Ready, Set, Go! (PetraxAiden)

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Uncommon ship, but hey! Every ship deserves a chance, right? This was suggested by me best fam filet, AidenTheAuthor  ay ay

Petra's PoV

She stood by the road, frustrated with Jesse. He was late again... for the fifth time that week. She sighed, mindlessly kicking a stone which was just by her shoe. If he didn't show up in the next five minutes, she was going to leave. And probably break up with that green eyed goon.

He was probably hanging out with another girl. Petra folded her arms and got angrier every time she thought about it. She wasted an hour just by getting ready and walking all the way here, outside the mall.

She watched as a group of people walked past her, heading towards the park. They were obviously people she knew from school and even hung around them for awhile. But ever since Jesse had asked Petra out, she left the group.

Petra turned away from the group the moment she accidentally made eye contact with a familiar lime eyed boy.

Aiden Mercer.

He was one of the popular kids, whom Petra actually respected. Although Petra didn't believe it, she knew that Aiden caused trouble wherever he went and often got people into problems. But he seemed nice and generally patient with everyone.

He always hung out with Lukas, Maya and Gill, who had named themselves the Ocelots. A rather timid name, in Petra's opinion but nevertheless, people knew and respected the group as they helped everyone they could.

Petra prayed that Aiden and his friends wouldn't approach her- "Hey Petra." Lukas said, waving at her. She sighed and plastered a smile on her face. "Hey Lukas... long time no see," she said.

Lukas smiled. "Yeah... but what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to hang out with that other boy? Jesse, right?"

Petra frowned. "Yeah, he's supposed to be here but he didn't t show up even though it's been an hour and a half."

"Maybe he ditched you... girl, you have to find yourself a new boy." Maya said to her. Petra smiled a little.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind but I'm gonna wait here till Jesse shows up."

"Bummer. You're a loyal one.." Maya said. "But I guess that's good."

"Hmm... well, if you want, you can follow us, we're heading to the park to skate." Aiden spoke up quietly, catching Petra's attention. Lukas nodded. "Yeah, what Aiden said. So if you get tired of waiting, come join us."

Petra smiled tiredly. "Okay... see you." she held up a hand to wave.

The group left her, but Aiden kept looking at Petra worriedly. "I'll be fine." she mouthed to him. After awhile, he just shrugged and ran to catch up with his friends.

Petra sighed and looked around for a place to sit. Maybe this brick wall... she hopped up onto it and took out her phone. No messages... no calls. She frowned and texted Jesse.

Petra: Where are you?

She propped her elbow on the side of a railing and waited for him to text her back. After a good fifteen minutes, she turned on her phone to see a notification.

Petra: Where are you? [Read]

Well, he read her message but he didn't reply. Great. Petra rolled her eyes and slipped her phone in her pocket. Maybe she could go and meet Lukas and the others after all... she hopped off the wall and started to head to the park-

Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Petra gasped but the person covered her mouth. "Now don't move, or yell for help, dear. Or I'll kill you, understand?" the man said. Petra bit her lip and the man tied her up. He picked up her bag and started to steal her things.

Of all days. First she gets rejected by Jesse and now this. The man turned to her. "Where's all your money? Why don't you have any money? I'd hate to have robbed you for nothing, puny!" he said to her. Petra looked up at him calmly. "Well, it's a hot day so of course I'd buy a drink or something."

"Don't act smart with me! You must have something valuable in here! Now tell me or I'll-." but he never got the chance to finish his sentence when someone hit him over the head with a long wooden bat.

"You okay?" Aiden asked, dropping the bat and looking as if he had just went for a run. His whole face was red and he was struggling to catch his breath.

"Well, no. I'm tied up and currently in the process of being robbed." she said sarcastically. Aiden rolled his eyes.

"You're as sarcastic as ever, Petra. Now come on, he won't stay down for long."

"Um.. a little help then?" Petra held out her hands, which were roped. Aiden smirked and knelt beside her. He whipped out a penknife and swiftly cut her bonds, letting her rub her stinging wrists.

"Thanks..." she said awkwardly as Aiden looked down at the unconscious man. "Well, he should've seen that coming.. but I guess not since I was sneaking up behind him."

"Anyway, let's go. The others would probably wonder why the heck I'm taking so long just to buy some ice cream. But hey, I got distracted by a girl who nearly got kidnaped."

Petra scowled as she picked up her belongings. "Yeahhh it's my fault. I wanted to get kidnaped in the first place, Mercer."

Aiden grinned. "You still remember my name?"

"Well duh. I've been your friend for ages dummy." Petra replied, heading off to the park with Aiden walking beside her.


"What do you mean you can't skate?" Petra laughed at Aiden, who rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't. I've never tried."

Petra smirked at him as she drank her blueberry smoothie. "Then do you wanna try?" she asked him as they sat in the shade of a nearby tree. Aiden shrugged. "Nah, after all, I never liked skateboards. I like running though." he added hopefully.

"What? You want to race?" Petra asked, smirking at him.

Aiden blushed. "If you're fine with it.. besides, the others are busy and I'm bored."

Petra stood up, holding out a hand for him to take. Which he did.

"Race you to that tree!" she pointed to a tree which was in front of them. Aiden raised an eyebrow at her. "It's on, slowpoke." he said to her. "Yeah, wait till I beat you." Aiden laughed when she said that.

"Ready... set. Go!"


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