Annual Chamption Challenge (SammyxJack)

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Hey hey y'all! I hope you guys remember who is Sammy, all the way from Season 2, Ep 1. Okay, as some of you might know, Sammy is a girl. But some people, thought she was actually a boy. Well, this is a fictional world! :) She can be either!

So I decided to write a Oneshot about Sammy and Jack, who I totally ship together because... well. They're cute together :D So if you don't ship them as boyxboy, just think of Sammy as a girl I guess. I dunno how that will work, but seriously. I guess I should probably write a straight Oneshot sometime soon. Because. TWO GAY SHIPS IN A ROW? WOW!

And, this is like, an Alternate Universe thing I guess. Romeo is good, Sammy is still alive and.. well, read on. But this is meant to be a fun chapter so... *put away your tissue boxes* 😅

Anyway. Enjoy :) (AidenTheAuthor , this is for you fam filet. Because heck, you started this)

Jack's PoV

"Welcome to the annual Champion Challenge!" Romeo waved an arm at everyone in the crowd as he stood on the stage. Jack turned to Sammy, who was hopping up and down excitedly. "I cant wait for the games to start, it's so thrilling!"

Jack sighed. "Yeah Sammy. You couldn't stop pestering me for days- no, weeks!" Sammy looked at Jack and grinned, his blue eyes gleaming brightly as he continued to hop up and down.

"-have to do a series of challenges to prove yourself worthy!" Romeo was saying as he gestured to the obstacle course behind him. "The first team who reaches the top, wins a chestful of diamonds, and many other fabulous prizes!"

Xara shoved him away from the microphone, smirking. "And those who die, will have to respawn back at the terminal, where Hadrian is. But unfortunately, if you die, you're considered disqualified!"

"This course was made by the most brilliant of minds, like Ellegaard for the redstone contraptions and Magnus for those sneaky explosions hidden all around the course!" Fred announced.
"And another reminder, this challenge is not meant for the faint hearted, so keep your eyes peeled and ears open, everyone!"

Romeo grinned. "So those who would like to take part, please head over to the booth over at the front to sign up."
There was a huge crowd of people who rushed up to the booth, wanting to participate.

Sammy grinned, elbowing Jack. "We're so going to win this. I mean, look at the course! It looks like a piece of cake." he scoffed.

Both of them looked at the course, which consisted of balancing beams, a lava pit the had to parkour over and even a mini arena where they had to fight various monsters. Jack narrowed his eyes and noticed that the course ran almost all the way around the entire town. Which meant that this course was massive.

"Hmm.." Jack looked at the crowd, which was packed with people. "Hey guys." a familiar green eyed boy waved at them. Beside him, was a redhead, who was filling up a form for the challenge.

"Hey yourself." Sammy greeted him, starting to hop up and down again.

"You think you're ready for the challenges?" Jack asked. Jesse shrugged. "Petra's been dying to try it out ever since Romeo announced it. So she dragged me along."

Sammy grinned and slung an arm around Jack's shoulders, his quiver of arrows accidentally hitting him. "Whoops. Sorry." he giggled as Jack smirked at the clumsy boy. "It's the same with him. He's been dying to try it too. It's all he ever talks about." Jack said to Jesse.

"Hey boys." Petra stood beside Jack and gave Sammy a pat on the head. "So you think you can beat us?" she challenged, but Jack could tell that she was kidding. He hoped. Jack rolled his eyes. "Maybe."

"I've checked out the competition. We have Olivia and Axel as a pair, Lukas and Aiden. Maya and Gill. So far."

"Romeo did say that he'd only allow five teams. And he's going to pick them out randomly."

Sammy squeezed his eyes shut and crossed his fingers. "I hope Jack and I get in."

"Dudes, you haven't even started filling the form yet." Jesse laughed, handing Jack the slip of paper. "Oh."

(After a few minutes of bickering between Jack and Sammy)

"Finally." Jack turned in the paper to Xara, who was collecting the stacks of forms.

"The five lucky winners will be announced tomorrow, so please gather in the town square for any updates! Thank you and have a good night!" she waved and hopped off the stage.

Jack and Sammy high fived. "Aw yeah!" Sammy cheered. "I'm craving pumpkin pie. Are you craving pumpkin pie?" he asked. Jack smiled. Sammy was always very hyper and would sometimes ask random questions. But hey, Jack loved Sammy a lot. They were a good team together.

And now... Jack followed Sammy as the boy skipped towards Stampy and Stacy's bakery, talking all the time. All they had to do was win the challenge.

-End of Part 1

(Who do you think are the teams?) :) And seriously, this universe sounds fun. 😹 An annual Champion Challenge? Sign me up! Part 2 will be up soon don't worry 💕

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