he had gone hunting.

“Why is that your answer for everything?” Daniella asked making the vampiress roll her eyes as she looked at the brunette, she knew that Gerard was willing to take things slow with Daniella but that didn't mean that he didn't have needs.

The couple had been together for nine weeks and Carla was a little surprised that the brunette had been able to resist Gerard for so long, she remembered when she had found out that Cesc was her mate; she hadn't been able to keep his hands off him.

“Because it makes the most sense,” Carla said with ease, she smiled at Daniella who huffed before she lay back on the couch; she couldn't believe that she was asking them for advice about this.

“Come on Dani… you can’t say that you don’t have those feelings, I mean I’ve been with Leo for a week and I can’t keep my hands off him,” Katie said as she looked up from her laptop, she stared at the other woman with a raised eyebrow.

Daniella stared at her wondering why she had friends that were obsessed with sex; of course, it had crossed her mind when she was with Gerard but she knew better than to jump her boyfriend like that.

“Of course I’ve had the feelings, we just haven’t had sex yet,” Daniella said as she looked at the other two women, who stared at her as if she had just spoken gibberish to them; they didn't believe for a moment that the two had never had sex.

Carla looked at Katie, who shrugged before they both looked at Daniella as they slowly realised that she was being serious.

“He’s your mate, how can you not have sex with him?” Katie asked incredulously as she stared at Daniella, who blushed wanting to change the subject since she was uncomfortable with it but she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to happen at all and the two women had something planned.


Gerard furrowed his brow as he returned home from his hunt, he knew that something had happened while he had been gone but he wasn’t sure what it was; Carla grinned at him as she prepared to leave, hoping that he was ready for what she had planned for the male vampire.

“Daniella?” Gerard called softly after he had shown the vampiress out; he had a sinking feeling that she might have said something that she shouldn’t while she had been alone with his mate.

Daniella appeared and leaned against the doorway to the bedroom, she nibbled her lip nervously unsure about how she had let Carla and Katie talk her into this.

“How was your hunt?” Daniella asked making Gerard look at her relieved before his breath caught in his throat, he stared at his mate who seemed to be wearing nothing but his football jersey; he licked his lips taken back as he wondered what had gotten into her.

“It was fine,” Gerard said as his eyes darkened because of the intense emotions that he was feeling; he watched her for a moment wondering why she was dressed like that.

“Not that I don’t like what you’re doing, but why are you wearing my jersey?” Gerard asked as he carefully approached his girlfriend, he knew that this was something to do with Carla but he was curious about why she had agreed.

Daniella nibbled on her lip nervously as she looked at her boyfriend, she knew that this was going to be a little awkward and she had a feeling that she was going to regret allowing someone to talk her into this.

“I want you to make love to me,” Daniella said making Gerard stare at her taken back, he swallowed as he stared at her; he didn't know how to quite react to her words but he knew that there was no denying that he wanted this.

“You sure?” the vampire asked as he carefully reached for her, the brunette nodded her head nervously.

Daniella was grateful that Carla and Katie had told her what to expect when she became intimate with Gerard; she knew that he wasn’t going to be like any human lover that she’d ever had.

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