The Medical Deal (The Last of Us & MCSM)

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Suggested by: FanfictionalWarrior and McsmJesstra (This is kinda weird because Ellie is my nickname. 😹 But oh well, thanks)

Petra's PoV

"I think we should be safe in here." Petra said quickly as she shut the door quietly. There was a silence as the group tried to catch their breath.

"But.. wh-where are we?" Jesse flicked his torchlight on and casted it around. "It looks kinda empty." Lukas said, gripping his bow tightly. "But stay alert guys."

Suddenly, there was a loud crash, making the three of them jump. They turned around to see Ivor, shaking his foot to let some pieces of glass to fall to the ground. "Sorry," he held up his hands timidly, "Just got my foot stuck there."

"Ivor." Lukas sighed, "You nearly scared the crap out of all of us."

Ivor placed his hands on his hips. "Oh yeah, why not you look around? That'll draw your attention away."

Petra looked up and felt her jaw drop. There were dead bodies, strung onto the ceiling and suspended by thin metal wires. "Wh-who did this?" she asked as Jesse jumped back, as if that would make the bodies move further away from him.

"The question is why." Ivor said, prodding his foot against a dead body lying on the hard wooden floor.

Petra looked around and saw Jesse wincing, holding his arm. "What happened?" she asked immediately, taking his arm. Jesse didn't even protest as she turned his arm around. There was a long slash from where he had climbed through a window last time, and a lot of bruising.

"We have to get you a first aid-."

Suddenly, there was another loud crash, making Petra and the others draw their weapons and aim it at the sound.

"Hold it." Jesse held up his good hand as a rather tall man and a girl emerged from a door they had thought was broken. There was silence as the two parties regarded each other warily. "Who are you?" Petra and the girl asked at the same time.

Jesse looked back and forth at the two of them. "Uh... we should be asking you first. You're the one who barged in this." he said as the girl glared at him, holding a knife up high.

"Easy, Ellie." the man said, "They're just teenagers like you."

"Like those teenagers who tried to rob us?" the girl, who Petra assumed was Ellie, scoffed. "I say we kill them and get going!"

"No! Don't kill us! Look," Lukas said, raising his hands. "We're not going to hurt each other, okay? I'm Lukas, and this is Jesse, Petra and Ivor." he gestured to each of his friends in turn.

Ellie narrowed her eyes, a strand of her hair falling in front of her face. "Well, I'm Joel, and this is Ellie. We're just passing through." the man said, gesturing to the wooden door Petra and the others had slammed shut. Petra shook her head, not loosening her grip on her dagger. "You can't go there. It's full of those infected people."

"Great." Joel muttered. Ellie just looked at Petra cynically, "You're the leader, huh?" she asked.

Petra raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. So what?"

Ellie didn't say anything at first, she just smirked. "Well I'm glad a girl is the one in charge. Because men are idiots sometimes. Not you, Joel." Ellie added as soon as Joel looked at her. "I meant, other stupid men."

"Hey! Who are you calling-." Lukas started to say when there was a loud gunshot, followed by a screech of an Infected. "Fireflies?" Ellie asked Joel, who shook his head. "Can't tell for sure."

Joel and Ellie started to head for the door but Ivor shook his head. "You're willing to go through those mobs of Infected? There has to be at least ten of them!"

Ellie paled a little, gripping the hilt of her dagger. "Joel, maybe we should take another route." she said tentatively but Petra shook her head this time. "Why not we help you? The more the merrier. I mean us, not those goddamn Infected."

Joel and Ellie looked at each other. "What's in for you?" Ellie asked, narrowing her eyes at Petra as she ignored her friends's protests. "Medicine." she nodded to a first aid kit strapped to the back of Joel's bag.

"My friend really needs medical help," Petra gestured to Jesse, who was still gripping his wound gently.

"But if he's infected, we can't do anything much for him, you know that?" Joel said, his hand on the door. Jesse paled, "I'm not infected!" he protested.

"Joel... we can help them, they can help us." Ellie reasoned with him.

Petra had to wonder why did she and Ellie sound so similar... it was something she had to think about later anyway. After some arguing between Joel and Ellie, the older man sighed.

"Fine. In exchange for their help, we'll give them the medication."

"Medicine first." Petra held out a hand. She resisted the urge to just take the pack and run but she knew double crossing these two strangers would be a very very bad idea. Joel reluctantly handed her a roll of bandage, a bottle of pain pills and a couple of band aids.

"That's all I have to spare, sorry." Joel said, placing everything else back in his bag. Petra nodded as she handed these medical supplies to Jesse and Ivor, who immediately started to treat his wounds. "Now will you help us?" Ellie asked, folding her arms.

"Well," Petra shot back, "We keep our promises." she held out a dagger and a pistol.

"So let's go and kill these Infected."


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