Chapter Thirty-Five: The First Break

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Daniella rubbed her ever expanding stomach, she was twelve weeks pregnant and over half way through her vampire pregnancy; the brunette could feel her baby’s movements getting stronger and she knew that it worried Gerard.

“Are you okay?” Gerard asked as he looked at his mate, he worried what would happen when it was strong enough to hurt Daniella; he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy for either of them.

“I’m fine,” Daniella said as she smiled softly at Gerard, she didn’t want to worry him anymore than she needed to but she had a feeling that today was going to be difficult.

Gerard watched her in disbelief, he didn’t believe her for a moment and he knew that she was hiding something; he carefully moved to her side before he took her cold hands in his warm ones.

“Dani por favor,” Gerard said softly, his eyes pleading knowing that there was something wrong and that she was keeping it quiet from him; he carefully moved to be closer to her, however Daniella let out a yelp of pain making him look at her worried.

Daniella pulled away from Gerard and clutched at her ribs, she hissed in pain as she pulled her gaze from his and bit at her lip; she knew that she shouldn’t be surprised that this had happened but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

“What happened?” Gerard said as he carefully pulled her hands away and checked her side, he licked his lips as he tried to check her over; he could see that she was hurting and it worried him. Daniella took a carefully breath as she looked at her fiancé.

“I think my ribs just broke,” the brunette said making Gerard cursed as he pulled away from her and moved to call Cristina so that she could come and check on the brunette.


“You’re in luck, they’re just fractured,” Cristina said as she finished taping up the Daniella’s side, she knew that she was going to have to cope with this for another eight weeks until the baby was born.

Gerard crossed his arms as he watched Cristina with his mate, he had hoped that this part wouldn’t come so soon and that Daniella wouldn’t have to suffer while she was carrying his child; he knew that it was only going to get more difficult from here on out.

“I want you to take it easy for a few days,” Cristina said as she smiled softly at the brunette, she watched her closely; she knew that this was hard on the couple but she had a feeling that this was going to get a little difficult as the baby got stronger.

Gerard sighed as he carefully moved further into the room, he wasn’t pleased that Daniella’s ribs had been fractured; he sat down next to his mate as he watched her cautiously.

“Is there anything that I can do?” Gerard said feeling horrible that he was putting Daniella through this, he had never wanted this for her while she was still half-human and now his child was breaking her bones, he wasn’t sure what to think anymore.

Cristina smiled at him knowing that this was hard for Gerard, she had no doubts that he was blaming himself for the fact that the baby had injured Daniella even if it was an accident.

“You are doing wonderfully Gerard, just make sure that she slowly starts to up her blood intake,” Cristina said as she comforted him the best that she could as she carefully packed away the medical kit that she had brought with her; the vampire nodded his head as he glanced at Daniella.

“I’ll show you out,” Gerard said as he got to his feet and prepared to show Cristina out, he couldn’t bring himself to look at Daniella as he led the vampiress out of the living room and to the front door.

Cristina sighed as she looked at Gerard knowing that he was upset and hurt that he couldn’t protect Daniella right now, she had a feeling that this was going to get harder for him as the pregnancy went on.

“It’ll be okay Gerard,” Cristina said as she smiled at him once they were away from Daniella, she knew that he wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to the brunette; she could see that he loved her no matter what.

“I know… I just worry about her, I don’t know what I will do if she doesn’t survive the birth,” Gerard said softly as he looked back to where Daniella was sat, he wasn’t sure what he would do if she didn’t survive the labour; she was important to him and he knew he couldn’t raise their child if it killed her.

“She’s stronger than she looks Gerard, she’ll be okay,” Cristina said as she tried to ease his mind, she knew that this going to get messy and she hoped that the brunette would pull through.


Amelia glared at Afron as she walked alongside Caius into the court room, she could hear the whispers that filled the room as people stared at the two; she knew that many people were shocked to see the two of them again.

Afron carefully got to his feet as he stared at the two vampires, he knew that this wasn’t going to end well if they knew what he had attempted to do to their daughter; he glanced at his mate, who refused to meet his gaze as she bowed.

“Creator,” Gabriella whispered knowing that this wasn’t going to end well, she knew that her husband had gotten them into a trouble and now they were going to have to deal with the consequences; she looked at Amelia seeing the fury burning in her eyes.

“You know why we are here Afron,” Caius said as he stopped in front of his old friend, he had so many questions about why Afron had again tried to kill their only daughter.

“I do,” Afron said as he glanced between Viktor and Liliana, he knew that there was going to be consequences for what he had tried to do and he wasn’t sure if he would forgive his friend once he took his revenge.

“You murdered our daughter in cold blood two hundred years ago and when she reincarnated you have tried to kill her again, you know the price of your actions,” Caius said coldly as he looked between Viktor and Liliana as they looked at their father confused.

Gabriella stared horrified as she realised why the couple were here; she nibbled on her lip a she tried to think of a way to appease them.

“Surely we can come to some sort of agreement,” Afron said wondering how he could smooth this over, he had done it before and he knew that while his friend was angry there was no way that he would actually kill one of his children; he stepped towards Caius hoping to reason with him.

“I am afraid not,” Caius said coldly as he looked between Viktor and Liliana as they wondered what was going on, it was clear that this wasn’t going to end well for one of them. Gabriella blinked as she realised that she knew how this was going to end, she carefully moved to stand next to her husband knowing that there was nothing they could do now.

“Heed my words… anyone who attacks my daughter or her family will suffer the consequences,” Caius said as he turned to face the crowd that had gathered, he knew that things were going to have to change here and he knew what he was going to do to make sure that there were no more threats against his daughter or her unborn child.

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