Chapter Twenty-Two: A Family Falling Apart

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Daniella stared at her father as he lay unconscious in his hospital bed, the brunette was grateful for all that Gerard had done for her in the week since her father had been attacked.

The vampire had called the best doctor in Barcelona, to come and look after his mate’s father but so far things weren’t looking good.

Daniella gently took her father’s hand as she watched him, her eyes filling with tears as she thought about the past week; her brother Jonathon was furious when he learnt that Rebecca had left Barcelona to return to go back to Valencia with David and that she had taken Rosalyn with her.

Daniella knew that if her mother was David’s mate then there wasn’t anything in the world that would keep her with Keith; the brunette didn't have it in her anymore to deny Gerard as her own mate.

“Dani,” Gerard said softly as he walked into the hospital room, he knew that her father’s condition was worsening and that she felt guilty that there wasn’t any way to save him.

The brunette offered him a weak smile as she turned her attention to him, she felt physically drained right now and things only seemed to be getting worse.

Sandro had taken the opportunity to fire her because she had taken some time off, while her family was falling apart.

“I’m fine,” Daniella said making Gerard nod as he moved towards her and kissed her softly, he didn't know what he would do without her and hated that there wasn’t anything that he could do for help right now.

Gerard had even considered changing Keith so that Daniella wouldn’t lose her father but after speaking with the doctor; Gerard was disappointed to learn that since David had attacked him, he was the only one who could save him.

David had laughed when Gerard had called him and asked him to save Keith, the vampire refused on the notion that if Keith was turned, he would learn the truth about Rebecca’s affair and may become a danger to his now estranged wife.

“I have to go to training… but Katie’s here if you need anything,” Gerard said making Daniella nod as the Sports Journalist offered the brunette a smile as she entered the hospital room.

Katie had felt sorry for Daniella when Cesc and Carla had told her about what had happened to her father and how the brunette’s family was slowly falling apart; so she had offered to spend time with her while Gerard and the boys were at training.


“So how are things between you and Gerard?” Katie asked softly as she watched the brunette who had been watching her father until the other brunette had spoken.

Katie smiled as she watched a dreamy look appear on Daniella’s face as she thought about her vampire before she spoke.

“Better… he’s been wonderful after everything that has happened,” Daniella said making Katie nod as she looked over at Keith Franca; she knew that the other brunette had had a rough week and was now living with Gerard since she had lost her job.

The two were silent for a moment as they listened to the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor before Jonathon Franca stormed into the hospital room, his girlfriend following quickly after him.

“How could you do that? How could you tell Madre that she could leave with him?” Jonathon demanded making Daniella lick her lips as she stared at her brother; she couldn't believe that her mother had ratted her out to him.

Ronny offered Daniella a small smile as she tried to calm Jonathon, however he wasn’t listening to a word that his girlfriend said.

“Katie could you give us a moment,” Daniella said making the sports journalist frown before Daniella nodded at her; Katie quietly left the room with every intention of calling Gerard back once she outside to tell him that he was needed.

Daniella sighed as she wrapped her arms around herself for a moment as she stood.

“I told her to leave because Padre deserves better… he deserves to be married to someone that loves him,” Daniella said.

Jonathon stared at his sister in disbelief, he couldn't believe what she was saying; he knew deep down that she was right but he didn't want his family to fall apart like this and it was.

“Like you care… you haven’t been around for weeks since you got involved with that footballer,” Jonathon snapped making his sister flinch, Ronny frowned as she tried to stop her boyfriend before he said something regrettable and pushed his sister away for good and lost what little family he had left.

Before Daniella could defend herself, Keith’s heart monitor started to flat line making the two siblings stare at their father in horror as a doctor and nurse rushed into the room and started to attempt to resuscitate him.

Daniella, Jonathon and Ronny were ushered from the room as they started to defibrillate Keith.

Katie quickly moved to comfort Daniella, who had tears streaking down her face while Ronny hugged Jonathon as he stared lost at the hospital room door where his father was fighting for his life.


Gerard rushed into the hospital waiting room and frowned sadly as he spotted his broken mate; he looked at Katie gratefully, since she was sat next to her as she comforted Daniella.

“What happened?” Gerard asked softly as he approached his girlfriend while her older brother glared at him; however the vampire ignored him as he walked over to his girlfriend and pulled her gently into his arms.

“He flat lined… they’re trying to resuscitate him,” Katie said as Daniella tried to calm herself down now that she was in Gerard’s arms.

However the moment the doctor walked into the waiting room, Gerard knew that he held nothing but bad news; the vampire held his mate close to him.

“Are you the family of Keith Franca?” the doctor asked making Daniella look at him while Jonathon nodded; his girlfriend wrapping her arms around him as the doctor looked at them sadly.

“I’m sorry to say that we were unsuccessful at resuscitating him… he passed away,” the doctor said making Daniella’s legs weak, if Gerard hadn’t been holding on to her then she would have collapsed.

Jonathon stared at the doctor shocked as he collapsed into a chair; the siblings didn't say anything as the news started to sink in that they had lost their father.

Daniella buried her head into Gerard’s shoulder as she cried softly as he tried to comfort her, Katie patted her friend on the back; she knew that the brunette would need Gerard more than ever now.

“I’m so sorry,” Gerard murmured softly as Daniella sobbed into his arms, she couldn't believe that she had lost her father; she felt like a horrible daughter, that she should have been there for him.

“It’s not your fault Dani… David will pay for this,” Gerard said making the brunette rest her head against his neck; she could feel her brother’s eyes watching her with Gerard but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Gerard closed his blue eyes as he continued to comfort her, the next week was going to be even harder for her and she would need him more than ever.

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