Chapter Nine: Meeting for the First Time

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Brushing some hair out of her brown eyes, Daniella sighed as she sat watching the first team for their match against Getafe; she glanced at Sandro who was watching her close as she sat next to him.

The brunette refrained from asking her boss why he continuously stared at her; not wanting to sound rude since it was only her second day as his personal assistant but it was slowly starting to grate on her nerves.

Daniella had decided to wear a navy cowl neck top and black printed jersey pencil skirt paired with black single sole sandals for work; she was trying to keep her wardrobe for work different from her usual causal wear but she had started to run out of clothes slightly.

“I have to speak with Guardiola… wait here,” Sandro told her as the training session came to an end, Daniella nodded as her boss turned and walked over to Pep who glared at him.

Crossing her arms as she waited by the tunnel, the brunette ignored the stares from some of the players as they passed her while Cesc and David perked slightly when they saw her.

The two of them grinned as they looked at Gerard, who stopped walking as a slight wind blew her scent straight to him; he smiled as he looked at the brunette.

The vampire took a deep breath before he slowly approached her leaving Cesc and David grinning as they headed for the locker room; they knew that Gerard wouldn’t want them hovering as he introduced himself to his mate.

“Hola I’m Gerard Piqué, I haven’t seen you around before,” Gerard said introducing himself making Daniella look at him, she felt an unfamiliar tug on her heart as she locked eyes with him causing her to swallow hard.

Daniella stared at him for a moment as her mind flashed to her strange dreams and she wondered why she had been dreaming about a footballer like Gerard for all of these years; she blinked as she realised that she hadn't replied.

“Daniella Franca… I’m Sandro’s new personal assistant, I started yesterday,” she replied making Gerard smile at the sound of her voice; to him it was like listening to the sound of an angel, he had never thought that he would hear it again.

Daniella shifted nervously wondering why someone like Gerard Piqué was talking to her; the brunette glanced over at Sandro, who appeared to be in a heated discussion with Pep, neither man seemed happy about something.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you… would you like to join us for lunch, it would be a great way for you to meet people here,” Gerard offered as he glanced back at Pep, who was distracting Sandro so that he could speak with Daniella; he knew that he owed his coven leader a lot for this chance.

The brunette stared at him wondering what she should do, Daniella couldn't remember the last time she had done anything like this and she wanted so much to say yes, however she had already made plans with Zoey and Victoria; she knew that her friends would be far from happy if she ditched them for the footballer.

“I would love to but I already made plans with my room-mates… rain-check?” Daniella said feeling guilty at the look at appeared on Gerard’s face as she declined, he offered her a weak smile as he nodded his head; he had been looking forward to spending more time with her.

The vampire offered her one last smile before he moved to head to the locker room, Daniella panicked as she watched him leave; she hated that she had disappointed and some small part of her screamed at her to stop him while she could.

“I’m free for dinner through,” Daniella blurted out before wanting to slap herself, she knew that someone like Gerard had to be dating some sort of model or singer; she felt like slamming her head into the wall as she realised that she had just asked him out.

Gerard stopped walking and looked at her, the brunette blushed at her words as she tried to think of something else to say; the vampire chuckled as he returned to her side, he liked that while she was Catharine in every sense she could still take him by surprise.

“I look forward to it… here’s my number call me,” Gerard said pleased that she had asked him out so he could see her again, even if it was clear that she had done so without thinking.

Daniella licked her lips and nodded as she tried to figure out what the hell she had been thinking, Gerard offered her one last smile before he walked away leaving her alone.

Standing there for a moment, Daniella couldn’t stop the small smile that appeared on her face as she watched him leave until she heard Sandro call out to her making the brunette jump in surprise.

“We have things to do,” Sandro hissed as Pep offered the brunette a smile as Sandro stormed past her, she watched her new boss confused as he passed her; she looked at him confused wondering what had upset him.

“It’s nice to see you again Daniella,” Pep said as he nodded at the brunette as he walked past her; the brunette looked at him and nodded as she quickly walked after her boss wondering what had happened. Pep smiled at Gerard as the footballer leant against the wall watching Daniella leave.

“So what happened?” Pep asked him making the younger vampire smirk as he turned to face his coven leader; they both knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. Pep raised an eyebrow at him as Gerard ran a hand through his hair.

“She asked me to dinner,” Gerard revealed making Pep chuckle and shake his head; he hadn't seen Gerard this happy in centuries and he was glad that his first fledgling was finally starting to recover from what had happened.

It was clear to him that whatever the connection was between Catharine and Daniella, it was strong enough to fight with death itself to come back to be with Gerard.

“And you agreed?” Pep asked as the two vampires started back towards the locker room, Gerard nodded his head as he thought of Daniella; he wasn’t going to just let her go after such an interesting meeting.


Stepping into her office, Daniella leant against her door and banged her head against it wondering what she had been thinking; she had asked Gerard Piqué to have dinner with her.

“What the hell was I thinking?” Daniella murmured as she ran a hand through her hair, she had asked a famous footballer to go out with her because of a stupid feeling that she had and the fact that she’d been dreaming about him.

“I should call him and cancel,” Daniella said as she pulled out her mobile, she bit her lip as she stared at the piece of paper that Gerard had given her with his number; she groaned as she realised that she couldn't bring herself to cancel the date.

Sitting at her desk, the brunette frowned as she thought about what she was going to do; she knew that it wouldn’t get further than a first date but that didn't mean that Daniella didn't want to try.

“What the hell am I going to wear?” the brunette said as she thought about her wardrobe, she would have to dress up for the date and she suddenly wasn’t sure if she had anything nice enough to go on a date with a footballer.

Daniella turned her attention to her mobile as she dialled her friends’ number knowing that she would need their help.

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