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mind if i plug my instagram real quick? @kennedymichelle18 dm me and tell me if you're from wattpad and i'll follow you back :)


shawn's pov:

"when she's with him she seems happier," i told my best friend mike.

"you should hear how she talks about you shawn." he said as he pulled out his drum sticks.

i shook my head, "not in the way she talks about scott." my blood ran cold just saying his name.

"just tell her how you feel." mike said before starting a small beat on the drums in front of him. i sighed and put my head in my hands. what if she felt the same way? i have to know.


the smell of freshly cut flowers lingered through the small flower shop.

"hi," an older woman with gray short hair quit cutting a red rose and looked up at me, "how may i help you?"

"um," i rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "i kind of need a little help." i said laughing nervously.

she smiled a warm smile, "are they for a girlfriend?"

"well," i looked around at the different types of bouquets, "they are for someone that i hope will be my girlfriend."

her face lit up with an idea, "i have just the ones for you." she said walking to the back for a second. she came back with the prettiest bouquet, and i knew that they were perfect. i paid for the flowers and made my way to the door.

when my hand met the door handle she said, "hope all goes well, good luck."

i smiled at her and said, "thank you." i walked out onto the busy sidewalk and dug for my phone in my pocket. my thumb scrolled through my contacts until I landed on hers.


the phone rang three times until her angelic voice filled my ears. 


"hey, are you busy?" I asked her. 

"No, why?" She asked sounding a little confused. 

"Can you meet me at the old hangout?" I asked causing my palms to get clammy. 

"of course, i'll be there around 6." She said. I looked down at the watch on my hand. It was perfect timing. 

"okay, see you then." I said smiling a little.  we said our goodbyes and hung up. I sat the bouquet down in the passenger seat and headed to the hang out spot. 

Catherine's pov: 

 "why did you break up with him?" my roommate  asked me looking at me as if I had just killed someone. 

"I lost feelings," I shrugged as I curled my hair. 

"is there someone else?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I just smiled a little as I curled the last piece of hair. 

"oh my god, there is." She said shocked, "Who?!" She asked becoming  excited. 

"Don't freak out okay?" I asked. She nodded and bit her lip to try to contain her excitement. 

Just as I was about to tell her who the new boy was, my phone started to ring. I picked it up and answered the call. I  smiled when I heard his voice. 

I told Shawn that I would meet him at our old hangout that we always go to since we were 10. 

"Hey Leigh, I'll be back." I told her standing up and grabbing my car keys. 

"Are you going to meet the new boy?" She asked with a giddy smile. I rolled my eyes with a small smile and walked out of the apartment we share. 

I parked beside shawn's jeep and walked to the tree house. It wasn't that far from where we parked. I climbed up  the steps and walked into the tree house to see shawn standing in the middle with a bouquet of beautiful red roses. 

"I know that you are with Scott, but I got you these roses and I need to know if you'll let it die or let it grow." He said his eyes staring deeply into mine. I stepped closer to him and took the roses  from his hands. I looked up from the boquet to meet his eyes. 

"I broke up with Scott." I said softly. "I realized that the one I wanted to be with was right in front of me the whole time, so Shawn I will let it grow." I said before crashing my lips onto his. His hands cupped my cheeks as our mouths moved in-sync. 

hope you liked it :) 

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