Chapter 1

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"Don't worry everything will be set up once I get there. I have my plane ticket, my dorm information, and a new part-time job. You know better than anyone that school has never been a problem for me." You tell your mom as the two of you walk to the car.

"I know but how will you get around? You have no car and you don't know a single soul to show you the ropes." She says while keeping her eyes on the road, not sparing you a single glance.

"Do you have enough clothes? Money for the month? Food?" She means well, you're an only child after all.

"Mom, it would easier if you just say you'll miss me-" You pause, taking a deep breath looking down at your hands, "-because I'll miss you too,"

You look out the window watching the trees of the neighborhood you knew so well pass you by slowly disappearing as you head to the airport. You look down at your phone, many thoughts run through your head.

"JFK New York —> PUS Busan South Korea"

You can't deny the fact that you're scared because that is all you can feel at the moment. No friends, a new school in a different country, and a new life with no support system. At home making friends was hard...well with girls anyway. They always seemed to end up hating you before really getting to know you.

It's been like that your whole life, only being able to bond with boys sure they don't exactly know anything about being a girl but they are good company when needed.

"Honey?" Your mom says snapping you out of your thoughts. Looking around you realized you arrived at the airport. Looking over at her as she takes hold of your hand, her eyes water as she prepares herself to wish you luck and a safe flight.

"Don't look at me like that if you cry I'll cry too." You say as you watch her tears stained her cheeks.

Your mom is everything to you, more than you can explain. She's your whole world and the thought of leaving her to go back to an empty home breaks your heart.

"I'll be fine go find yourself or whatever you call it. Go live the life you've always dreamed of I'll always be here to support you hon." She says smiling as you wipe her tears away and give her a giant bear hug.

"I love you mom"

"No more than I love you, my dear, be safe." She breaks the hug, handing you your luggage ushering you to the door.

You soon start heading to the security area after checking in all your bags contemplating if you are really making the right choice.


14 hours later you land at Gimhae International airport. You collect your things and try to catch a cab heading to the dorms. By the time you arrive there, it's 11:30 pm, you open the door, putting the bags down. Only capable of talking out and pillow and a blanket from your trunk, you throw yourself onto the bed falling asleep almost immediately.

School starts in about a week and all of the things you needed had already arrived and had been waiting for you at your mailbox. The next morning you had decided to set up the room which you had all to yourself since your 'roommate' decided last minute to move in with her friends off-campus.

You didn't mind all that much seeing as you would rather be alone, plus this gives you more closet space, who would complain about that?

The rest of the day you walk around campus and get any supplies that were lost in the move. You also head over to the cafe to get your uniform for work in a couple of days. All you can hope for now is a smooth transition into school life here.

 All you can hope for now is a smooth transition into school life here

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Next time on 'Photographer'...

"Cute" You whisper to yourself. Your eyes widening and you smile sheepishly walking away from the beautiful man.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now