Chapter 37

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You never thought you would ever get to the point in your career as you are right now. Fresh off the runway and you feel this buzz coursing through your body and you can't be any happier. The show had finally ended and all the designers did one last walk through with their designs.

As soon as you get backstage you run up to Aria giving her a giant bear hug spinning around. If you weren't mistaken then the entire venue could hear the two of you squealing for joy as you jump up and down.

"ARIA We dID iT! Thank you so much, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

"I could say the same for you. We took a chance on everything and I just can't see myself doing anything else."

"Let's get back to Yoongi before he starts to complain that we left him alone for too long."

She nods and we finish up any business you had backstage and talk to Jacob about production and sales. It was decided that it would be discussed at a different time however things would be better if they were split up evenly.

You two left the event and went in search of Yoongi who was carrying three hot dogs. "Here I'm assuming neither of you had any food during the intermission correct?" You both nod eyeing the steaming hot food.

"Thank you Yoongi~"

"Yeah, thanks, babe. Let's start heading back to the hotel."

"Are we walking or..." You and Aria exchange glances, chuckling before looking back at a tired Yoongi. "No we've been standing up all night I think taking a cab is better."

He lets out a sigh of relief and you can't help but smile up at him, getting on your tippy-toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. You can see the pink on his cheeks as you walk away to hail a cab ignoring the face Aria made.

The three of you walk into the hotel around 2:30 am Friday morning drained. You expected the show to go late but the New York traffic is the sole reason you guys got to the hotel that late. All of a sudden Aria sprints off ahead of you and jumps onto someone who spins her around.

"Yoongs... i-is that Namjoon?"

"Ewww is that what we look like? All in love and shit."

"I hope not... they need to get a room damn- Aria!"

The two stop eating each other's faces long enough for Joon to put her down and walk over to you and Yoongi. Once they finally stop in front of you neither of them say anything nor does Yoongi. You look between the three of them and you sigh rolling your eyes.

"Hey, Joonie... whatcha doin' here?"

"Oh, I wanted to surprise you two on your achievement but even though I couldn't be there with you. They streamed it on multiple screens in Time Square so that's how I watched it."

You went in for the hug, thanking him for being here for both you and Aria. In the years after you and Yoongi broke up, the guys have been really supportive, handing out business cards, sending people to your website. Namjoon has even asked you to make something for him and next thing you know he's bragging about it being one of a kind.

"Taehyung and Hoseok hyung really wanted to come but they couldn't get off."

"But Taehyung has his own business couldn't he reschedule a few appointments?" Yoongi asks as the four of you head to the elevator.

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