Chapter Five: Sagrada Família

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Brushing her brown hair from her eyes, Daniella sighed as she felt the warm summer sun against her face; she smiled softly as she glanced at Victoria, as they waited for the tour of the Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família.

Daniella was wearing a yellow ruffle neck jersey T-shirt and white tie waist poplin shorts paired with white patent sling back wedges since it was still very warm.

“I can’t believe that you managed to get us onto this tour,” Zoey gushed as she looked at Victoria excitedly through her sunglasses, Daniella looked over at the tour guide who was doing a head count.

“My new boss didn't want to come so he gave me the tickets... it’s meant to be completely exclusive,” Victoria revealed with a grin as the tour guide called the group together; the three friends quickly moved to gather with the rest of their tour group.

He looked over the people before smiling as he quickly did a head count of the group so that he was sure that they had everyone.

“Welcome to the Sagrada Família private tour, I am Luis and I will be your tour guide today,” the tour guide said before he started to lead them into the Sagrada Família.

Daniella swallowed as she felt a chill creep up her spine as she walked into the church, she didn't know what it was but since she had learnt that there was someone buried here, she couldn’t get the feeling that she was missing something out of her head.

Luis started to lead the tour into the Sagrada Família; Daniella licked her lips as Victoria linked her arm and led her inside.

“The Sagrada Família started construction in 1882… and Antoni Gaudí joined the project a year later, the church is meant to be a monument in memory of a Catalan nobleman’s lover who was executed for loving him,” Luis said as he started as they walked through the church.

Daniella bit her lip as she felt a headache coming on making her blink a couple of times, Victoria looked at her concerned.

“Headache,” Daniella said softly making the dark haired woman nod understandingly as Luis continued to talk.

“Gaudí devoted his last years to this project, and at the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project had been completed. Sagrada Família's construction is progressing slowly, as it relies on private donations and was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War… only to resume intermittent progress in the 1950s,” Luis said as he showed them around the church, Daniella tried to ignore the headache as she looked around the church.

“Construction passed the midpoint in 2010 with some of the project's greatest challenges remaining and an anticipated completion date of 2026… the centennial of Gaudí's death. The basílica has a long history of dividing the citizens of Barcelona… over the initial possibility it might compete with Barcelona's cathedral, over Gaudí's design itself, over the possibility that work after Gaudí's death disregarded his design, and the recent possibility that an underground tunnel of Spain's high-speed train could disturb its stability,” Luis said as he showed them to the entrance to the crypt.

Everyone looked down at it with interest as Daniella suddenly felt dizzy; taking a deep breath she closed her eyes for a moment to try and ease her headache.

“Down below there is the crypt with notable buries including Antoni Gaudí and the unknown woman,” Luis said making everyone look at him; he smiled knowing that he had peaked their interest.

Daniella looked at the crypt which seemed to call to her before Victoria nudged her; the brunette flashed her, a smile before listening to what Luis had to say.

“The unknown woman is the lover of the nobleman who commissioned the build, it is unknown who she was and her name is forever lost to history. It is also unknown what happened to the nobleman… many have claimed that he killed himself and that his ghost hunts this very crypt to protect his lover,” Luis said seriously before he chuckled and shook his head.

Daniella looked at him as she took in what was being said, she licked her lips as she glanced at the crypt one last time before the tour moved on to continue through the Sagrada Família.


Gerard sighed as he slipped into the Sagrada Família, it had been a while since he had last been in the church and had seen her.

The vampire was careful as he moved towards the crypt where Catharine was buried, his eyes focusing on a private tour group that had stopped to talk about the crypt.

His tired blue eyes scanned over the group quickly as he stood into the shadows waiting for them to leave, he had come to the church straight after he had finished training.

Gerard watched as the tour guide led them away from the crypt and out of sight, he moved from his spot and stiffened as a familiar scent hit his sensitive nose; he frowned confused before he shook his head.

He made his way to the crypt and slipped inside making sure that no one saw him; he licked his lips as he walked down the dark stairs away from the people above.

Gerard sighed as he walked towards the crypt that he wanted; he stood before the door and ran his fingers over the Latin inscription that he had asked Antoni Gaudí to put on for him when he had commissioned him for the build.

Carefully making sure that he didn't make a sound, he opened the door and stepped inside; his eyes focusing on the stone coffin of Catharine Bishop.

He moved towards the stone coffin, his eyes trailing over the length as he stopped in front of it and placed a hand on top of it.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t visited in a while,” Gerard said softly as he closed his eyes as he tried to imagine that she wasn’t buried inside this tomb; that she was with him now.

“Things have been hectic… plus the coven’s expanding, David and Patricia are having another baby while Cesc and Carla are back from England.” Gerard said as he thought about his coven mates that had been his family since Catharine’s death and he had left the Royal Family.

Gerard opened his eyes and looked at the coffin; he would do anything to hear her voice again, to hear her say that she loved him again.

“I miss you Catharine… I wish… I wish I could have saved you,” Gerard said guiltily, he closed his eyes as tears that he would never be able to shed filled his eyes; taking a deep breath, his ears perked as he listened for movement outside of the crypt.

“I have to go… but I promise to return to you soon,” he said knowing that if he was found here, then he would be in trouble. Gerard kissed the top of the statue that laid on top of the stone coffin, before he quickly and quietly left the crypt and headed back into the main part of the church.

“Oh My God… it’s Gerard Pique,” someone called as they spotted the Spaniard as he exited the church; he forced a smile as people surrounded him wanting his autograph.

Gerard politely signed some autographs before he headed down to his Audi A51 which was parked down the street.

He walked quickly knowing that the sooner he was at his home the better, Gerard loved playing football and his fans but he wanted to be able to grieve for Catharine alone. 

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