The Redstone Heart (5/5)

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(Two years later)

Lukas stood at the table, assembling a chip together. It was a rather delicate piece of machinery, since one wrong move could make it accidentally explode so he was deep in concentration. Outside, he could hear shouting and arguing, just the way he liked it.

He picked up the last piece of the Redstone Heart, the last final chip, and placed it in the middle of the sword. Now all he had to do, was to find a good blacksmith. Someone else to do his bidding. Lukas turned and snapped his fingers, and almost immediately, a girl walked into the room, looking up at PAMA.

"What can I do to assist you, PAMA?" Olivia asked in a robotic voice. Lukas smiled, holding out the sword. "Find someone to help me make this whole. That's your orders."

Olivia bowed, taking the sword. "Very well, I'll get back to you as soon as I can." with that, she walked off, holding the sword. Suddenly, Lukas gasped, one eye turning his normal blue, "Wh-what?" PAMA stuttered, holding his eye. "STOP IT!" it shouted to Lukas, who was still fighting for control.

"He'll continue fighting!" Radar shouted, his arms chained to the side of the wall as he watched PAMA struggle. PAMA glared at Radar, who immediately quieted down. With all its strength, PAMA took a deep breath, forcing Lukas to fade back again. "Stop fighting Lukas, you know you've given up. No one is coming to find you or free you. It's been two years!"

Lukas didn't reply, since he had fallen back into submission, making Radar sigh. "Don't give up Lukas," he whispered to himself as Lukas walked over to the balcony of the throne room, gazing out at the red dome which caged everyone in. "It's it beautiful? My own town! Full of useful people."

"Soon, I'll be able to make everyone in different dimensions useful. That'll be perfect. We'd have a world full of useful people doing what I want, exactly how I want it." PAMA laughed.

Suddenly the barrier seemed to glitch, making Lukas narrow his eyes. "PAMA," someone said from behind him. Lukas turned and saw Olivia, kneeling on the floor, a diamond sword in her hands and a glowing piece of the Redstone Heart in the middle. Lukas smiled, taking the sword from her hands.

"Thank you, Olivia. You've been a great help. Now would you like to help me more?" PAMA asked, a wicked grin on his face as he placed a hand on the chip at the back of Olivia's head. Pressing a button, Lukas let the chip drop onto the floor, freeing Olivia from PAMA's control.

Immediately, she fell to the ground, holding her head with one hand. "Weak." PAMA said, kicking her to the side, making her look up at Lukas weakly. "N-no.." she muttered as he looked at Radar, who was watching him with wide eyes. "NO YOU CANT-!" Radar gasped just as Lukas stabbed Olivia, the diamond sword gleaming a bright red.

Lukas smiled and without even bearing a hint of remorse, he pulled out the sword and stabbed Olivia again, this time in the heart and instantly killing her and making her evaporate into grey and red static. "Thank you for your services. You have been so useful. Now..." PAMA said, looking out the window as the dome around the entire town flickered even more.

"Let's see what this... disturbance is."


Jesse's PoV

"Ready?" Jesse asked, holding his sword with his left hand as he watched an army of controlled people moving closer and closer. His friends nodded, readying their weapons. Jesse gripped his sword.

He changed a lot, not just in his looks, but in his attitude. He was no longer the pushover, the one who was easy to beat. Now that he had learned the death of his three best friends, supposedly Lukas, Reuben and Petra, he had learned to not give up. They needed him to shut down this mess even if they were watching him from above.

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